Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 16 Revealing one hand

Chapter 16

"Brother, what shall we eat?" The little girl looked at Luo Feng carrying the bag of white noodles, and asked worriedly.The Luo family doesn't eat white noodles very often. The Luo family is at the foot of Changbai Mountain. There are many slopes here, and millet and grain have always been the main crops here. Even if they grow some wheat in rotation, they usually pay land rent for public grain.

Occasionally there is a little leftover, which is also eaten as wheat rice, but it is very rare to be ground into flour.

"Just don't worry about it."

Luo Feng originally wanted to make some dumplings, but when he thought about the lack of yeast, even though old noodles can be used without yeast, or distiller's grains can also be fermented, in this rural area, it's hard to find them for a while. of.

Simply, just make a simple noodle soup.

I found a wooden basin and poured about a catty of flour. Thinking about it, it might not be enough. People in this era eat much less than those in later generations. There is less non-staple food and less oil and water, so people in this era generally eat less. big.

Luo Feng simply poured about half a bucket of flour.One liter in the Sui Dynasty was only about [-] liters in the later generations, so the five liters in the Sui Dynasty was actually three liters, and one liter of flour was [-] grams, and half a bucket of flour was not too much.

After adding water and kneading the flour into a shiny dough, he then took a rolling pin and rolled the dough into a dough cake, which became thinner and thinner until it was a little thicker than paper.

"Brother, you are really good at rolling dough. Did you learn it when you were digging a river?" the little girl asked curiously.

"Well, brother has learned a lot outside."

Cut the rolled dough into long slices, about one finger wide.

"Little sister, where's the oil at home?"

"There is no more oil in the house." The little girl replied.

This surprised Luo Feng, how to cook when there is no oil.As a result, the younger sister said that the family hadn't eaten oil for a long time.

"Go next door and borrow some." Luo Feng helplessly called Xiao Liu, "Xiao Liu, go next door and borrow some oil."

The little girl said that it is okay to do without oil, but Luo Feng still decided to borrow some oil, it tastes better with oil, not to mention that now that he has money, he can pay back some oil later.

Xiao Liu's movements were quite nimble, and after a while he brought back a bowl of oil, which was lard.

At first, Luo Feng thought it was vegetable oil or sesame oil, but Xiao Liu said that the next door only had this lard, "Wang Laocai's family in Wangzhuang next door has sheep oil, and only the great monks in the temple on the mountain have sesame oil." .”

"Lard is fine too."

People in later generations pay attention to health, so they think that vegetable oil is better than animal oil. In the Sui Dynasty, vegetable oil was actually less. Mainly boiled and stewed.

In the era when even noble officials mainly ate mutton fat, it was good for the common people to eat lard.As for sesame oil, in fact, it is only used when making pancakes and other foods. Vegetable oil is more used as lamp oil at other times.

Borrowed oil, but Luo Feng found that there were no side dishes at home.

There are no tomatoes, which are perfect with noodle soup, nor zucchini, not even spinach.

According to historical records, spinach seems to have been introduced to China at this time, but this is a new vegetable species, which is generally not seen in the market, and it is only found on the tables of a few noble officials. As for tomatoes, it seems that they were only available in the late Ming Dynasty It will be introduced into China from America.

Xiaoliu went out again, this time borrowing some womb cabbage from another neighbor's house.

Chinese cabbage is also Chinese cabbage, but its appearance is not as good as that of later generations.

He also brought some vegetables from his own vegetable field, just a handful of shallots and a handful of scallions. This dish is common in ancient poems. After a few glances, he found it familiar. like garlic.

The side dishes are barely there, but the seasonings are pitiful.

The little girl took out a small clay pot, which was dark but mysterious.

The result turned out to be a small salt shaker. When I picked it out, there were large grains of salt, not white, but yellowish with black, obviously a lot of impurities.

But according to what my sister said, even this kind of salt is very expensive.

The salt at home is exchanged for grain. Sometimes I go to the county market to exchange it, and sometimes someone picks up salt and exchanges it for grain. One liter of salt is exchanged for ten liters of grain. This price has always been the same. The price of salt is ten times the price of grain. times.

The price of salt is high, but the quality is poor.

The wet dough sheet made from one catty of flour is about three or four liang per catty, and the three catties of flour have about four catties of dough.

Put the smoked black clay pot on the fire.

The little girl started to light the fire. She first took a handful of pine needles and put them under the pot, then lit the fire with a stone sickle, and then began to put small pine branches on it.

There is no chimney, so it is not easy to start a fire. If you set up a few more firewood, it looks like it will be extinguished again, so the little girl picked up a thin mangosteen tube with a joint to blow on the fire, blowing smoke everywhere, and finally caught fire again .

The pottery pot was very thick, and the heating was very slow. It took a long time to feel the heat of the pot. Luo Feng scooped a few spoonfuls of frozen lard into the pot. yellow.

However, after the lard melted in the pot, it was still very fragrant. The little girl sniffed while burning the fire, and said that there was too much oil.

"Put more oil and it's delicious. Let's have a good meal today."

After the pot melted and was fragrant, Luo Feng grabbed a handful of washed Chinese cabbage and scallions and threw them into the pottery pot to stir-fry. After they were raw, they shoveled them out and put them aside, then poured them into the pot with cold water.

"Little sister, what about the husbands of the third sister and the fourth sister?" Luo Feng asked the younger sister when the water boiled.

"The third brother-in-law is a hunter. He has a big scar on his face. People call him the big scar face. It is said that he was bitten by a leopard while hunting. Because of this big scar, he has never been able to marry a good wife. The third sister It's great, it's wrong to marry him." The little girl said a little disappointed.

Luo Feng also understands that in this era where women need dowry when they get married, a woman without a dowry is like an Indian girl in later generations. Without a dowry, she will not be able to marry. better off.

If the third brother-in-law didn't have such defects, he might not be willing to marry the third sister.

Sandou Guzi married the third sister away, it was really cheap for him, but if the third brother-in-law treats the third sister well, Luo Feng can still accept it.

"When the third sister came back last time, she said that her husband's family treated her well."

"That's good, how about Fourth Sister? How are you doing?"

The two sisters got married one after the other, only half a month apart. The third sister married a hunter with a scar, but the fourth sister married a boatman.The fourth sister-in-law lives in the north of Changbai Mountain. He is a boatman on the river there, ferrying pedestrians and sometimes fishing.

Life was actually quite hard. The fourth brother-in-law was said to have married a daughter-in-law before, but died of illness a few years later. Now he is 30 years old and married Luo Feng's fourth sister.

This is to fill in the house and continue the strings. The fourth brother-in-law also has three children left by his ex-wife, two boys and one girl, the oldest is ten years old, and they used to be stepmothers.

"I wish I had come back sooner."

The little girl wiped her tears, not sure if it was smoked or what, "Fifth brother, you are back, but Aye and elder brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, they don't know when they will be back, Aye and elder brother are going to Zhuo The county has been building ordnance for more than a year, and there is no news."

"It should be soon." Luo Feng could only comfort the little girl like this.

The water boiled, Luo Feng hurriedly put the noodles into the pot, the noodles boiled for a while, seeing that the noodles were almost cooked, Luo Feng also put in the chopped cabbage and scallions.

Stir a few times and season with salt.

"Well, Butuo is cooked and ready to eat."

With three liters of flour, four catties of noodles were rolled out, and then boiled with water, the noodle soup in a large ceramic pot was filled immediately. The white wide noodles were served with emerald green cabbage. Seasoned with oil and coarse salt, but some chopped green onions were sprinkled on the surface, and the aroma immediately hits the eye, which looks good and smells good.

It's so delicious, the little girl stared at it straight, "I didn't expect Brother Wu to be so good at cooking soup cakes!"

 The update is late!
(End of this chapter)

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