Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1428 Huanghuang Imperial Capital

Chapter 1428 Huanghuang Imperial Capital
Autumn and October, Luoyang.

At the water gate canal wharf, feudal lords and local officials from all over the world come to the capital every day. The Zouyuan naturally sent people early to welcome the officials of the Dao.

Even the royal Zongzheng Temple specially sent people to welcome the clans from all over the world who came to Beijing.

Jinyiwei, Yulin Army, Jinwuwei, and Luoyang Fuya all sent additional personnel to guard the gates and maintain order.

In the early years of the imperial court, the military system was changed, and Sanya was dismissed, and it was changed to 36 towns in the world. However, nine military titles such as Yulin Army, Jinwuwei, and Guards Qinjun were still retained in the court. The soldiers are not independent of the 36 towns, but are only drawn from the 36 towns and reorganized into an army.

The Habayashi Army, in fact, is entirely composed of knights from the Habayashi Palace Knights Lecture Hall. There are 18 knights in the world. These elite non-commissioned officers and sergeants, among them, the young and outstanding ones will be selected and sent to the lecture hall. Hall, here to accept the personal teaching of the emperor, and the generals of the court and the central government taught the art of war and military affairs.These Habayashi knights have always been the most dependent bodyguards of the emperor.

They all personally dispatched several battalions to the city gate to meet noble officials and maintain order, which shows that the emperor and the court attached great importance to this ceremony.

In the 38th year since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the population of Luoyang City exceeded one million.

Here has become the center of the world, not only the political center, but also the center of handicrafts and commerce. At the same time, there are also institutions of higher learning such as Guozijian, Taixue, Habayashi Palace Lecture Hall, Baihu Royal Military Academy, Military Medical University, Taiyuan Hospital, Jixian University, etc. There are also many colleges and universities, such as the Military Weapons Supervision College under Weiwei Temple, Luoyang Water Conservancy Engineering College, Agricultural College, Livestock College, Mining College and so on.

This created the unique supremacy of Luoyang.

The original Luoyang City has long been unable to accommodate so many people. After re-planning and adjustments in the past few years, the imperial court moved all the schools to the former site of Luoyang City in the Wei Dynasty, and built a Luoyang Learning City next to Luoyang.In the west of Luoyang City, a new industrial and commercial market area was planned and built, and a city full of workshops and shops was built.

A few years later, the newly built school city and shopping mall were already full, and the people began to build large residential areas outside the city along the outer walls of the two new cities, forming a city attached to the country. In addition to these newly built residential areas outside the city, city walls were built, streets, city gates, etc. were planned, and yamen institutions were added.

There are millions of households in the capital, plus the garrison troops, students, officials, and those itinerant merchants and ordinary people. The daily consumption of food, evacuation, fish, meat, eggs, etc. is extremely astonishing.

Every day, before dawn, countless boats loaded with food, evacuation, fish, etc. came to line up to enter the city.

The eight-lane official roads on land are often crowded, forming a unique scene in Luoyang, Luoyang morning peak.

Cunxiao sat on the bow of the boat, watching the hundreds of boats lined up in a long queue, slowly moving forward, he couldn't help sighing.

"Luoyang is really different from year to year. The changes are too fast. Before I came here, I said that Ruiguang Port is very prosperous now, with tens of thousands of households. But when you compare it to Linyi Lion Harbor, the difference is too big. Lion Harbor is over ten years old. There are thousands of families."

Luo Luofang also smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. The further you go north, the more bustling and bustling it is. The population of Jiaozhi Port exceeded 10 ten years ago, and the Nanhai Port is even more impressive. It is the largest port in the South China Sea. Just like Luoyang, Nanhai Port has been expanded to Sanlian City, and just one Nanhai City has a population of over one million, damn it."

If it was placed a few decades ago, there would not be a few cities with a population of 10 in the entire Central Plains, including Chang'an and Luoyang plus Guangling, and there were almost no million-dollar homes. Both Chang'an and Chang'an have a population of around [-] at most.

But now, Daqin has as many cities with a population of more than [-] as dogs, and there are many cities with a population of more than one million.

The six capitals of the Great Qin Dynasty are all homes of millions.

Besides the six capitals, Guangling, Nanhai, Jiangling, Chengdu, and Penglai also have a population of more than one million, and cities such as Taiyuan, Qingdao, Yuhang, Wuxi, Jiujiang, and Hanzhong also have hundreds of thousands of households.

Benefiting from the stable environment of these years, coupled with the war dividends from the imperial court's external expansion, a large amount of wealth and the entry of slaves, the Great Qin, which attaches great importance to business and trade, has developed rapidly and changed with each passing day.

There are shops everywhere, factories everywhere, not to mention the canals connecting the north and the south, the east and the west, coupled with the increasingly prosperous sea shipping, that is, land routes, and now roads are also connected vertically.

In the past, from the Central Plains to Lingnan, one had to pass through Hunan to enter Guilin, or take the risk of going by sea, but now, Hunan enters Guangxi, Jiangxi enters Guangdong, even Yungui enters Guangxi, Fujian enters Guangdong, and Jiangxi Ganjiang has opened a canal. It can directly cross the Wuling Mountains and connect to the rivers in Guangdong.

The tenth phase of the Jinghu lake control project has been completed. The disaster area that was once ruthlessly flooded has long been another granary of Daqin, and the Indochina Peninsula has become the largest new grain-producing area of ​​Daqin with its unique climate and geographical conditions.

Rice and sugar in the south, cattle, sheep, horses, and fur in the north, cotton in the northwest, and sea salt in the southeast are making this empire full of vitality and prosperity.

On the deck of the ship, Cunxiao and his son were accompanied by an official of the Imperial City Department who boarded the ship from Xingyang, and said with a smile, "Last year, there was a locust plague in Guanzhong. It was originally predicted that it would be serious, but in the end, not many people were in a hurry. I dug the locust eggs, but after these locusts hatch, they will not be a disaster?"

The locusts did not become a disaster, only because people no longer believe in the locust god and king. They are not in a hurry to dig locust eggs, but deliberately let them hatch and grow up.

Why keep growing up?Of course it is to eat.

Although health-preserving powder is not as popular as it used to be, everyone has accepted and got used to the fact that locusts have become another new food for the common people.

When the locusts came out, the yamen was closed, the school was closed, and the factories were closed. Everyone, young and old, joined the battle to catch the locusts.

It's gone when it's late.

The fresh locusts caught are not sold to the court or the royal family, and they don't care about the food anymore, so they go home and eat it for themselves.

Wrap it in flour and fry it, or directly dry it and grind it into powder. If you catch too much to eat, you can feed it to chickens and ducks. Chickens and ducks will grow stronger after eating insects.

"In our Luoyang city, scholars like to eat one of their favorite dishes, the migratory locust. It is this fried scorpion. The 10,000+ scholars in our Luoyang city have never eaten it."

Luo Cunxiao couldn't help laughing, "Speaking of this stuff, it's really nostalgic. I've been a fan since I arrived in Lijiang, and I really haven't eaten this stuff again. This time I have to make up for it."

(End of this chapter)

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