Chapter 148 Dismissal
After sending Zhang Xutuo away, Luo Cheng returned to the county barracks.

Fu San hurried over to report, "Fifth Brother, it's not good, Fourth Brother has been arrested."

"What's going on, tell me slowly? What happened to the fourth brother, and who caught him?"

"It's the new county lieutenant. Because the fourth brother bumped into him a few words in front of the yamen, he asked his servants to tie up the fourth brother Wuhuada. Now he is still hanging at the gate of the county yamen."

After hearing it clearly, Luo Cheng couldn't help but get a headache.

The new Lieutenant Du County is really good enough, as soon as he came, he grabbed the fourth brother and used it as a killing stick.

"By the way, Fifth Brother, you've seen the new county magistrate before. It's the boy who wanted to eat Bawang's meal when Sister-in-law's restaurant opened last time. I didn't expect him to be the new county magistrate. I think he's avenging himself. "

"It was him."

Then this matter is even more complicated. Since the new county captain arrived in Zhangqiu half a month ago, he has not shown up. He chose to show up today just after Zhang Xutuo left.And as soon as he showed up, he tied up and beat the leader of the strong team, the fourth child, which was even more difficult.

Kill chickens and scare monkeys?

"Fifth Brother, hurry up and save Fourth Brother."

"Not urgent."

Luo Cheng shook his head.

Smart people can better understand the intentions of smart people. Du Xianwei beat Luo Si definitely not because he offended him, let alone because of the old account of the restaurant half a month ago. It can only be said that this Du Xianwei has another It's just deep meaning.

Now rushing to find the county captain, not only will there be nothing to discuss, but maybe the other party will just take the opportunity to humiliate him, so it won't help.

"Let the fourth one hang there first. It's okay to get whipped a few times. The new county captain doesn't dare to really beat him. It's good to let the fourth suffer. It saves him from being arrogant."


Fu San was stunned on the spot.

He originally thought that Luo Cheng would immediately lead someone to rescue him after hearing the news.

"Ah what? You don't think I'm going to gather my brothers to go to the county government office to save people, do you? The fourth child was not kidnapped by bandits, but by the new county captain. I'm no longer the acting county captain. Now, I'm just the captain of the county soldier, Du Xianwei is my boss, and also the boss of the fourth child, you have to understand this."

"But why don't we just ask?"

"Of course not. Since the new county lieutenant wants to stand up, let's let him stand up. We can talk about it after standing up."

County government.

Zhang Yichen, the county magistrate, heard the commotion in the back office and rushed over.

Zhang Yichen twitched his face a few times when he saw Luo Lao Si was tied up and hung in front of the yamen, and was whipped by two servants with a horsewhip.

"Brother Keming, long time no see!"

Zhang Yichen walked towards Du Ruhui.

"My lower official pays homage to Mr. Zhang." Du Ruhui acted like he was doing business, and didn't reminisce about the past.

This made Zhang Yichen a little embarrassed, but he still smiled.He and Du Ruhui knew each other, and the age difference between the two was actually not that big, Du Ruhui was 24, and Zhang Yichen was only in his early thirties.

Although the family background of the Zhang family is not as good as that of the Du family, but Zhang Yichen was once a well-known talented person in Daxing City. Naturally, the talented people have a circle. He was also acquainted with Du Ruhui before, and he was a senior senior.

"Keming, I heard that you were going to work in Zhangqiu. I was very pleasantly surprised. I just waited and waited for so long to arrive." He pointed at Luo Si, "What's going on here? ?”

Du Ruhui said it simply, meaning that Luo Si bumped into Shangguan.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. This guy is the leader of our county government's strong squad, and he is also the captain of the Changbai Township regiment, and the leader of the hook and sickle gun team in the county barracks. Thanks. By the way, you are still the fourth brother Luo Cheng who was the former county lieutenant."

Zhang Yichen explained Luo Si's identity, and even wanted to excuse Luo Si.

"Oh, is that so?" In the end, Du Ruhui didn't seem to understand and just ignored it.

"Brother Keming whips this fellow a few times and forget it." Zhang Yichen said again.

No matter how Luo Cheng refused his offer of marriage, after all, Zhang Yichen also regarded the Luo family brothers as his team members.

"My lord, I am new here today, so I dare to make a request."

"You said."

"This Luo Si is arrogant. I feel that he is not suitable for the position of head of the strong team. I ask the envoy to agree to remove this person to the position of head of the strong team!" Du Ruhui proposed an idea that made Zhang Yichen somewhat Headache demands.

Promise, embarrassing.

If you don't agree, it's also difficult.

On the one hand, there are subordinates of his own team, and on the other hand, colleagues who are new to the team.

"Knowing his mistakes can make a big difference. Brother Ke, why don't you give him a chance to reform himself. In fact, this Luo Si is usually a bit vulgar, but he still has some skills. He did a great job in suppressing the chaos and suppressing bandits before."

Du Ruhui refused to give this face.

"Since Luo Si has the ability to suppress bandits, I think he can stay at the county barracks. The Yamen Zhuangban is not suitable for him."

At this point, he just refuses to compromise.

Zhang Yichen couldn't offend the new county lieutenant just because of a team leader, especially since this county lieutenant is still the son of Jingzhao Du's family and the grandson of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

Ever since, between a few words.

Luo Si was dismissed from the position of head of the strong squad, and Du Ruhui ordered him to let him go after he had been whipped twenty lashes, and then kicked him out of the yamen.

Zhang Yichen was dissatisfied, but a little helpless.

In this Zhangqiu County, although the magistrate Zhang Yichen is the chief official, the relationship between the county magistrate and the county lieutenant is not that simple.

From the central government to the local government, the Sui Dynasty divided the official positions into four grades according to their authority and scope of duties, namely the Chief Officer, General Judge, Judge and Prosecutor.

The chief is the official of Zhengyin. For example, in Zhangqiu, the county magistrate is the chief.

Tong judge refers to the judge who reviews and plans to judge, the judge is the judge, and the checker is the prosecutor. This is the fourth-class official system.

To be more specific, in a county, the magistrate is the chief, who must personally handle the prison proceedings.The county magistrate is the general judge, the assistant county magistrate is in charge of the prison litigation, and the county lieutenant is the judge, who handles general affairs and judges the public.The master recorder and recorder are procuratorial officers, the master recorder is in charge of the procuratorate, the provincial office copies the catalog, and corrects non-violations.

For example, if there is a case in a county, the procedure is to first accept the complaint by the recorder or the master book and register the first date of acceptance, check the content of the complaint and the facts of the case, and hand over the case file to the magistrate's county lieutenant for trial.

The county lieutenant made a judgment according to the law on the basis of further ascertaining the facts according to the content of the complaint, and asked the magistrate Xiancheng for consultation and review of the judgment result.

On the basis of deduction and judgment, the county magistrate further deliberates whether the facts of the case are clear and whether the law is suitable or not.

If it is found that the county magistrate judged the case improperly, the judge will be drafted after rectification and submitted to the magistrate for a decision.

After reconsideration by the chief county magistrate, if he thinks that the proposed sentence is wrong, he will make a decision. If there is any doubt, he will try it himself or order the relevant officer to retry.

If the chief county magistrate has the power to make a judgment, he shall be sentenced according to the law;

This is the fourth-class official system.

It's not just about litigation, but in fact, all affairs in the entire county government are handled according to this model.

That is to say, it is divided into four parts. The record is accepted and checked in advance, and then transferred to the county magistrate, who disposes of it, then the master book must supervise, the county magistrate will review it, and finally hand it over to the county magistrate for reconsideration.

This is an office process.

One order and three Zuozhong county magistrates are the largest, but the four have their own division of labor and cooperate with each other to restrict each other. In this model, the power of the county magistrate is actually greatly restricted.

To deal with a matter, it must be dealt with step by step and signed.

The signing of the recorder requires additional inspection, the county lieutenant is the counselor, the county magistrate and the county magistrate are all in accordance with the judgment, and finally they have to go through the final check procedure of the master book. If there is no final check check by the check officer, then the procedure is illegal.

This is similar to the three provinces and six departments of the imperial court.

The resolution of the Zhongshu Province is reviewed by the Menxia Province and implemented by the Shangshu Province.

The master book not only checks and inspects affairs, but also supervises officials.

Although the chief officer is in charge of the whole county, he is also restricted by several other assistant officials.

As a judge, Du Ruhui was in charge of the specific affairs of the two houses and three offices. He said that if Luo Cunxiao was to be fired, Zhang Yichen would have to show face.

"Send Luo Brigade Leader to the county barracks." In the end, Zhang Yichen could only call a few yamen servants to send Luo Cunxiao, who had been whipped and injured, to Luo Chengna.

(End of this chapter)

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