Chapter 170
Coming out of the county yamen, Luo Cheng stood at the gate of the yamen, looking up at the sky.

In the sky with leaden clouds hanging low, snowflakes are drifting.It's not sleet grains, but snow goose feathers.

The light snowflakes fell on the face, cooling slightly, and then melting instantly.

A lot of snow.

Luo Cheng gathered up his clothes, and there was already a layer of white on the ground.

The fourth child in a soap coat and hood came over, "It's snowing heavily, and next year will definitely be a bumper year."

"Well, the auspicious snow heralds a good year."

"You chatted with those two for a long time, what are you talking about?" The fourth child asked curiously.He now holds several positions, not only the brigade commander of the county barracks, one regiment and one brigade, but also the leader of the hook and sickle team, and at the same time the judicial assistant of the county government justice department.

But the fourth child is not the kind of guy who works on duty, and doesn't pay much attention to the legal affairs every day, but likes to wander around the county town, wandering to the gate of the city to chat with the brothers guarding the gate, and visiting the prison cell for a while. The wardens interrogated the prisoners, or took time to watch the training of the brothers, and even took the time to pay attention to the food of the day.

In short, it is not doing business properly. Fortunately, there is Feng Yitong in the Judiciary Department as Judicial Assistant, and the same cumbersome things are all pushed to that person.

"It's about the county barracks. Just now I told the county magistrate and the county lieutenant about the rotation of brothers in the county barracks." Luo Cheng did not hide the situation from the fourth brother.The fourth child is quite in favor of Luo Cheng's plan, "It's really not a problem to change it. It would be great if it can be stabilized. You don't have to worry about not having time to train after dividing the fields. Our county barracks are mainly our original village. The regiment youths were the foundation, and later some were recruited from the township regiments, mainly young men. Then there were some county soldiers and some veterans from the county.”

"I'm not worried about our own young men. I'm more worried about the county soldiers and veterans from the county. They are not from the county. They were originally seconded. The war to suppress bandits is set and the year is approaching. They They are all looking forward to going back. This time, they probably won’t come again. Even if we divide the land, they may not be willing to stay, and their origin may not agree to let them go.”

The household registration population is an important basis for the achievements of local officials these days. No one wants to lose their own people to other places. Even the imperial court strictly prohibits this kind of household registration transfer.

"My master and the others are definitely willing to stay. They are very comfortable with us and are willing to stay for the elderly."

"It's good that they are willing to stay, but it's hard to say for those soldiers from other counties."

"Actually, it's nothing. If you want to leave, you can't stay. Just let them go. Although they are all carefully selected, so what, butcher Zhang died, do we have to eat pigs with hair? ? Didn’t our township group consist of only a few of us at the beginning, and didn’t we forcefully bring out a group of brave young people?”

When the fourth child said this, Luo Cheng really felt a little enlightened.

Before, he was still thinking that if the soldiers from other counties would leave, the strength of the county barracks would be lost a lot, but after hearing what the fourth child said, yes, there is no way to leave, but the majority of them are still left. For those brothers, you can recruit new trainees.

The fourth idea is relatively straightforward.

Leave as you go, there is always more left.

"How many brothers do you think are willing to accept this condition?" Luo Cheng asked.

"I'm sure all of them are willing."

The fourth child said that, after all, the old team back then were all from the township group, and the people from the township group were all middle-aged men in their teens.All of them are young and inexperienced, let alone the pillars of the family.

Their conditions, not to mention middle-aged males, even if they become adults in a few years, there will be no land for them in the county or township, because there are only so many lands, and the ones that were allocated earlier are almost the same, and now they will return some land if one of them dies .However, in the 30s and [-]s of the Taiping Dynasty in the Sui Dynasty, after the Kaihuang rule, the population has also increased greatly, resulting in a large number of young people who actually have no land to share.

Now that there is an opportunity to divide the fields, even if the land is close, everyone will be very happy.

After all, regardless of whether the land is allocated or not, as long as the children are small, according to the laws of the Sui Dynasty, they will have to pay rent and subsidy every year, and there will be no discount on the amount.

If you don’t have an acre of land, should you pay two shi a year for rent or two shi?So not only those teenagers will be happy, but their families will also be happy.

After all, when the children grow up, they have to increase the rent without any land distribution. This is actually a heavy burden.

"Dividing the land will not delay any farming. Nowadays, every family has less land and more people, and many people can only give the land to the landlord to cultivate. The teenagers have divided the land and can give it to their families to plant. They just need to focus on training.”

Luo Cheng felt a lot more relaxed.

Looking up at the falling snow, Luo Cheng said to the fourth child, "I'll go buy some peach charms later, and then I'll see if there are any chicken, goose, and mutton in the market. I'll go back by the way. If you have nothing to do later, come back sooner." Come home, today is the new year, and the stove is going to be sacrificed, and the family just happens to be reunited and lively."

"You go back first, I will buy some meat and bring it back later."

"I'll go."

Luo Cheng waved to the fourth child, mounted his horse and headed for the market.

In the market, although it was snowing, there were more people than usual.

Today is the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the day to worship Zao Jun.

According to folklore, Lord Zao Jun reports to heaven once a year, specifically to accuse the world of sins.Once accused, the life expectancy will be reduced by [-] days for major crimes and [-] days for minor crimes.

Therefore, every year on this day, everyone will put up sacrifices, order the Kitchen God, and ask him to raise his hands.

In the Sui Dynasty, it was men's business to offer sacrifices to the Zao Lord, and women could not offer sacrifices to the Zao Lord. Therefore, on this day, men had to cook and prepare sacrifices for the Zao Lord, regardless of whether they used to cook or not.

Luo Cheng strolled around this shop, looked at that stall, and walked in the market, countless people greeted him.Now in Zhangqiu County, there is almost no one who does not know Luo Cheng.

Some people call him Captain Luo, some call him Luo Wulang, and others call him Tiger, White Tiger, Killing God, Madman, etc. behind his back. In short, there are all kinds of comments. Some praise him as a young hero, and call him cold-blooded and cruel. yes.

But in person, you have to nod your hands and say hello.

Luo Cheng had a smile on his face and didn't care about anything else.

After shopping around, I bought half a sheep, a chicken and a goose, and I also bought a big pig's head, and I was going to go back and make a sacrifice to the Kitchen God.I bought some leeks, carrots and so on.

In later generations, Luo Cheng’s family basically made dumplings every year during the New Year’s Eve, and the whole family happily made dumplings and ate them happily.He planned to make some dumplings later. There were no dumplings in the Sui Dynasty, but there were similar ones.

The moon-shaped wontons of the Sui Dynasty are actually similar to the shape of dumplings, but the name is still called wontons.Of course, there is another food that is closer to dumplings, called Laowan.

Laowan also has cageshanglaowan and shuilaowan, which are actually steamed dumplings and dumplings, but whether it is Laowan or wonton, in fact, ordinary people still eat very little.

Today Luo Cheng plans to do it himself, teach everyone how to make dumplings and eat dumplings for New Year's Eve.

(End of this chapter)

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