Chapter 165
More than 30 human heads were planted on both sides of the road outside the east gate of the city.

The execution was over, and the crowd of onlookers slowly left. Everyone talked excitedly about the beheading as they walked. Some people said that their faces were flushed like they were drunk.

Watching executions and killings seems to have become a rare entertainment.

Luo Cheng was a little silent.

In a short period of time, outside the east city gate, many people have been killed in succession.The heads of the criminals who ganged up on the roadside last time have not yet been corrupted, and many new heads have been added.

"Give a reward of [-] qian to each of the brothers who are carrying out the execution today, so as to avoid bad luck." Luo Cheng ordered in a dull manner.

Those who were arranged to be executed and beheaded were all brothers in the county barracks, and those who had never seen blood were specially selected. Letting them be in charge of the execution also exercised their courage.

"It's cheap for these boys, and there is a reward of one hundred." The fourth child laughed.

Si Ye said, "Anyway, this is the rule. Those who beheaded with a knife will be rewarded with a hundred dollars, but as a rule, this money will not be put into the pocket, but will be used to treat guests, buy wine and meat for everyone and spend it all. "

The second brother-in-law Wang Ziming said, "Xiao Wu, Lieutenant Du has sentenced the wives of those condemned prisoners to our county barracks. Is it possible that we really want to build a prostitute camp?"

Military prostitutes are not a mysterious thing. As early as the Han Dynasty, there were military prostitutes in the army.These military prostitutes came from the family members of criminals. For example, Li Ling, the grandson of the parachutist Li Guang, led the army to fight the Huns. At that time, there were military prostitutes in his army.

The history books record the origin of Li Ling's army's military tricks, saying that they were the wives of the Kwantung bandits who migrated to the border.

The Criminal Law of the Sui Dynasty also stated that since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the wives of those who committed the most serious crimes would be replaced by soldiers.In the Liang criminal law of the Southern Dynasties, there is also a clause that all robbers will be beheaded, and the wife will be recruited.

It is a tradition that the wives of the death row inmates end up miserable, so they will be recruited into the army.

Of course, female recruits are not going to serve as supplementary soldiers to fight, but in fact they are military prostitutes accompanying the army, and they end up miserable.

Du Ruhui beheaded more than 30 people, and then sentenced the wives of these people to replenish soldiers for the Zhangqiu County Barracks.

It took a lot of time and effort to send people to escort them to the frontier to replenish the soldiers, so Du Ruhui sent them directly to Luo Cheng's county barracks.Anyway, the cracking of this big case this time is all thanks to Luo Cheng and his county barracks.

"These women are also poor people." Luo Cheng sighed.

Although there has been no shortage of prostitutes in all dynasties and generations since ancient times, Luo Cheng still finds it difficult to accept an extra camp of prostitutes in his army.

"Xiao Wu, the county lieutenant has already sentenced him to us, so we have the responsibility of custody and supervision. You can't let him go, and you have no right to let him go, otherwise you will be negligent of duty." Wang Ziming reminded Luo Cheng.

The county barracks are dominated by teenagers, and there are also many brave men selected from the county and other township regiments. If there is a prostitute camp in the camp, I am afraid that these people will not let them go. poor woman.

After thinking about it, Luo Chengdao said, "Last time I discussed with the county lieutenant that we will send three hundred brothers to the mountains to garrison. At that time, a team of people will be stationed in a military station, and the county will give us the land reclaimed by the fugitives." Farming the fields for self-sufficiency, and will also draw some slaves for us. In my opinion, let these women also go there to farm the fields."

"Tuntian? Waste it?" someone said.

"My county barracks in Luocheng are soldiers, not beasts. These women are also poor people. Being slaves in farming is already a punishment. We can no longer trample on them. Let them help farming and do what they can. You can support yourself, and you can also help us plow the land and grow food."

The wives of these criminals who are recruiting soldiers are already slaves. They will never be able to stand up again in this life, but Luo Cheng still wants to show them some mercy.

"The children of these women were also not made slaves. Try to arrange their families together and let them take care of each other. Also, tell the brothers in the camp not to bully these women. Anyone who dares to bully these women will be punished. At that time, I will enforce the military law and deal with the crime of adultery."

There will be a beast of desire in everyone's heart, but it is locked deep in the heart.But if it is released, it will be difficult to close it again.Luo Cheng didn't want his county barracks to become an army of beasts one day.

County government.

County lieutenant Du Ruhui re-examined the dossier and file of the cattle theft and slaughter case, signed it and asked his subordinates to file it.

After sitting for a while, he took out an envelope and began to write with a pen.

The letter was written to Gao Xiaoji, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. He wrote in detail what he had seen and found after he arrived in Zhangqiu, including the contest and reconciliation between him, Zhang Yichen and Luo Cheng, and the current situation here. , and finally wrote the big case of the cattle robbery gang.

In the letter, he spoke highly of Luo Cheng, saying that although Luo Cheng was young, he was indeed very talented, and he had misunderstood Luo Cheng before.He even said a lot of good things to his teacher Gao Shilang for Luo Cheng, saying that with Luo's talent, he could be given a real job.

He thinks that Luo Cheng can appoint a master or a county lieutenant.

Finally, he recommended a good friend in the letter to be the post of Zhangqiu county magistrate.

Fang Qiao Xiang, the son of Fang Yanqian, the prime minister of Yingchuan County, was famous for his talent.Now I am studying under the name of the great Confucian Wang Tong, I beg the teacher to appoint him as Zhangqiu county magistrate.

He also implored Gao Xiaoji to choose a new director who could do practical things for Zhang Qiu. He didn't want someone who could only talk and have no experience to be the director.

Zhangqiu was in great chaos and newly established, and there was an urgent need for young officials with practical skills and talents to come to serve.

Du Ruhui's letter was sent to Daxing.

The letter was still on the way, but Zhang Xutuo, the magistrate of the county, came to Zhangqiu again.

Zhang Xutuo has not been in office for a long time in the county seat of Qi County. He has inspected all nine counties in the county, but no county has visited as many times as Zhangqiu.

But this time, Zhang Xutuo didn't just make a routine inspection.

He's here to give the reward.

This time it was awarded the reward for suppressing bandits and chaos last time.

Last time he recommended Captain Zhangqiu for Luo Cheng, but the higher-ups didn't.

Now the imperial court has given rewards to the soldiers of the counties who suppressed the bandits and quelled the chaos, and Luo Cheng is among them.

He was promoted from the former Lixin Lieutenant of the ninth rank to a San rank, and was awarded the Fengcheng Lieutenant of the eighth rank.In addition, the imperial court also officially awarded the rank of the former temporary errand of the captain of the barracks of the county and county.

The county and county barracks belong to the county military system, and the captain is set as the ninth rank, which is the same rank as the team of the Twelve Guards Yingyang Mansion.

The captain of the county barracks is in charge of 50 soldiers, but he is only at the same level as the guards in charge of [-] people. It can be seen that the county soldiers are far inferior to the sequence of government soldiers.

But after all, this is a high-ranking official position.

Although Luo Cheng had a loose rank before, his captaincy was not an official official, but now, he has finally become a legitimate official of the Sui Dynasty. He has really entered the official career.

Luo Cunxiao, Luo Siye and other team leaders in the county barracks were also awarded ranks this time, but they were only awarded ranks and not officials. The entire county barracks had ranks for the positions of Captain Luo Cheng and Deputy Captain Lao Jia.

The regimental lieutenants, brigade commanders, captains, etc. below, although they have names similar to those of the military officers, they do not have the corresponding grades. Li Xinwei, a ninth-rank Sanjie.

From then on, he can be regarded as an official, but he has no official official position yet.

"I've started from the ninth grade, and finally I have a grade!" After hearing his reward, the fourth child couldn't help crying with joy. This official fan finally got his wish.

(End of this chapter)

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