Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1423 Make Another Plan

Chapter 1423 Make Another Plan
Aksum was defeated and forced to move to the southwest, even the capital city was abandoned.

The Qin army took advantage of the opportunity to establish several colonial castles, fortresses and commercial ports in Somalia, Djibouti, Adulis, and Aden.

The third battle for Yemen once again severely damaged the Great Food Army, and also shattered their ambition to expand eastward and completely bring the peninsula under its rule in one fell swoop. Daqin once again consolidated its stronghold in the Three Seas.

The south coast of the Red Sea, the west coast of the Arabian Sea, and the south coast of the Gulf of Oman, these important places guarding the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, all fell under the control of Daqin.

After the battle, Dashi compensated Daqin with [-] gold coins, which was considered an unwritten ceasefire agreement.

After that, the Great Food Army no longer wished to march eastward and retake the eastern part of the peninsula, but launched an attack on the Persian army in the north with all its strength, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

The great enemy of Persia is now, but they are still busy with internal strife. Five years and ten kings have been in chaos.

When Daqin and Rome saw that the Persians were about to finish their game, and the big cannibals were a little out of control, it was a little late to help Yi Sideng III come to power.

Because of the long-term civil strife and the fact that the Persians had seized many opportunities, the Persians' southern defense line had long been lost, so they fought and failed repeatedly.

So far, the capital has been defeated.

The fertile Meiya Budamia has completely fallen into the hands of Dashi, and even the part of Armenia owned by the Persians has been captured by Dashi. Now Persia has only one Persian plateau left in its hands.

But the Persian emperor also fled all the way to the east. Every time he landed on the ground, it didn't take long for the big food army to come and capture it. Now the king of kings, Yi Siqi, is completely the king of escape.

After the Battle of Nahavand, the only Azadan heavy armored knights that Persia still took out were also beaten to almost annihilation. These Azadan knights are known as the core of the Persian army.

The Azadans claim to be the descendants of the Armenian gods. They are small local nobles and cavalrymen. They own small fiefdoms and are equipped with heavy armor and heavy weapons. Persia's sworn enemy, the Romans, suffered greatly.

But now, these once great Azadan knights were ruthlessly harvested in front of the Arab cavalry, and they were defeated again and again. The Persian Azadan knights were almost lost, and even the entire knight class was destroyed. hit.

The Persian Sasanian Empire no longer has loyal guards and brave warriors. The remaining nobles and soldiers only know how to flee with the emperor.

The Persian Empire lost its capital, its frontiers, its emperor, and its central court.Governors and other officials in some places tried to mobilize troops to resist the invaders, but they lacked a strong central order and sufficient financial resources, not to mention that after repeated defeats, the military command system had long existed in name only, and even the only one that could count on The Azadan knights were also completely lost, and Persia was completely unable to resist the invasion of the Great Food.

The only thing they can do is to flee eastward and seek help from Qin and Rome.

It's not that Daqin hasn't helped Persia in recent years, it's not that he hasn't rescued them, but mud can't support the wall, and Daqin can't fight for them.

In the two Yemen wars, Daqin sent troops to defeat the Dashi coalition forces, and also helped the Persian army counterattack Dashi.

"Don't mention the Persians, Persia is finished."

Ping Zhangshi and Xu Shiji, Minister of the Ministry of War, said angrily.

Back then, when Dashi attacked from all directions, the imperial court and military actually discussed whether to send troops to intervene in an all-round way. In the end, the emperor made the decision and rejected the proposal to send troops to intervene in an all-round way.

There is no reason.

Although there is an alliance of three emperors, although the emperor has also proposed that the three families unite to strangle Arab paganism.But when Dashi took the first step to seize Mecca and quickly integrated the Arab tribes and families, the emperor had already adjusted his strategy.

The emperor intends to blockade the three countries and lock the Arabs on the peninsula, but it is a pity that the Persians and Romans are not strong enough.

The civil strife in Persia continued, but Rome was arrogant and arrogant. As a result, the big cannibals crossed the desert and attacked them. The [-] army was wiped out, and Syria was taken. This is a very fertile land. The big cannibals just robbed Syria. , just widened up.

Immediately afterwards, they seized Egypt and occupied the two rivers, and their strength expanded so fast that even if Daqin wanted to directly send troops to intervene, they could not keep up with their fast pace.

What's more, in comparison, the imperial court has countless battlefields in other places, no less important than the Arabian side.

If the Qin army wanted to intervene in an all-round way, it would have to mobilize at least a large army of more than 10 people, and to mobilize such a large army to go overseas tens of thousands of miles away, even if the emperor wanted to, the empire would be powerless.

In the third battle for Yemen, Li Shimin mobilized [-] troops. It took more than a year to mobilize. The armed merchant ships and mercenaries of the expedition fleet combined to form an army of [-].

Although the Qin army won the battle of Yemen, it was also a defensive counterattack, and it went deep into the heart of the peninsula, but it was already more than enough.

What the imperial court can do in the past few years is to borrow money from Persia and Rome, sell them more weapons, and conduct more trade with them, hoping that everyone will give money and knives, and then they will send troops to fight.

It's just a pity that the Persian mud couldn't support the wall, and they won many battles. The Romans were first defeated by Syria, then by Jerusalem, and finally the Egyptian battlefield was wiped out again.

In the end, even Asia Minor and Western Armenia were invaded by the Dashi army, and they were too busy to take care of themselves, so there was no room for a joint counterattack.

"Then are we going to watch Persian Sassanid die like this?"

Zhongshu Zuo Shilang and Pingzhang Chairman Sun Wuji asked helplessly.

Xu Shiji spread his hands, "We can maintain the colony of Sanhai and the enclave of Haizhong Road. It's not bad. Now these big cannibals are as fierce as taking medicine. They are like crazy. Our Daqin army Although they are all good, but after all, fighting tens of thousands of miles away, we are too restricted, and it is difficult to display our strength."

Another prime minister, Yu Zhining, suggested, "I think we should make another plan earlier. Since this big cannibal can't be suppressed, it's better to get in touch with them earlier, and just talk to them. If they are willing, then big It is also possible to replace Persia with eclipse, and to re-conclude an agreement with the Three Emperors."

"But the Romans would not be willing either. Many of their territories on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, such as Syria and Egypt, have been captured by big cannibals."

"If it doesn't work, then let's negotiate an agreement with the big cannibal alone, redraw a new territory, and be friendly and non-aggressive to each other!"

(End of this chapter)

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