Chapter 1435
After ascending the throne, Jiawen felt that he had too many things to deal with, and the burden was much heavier than when he was regent and supervising the country.

Xuanzheng Hall.

After Jiawen succeeded to the throne, he still followed the Xuanzheng Hall's deliberation mechanism. Important matters were first discussed in the Xuanzheng Hall with Zaifu and other important ministers. After the results were reached, they would be announced in the court, and then handed over to the six ministries of the three provinces for handling.

This mechanism is a good way to mobilize the relationship between the government and the six ministries of the three provinces, avoiding disputes and even buck-passing situations, and greatly improving efficiency.

"The Ministry of Rituals said that the new emperor ascended the throne. According to the system, an edict should be issued to amnesty the world, and civil and military officials should be promoted to the Lord, and the princes and nobles and enfeoffed knights should be rewarded with money and silk. In addition, civilians over the age of 80 should be rewarded with honors and money. , Clothing and food should also be given to civilians over the age of 70. And rewards should be given to the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Guard Yifu in Suwei of the capital, and the students of the universities in the capital, and rewards should be given to disabled soldiers and loyal children Special care..."

Changsun Wuji played the report.

Jiawen was sitting there wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, which was considered a relatively casual casual dress, not as formal as the dragon robe worn at the court meeting.

He listened carefully.

After Changsun Wuji finished speaking, the other ministers also said that this was a common practice.

"Zunzuo, all these rewards will be paid for by the Royal Neikuba, and there is no need to use the money from the treasury. In addition, I would like to add a few items. Rewards should also be given to officials and officials who have retired from the army. Veterans should also be rewarded, not only for disabled veterans, but also for primary school teachers who are struggling on the front line in the countryside. In addition, the imperial examination was held just this spring, and the next exam will be three years later , I think that a special session of Enke will be held, next year's spring scholar examination, autumn juren examination, and winter Jinshi examination, with a total of [-] Jinshi places! Enke will not affect the normal examination in the next three years!"

It is normal for the new emperor to grant amnesty to the world when he enthrones, and reward officials and soldiers, but now the new emperor wants to increase the amount of rewards and expand the number of people who receive rewards.

Moreover, the emperor is willing to take money from the internal treasury instead of using state funds, so everyone is of course happy.

After the Supreme Emperor abdicated, he gave all the money in the royal treasury to the new emperor. This is a huge fortune, much richer than the national treasury. So much overhead.

"Minister Cao Huachun, please resign as a servant!"

At the meeting, Cao Huachun suddenly resigned, which surprised the emperor a bit.

The emperor asked to stay, but Cao Huachun proposed to continue to serve the Supreme Emperor and could not serve the new emperor, so he resigned.

"The Supreme Emperor is going to move out of Ziwei Palace and go to Xianren Palace?"

Jiawen was surprised, "The sage is dissatisfied because I can't make up my mind?"

"Your Majesty, don't get me wrong. The sage said that since you have abdicated, you should do so simply and thoroughly. This day, the world is handed over to His Majesty, and the royal treasury is also handed over to His Majesty. Now this imperial palace is also left to His Majesty. Your Majesty has already ascended the throne. If he is the Son of Heaven, then the imperial palace should be handed over to the sage, and the imperial palaces should also be handed over to His Majesty's concubines to live in. This is also more convenient and has no other meaning."

"And the sage said that moving away from Ziwei Palace and Luoyang City, and living in Xianren Palace in Shou'an will be quieter and suitable for health maintenance."

Jiawen hesitated.

As soon as he succeeded to the throne, the Supreme Emperor moved out of the palace, which made people feel that he was impatient.

Fortunately, Changsun Wuji and other ministers have also followed the Supreme Emperor for many years. Knowing the character of the Supreme Emperor, they immediately persuaded the Emperor to send craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry, Jiang Zuojian, Shaofu Temple, etc. to Shou'an to take Xianren The palace was redecorated.

After the decoration is finished there, the Supreme Emperor and the concubines will be invited to move to Xianren Palace.

After the discussion was over, the emperor rushed to see the Supreme Emperor in person. At this time, the emperor was still living in his East Palace.

"Don't think about it too much. I just want to free up this imperial palace for you. You are the emperor now, so you can't still live in the East Palace, right? But if you move in and I still live here, then my wife and I It's always inconvenient for concubines to live with your concubines. So I made up my mind and moved to Xianren Palace. I used to live there before, and the environment there is nice and quiet."

"But Xianren Palace is relatively small." Jiawen still hesitated.

"It's not small, even if I and my harem are all moved, it will be more than enough. What's more, I have also thought about it. Those concubines who have princes, if their princes have been entrusted with the vassal, then they can go with their sons. If the fiefdom has been divided into Kaifu but has not yet become a domain, it can also move to the prince's palace in the capital to live with the prince."

"In this way, I don't have many concubines left. They follow me to Xianren Palace, and each of them can arrange a hall, which is very relaxed."

"Father, please stay in Ziwei Palace for a few more months, and my son will let Xianren Palace be overhauled."

"There's no need for that. I lived well there before, and I'll move there in a few days, so I won't bother you here any longer. Jiawen, I'm also thinking about you. I'll continue to live in this palace for a day. In the middle, then all the officials and ministers in the court will still remember me as the Supreme Emperor for a day, and now that I am gone, you can be the emperor with peace of mind."

Luo Cheng really didn't want to stay in Luoyang City and stay in the palace. In that case, how many people could really think that he didn't exist?

But if everyone continues to focus on him, wouldn't it be a joke for him to pass the throne to Jiawen?

After a long time, it is estimated that Jia Wen, who became the emperor but could not gain real power and respect from all officials, would be distorted in his heart. Then maybe the relationship between father and son would not be as harmonious as it is now.

"Jiawen, I spent five years traveling around the world, and that tour was a very fruitful tour for me. But since then, I have been busy with state affairs, and I have no intention or energy to travel again. Now I finally abdicate, with you like me With the wise new emperor succeeding, I don't have to worry about state affairs anymore, so I plan to wait until the Chinese New Year is over, and then start touring again, the world is so big, I want to go out and have a look."

"But I don't want to make such a big show like last time. After all, I was the emperor last time, so I have to show the majesty of the emperor, and I have to show the national power of the Great Qin. But this time, I just want to go easily. Let’s take a look around, so when the time comes, you may only bring a few guards and entourages, travel lightly and in modest clothes.”


On the first day of the lunar new year, the Supreme Emperor Luo Cheng moved to Xianren Palace in Shouan County, Luoyang Prefecture.

On the second day of junior high school, the new emperor canonized the former concubine Qin as the empress, and the former emperor's grandson Luo Yuanyou as the crown prince.

On the tenth day of the lunar new year, Fang Xuanling was appointed as Taishi, Changsun Wuji was appointed as Taifu, and Xu Shiji was appointed as Taibao.

Twelve, enfeoff the princes as kings.

(End of this chapter)

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