Chapter 174 Prestige
The Luo family’s yard is in a corner of Nanshan Village. It used to be considered a middle-class family in the village, because the father could forge iron, and there was a blacksmith’s shop. He often helped everyone repair farm tools and the like, and sometimes he would make some simple ironware to sell in the market , the family still has some living money.

However, the largest and best yard in the village used to belong to Seventh Uncle’s family. Seventh Uncle was the patriarch of the generation of the Luo family in Nanshan Village, and the seniority was also the highest. So Luo Cheng and the others wanted to call him uncle.

He is also in his 70s now, and he is the only man over [-] in the village. He married three wives and bore him seventeen sons, but he only supported thirteen in the end.

Just because there are thirteen sons, Qi Shugong's family is the toughest and most authoritative in the village, although among his many sons there is a fool and a mute.

These days, in the countryside, whoever has more sons and more brothers will be tough in speaking, and no one dares to bully them.

Fortunately, Qi Shugong is a more sensible person, and he is good at restraining his sons, never allowing them to bully others.In a farming society, more people means more strength. Therefore, Qishugong's house is the best in the village, with a large yard and complete furniture.

In the past, whenever there was a dispute or something in the village, everyone would definitely go to Seventh Uncle.

The hall of Qishugong's house is often the court where the villagers make their own decisions. The courtyard of Qishugong's house is often full of villagers and holds some village meetings.

For example, in the past, a daughter-in-law stole a man, and the adultery was exposed, and then the man went to the seventh uncle to ask for justice.So Qi Shugong asked his sons to follow the man, arrest the adulterers, hang them up in public, and then let the whole village come and crusade.

In the end, she stripped off the woman's clothes and poured dung on her body. The man was from another village, and he was beaten half to death. The family didn't even dare to say anything.

The woman was later taken back by the man, but she threw herself into the river that day.

This matter was not reported to the county before and after, and Li Zheng did not interfere and did not pursue it after he found out.

This is the characteristic of this era. In the countryside, the clan has a lot of autonomy, and the county is often the default.

just today.

The villagers of Nanshan came to Luo Cheng's house one after another.

Everyone may mention some dried meat or some dried fruit.

Everyone had smiles on their faces.

Luo Cheng asked Kan Leng and Wang Xiongdan to come out with stools to entertain everyone. After a while, all the stools in the house were filled, and those who came later could only stand or squat.

It was windy outside, so everyone crowded into the hall. Fortunately, the hall was larger, but in the end there was still no room for crowding.

In the end, a big fire had to be lit in the courtyard, so everyone came to the courtyard to roast and chat around the fire.

Basically all the villagers in the village came, even the seventh uncle.

Some people wanted to work with Luo Cheng because they saw that Luo Blacksmith's family was prosperous, and Luo Cheng's brothers became officials.

There is also a dispute, and I want to ask the Luo family to arbitrate.

There are all kinds of things, and they are simply here to congratulate the Luo family, or to join in the fun.

It's the same as the Luo family holding a banquet.

For these villagers, no matter they are asking for something or they are here to join in the fun, Father Luo always greets them with a smile.

The melon and fruit snacks at home were also brought out and served, and water was boiled to make tea.

Because of his seniority, Seventh Uncle was also the head of the village in the past. Although the position of head of the village is now handed over to his son, his prestige has accumulated over the years.

He is also very strong, but his temper is relatively hot. No matter in the village or at home, he is a kind of strong person. His family's thirteen sons, except the fool and the dumb who are not married and single, the rest are all married.

But because he didn't allow it, these eleven married sons, until now, are still with them without separation.

In front of Seventh Uncle, no one is allowed to mention the separation of the family. He said that the separation of the family is unfilial, and the family must be together.He also firmly holds the family's economic power. The income from farming and some miscellaneous income must be turned over to the public. No matter who earns it, private money is not allowed. Except for the dowry brought by his wife, his sons Seventh Uncle manages the money in the family, and he has to apply for it if he wants to use it.

This is a typical Chinese parent.

He was getting old and he relied on his status, so he didn't gather around the fire like the others. He sat in the hall and chatted with Luo Cheng.

"I know my sons have been dissatisfied with my old man for a long time. They have long wanted to separate the family, but I have never allowed it. But they have been unhappy in their hearts. I thought, when I die of old age, whoever they like will divide it up, and they will divide it up however they want. I don't care about the division. But today, I figured it out, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, let's divide it."

The seventh uncle said that he wanted to invite Luo Cheng to preside over the separation of their family.

Separation of families is a troublesome matter. Many families have many sons, and after marriage, they have to separate and live in separate households, and countless disputes will arise.Some fathers, sons, and brothers even turned against each other because of the separation of families.

Uncle Qi refused to separate the family before because he had many sons, and he was afraid that something would happen if the family was separated.And he has always said that there are many people so that things can be done easily, and there is a fool and a mute in the family, who have not married, and they will not be able to live well if they are separated.

Besides, he is also old, and the family is divided, and there is no one to take care of the two of them.

But now seeing that Luo Blacksmith's family is so lucky and their sons are well-off, I heard that Luo's family also plans to separate after the year, and the eldest and second children who get married at that time will separate from the fourth child who will marry after the year. He also figured it out.

"Xiao Wu, it's okay to separate the family, but we are old and have to take care of our two elders, as well as the eighth and the thirteenth, who are disabled, and these brothers also have to help take care of them."

Luo Cheng was forced to become the host, so he had to say, "Seventh Uncle, this is natural. Regardless of whether the family is separated or not, it is the duty of taking care of your parents. You gave birth to them, and now they are old. They have an obligation to take care of you." .As for the disabled brothers, there is also brotherhood, and it is also our duty to take care of them."

"Then you come and tell them." Seventh Uncle said fairly, "You will preside over how to divide the family, and I will divide it. When the time comes, it will be difficult to divide whoever says it is unfair."

It is difficult for an honest official to decide on housework, and Luo Chengcheng is unwilling to intervene, but there are also rural ways of doing things in the countryside.For example, in the past, when people in the village split up, they mostly asked Uncle Qi to preside over it, and then invited many villagers to be witnesses.

Everyone is used to this method.

It's just that in the past, everyone was looking for Uncle Qi to host, but now it's just looking for Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng said that he was only 16 years old, but the seventh uncle said that you are 16 years old but you are an official. We have not had an official in Nanshan Village for hundreds of years. You are an official, and everyone obeys you.

"Okay, Xiaoliu, go and call Seventh Uncle's sons. Don't let the daughters-in-law of each family come in. Separation is a man's business, and it's easy to get confused when women are mixed in." Luo Cheng ordered.

When Uncle Qi heard this, he nodded to Luo Cheng, "Now my old man is completely relieved, you are really particular about what you do."

Separation is actually difficult to say, but also simple to say.

Seventh Uncle's family has always eaten from a big pot. The whole family farms and lives together, and all the economy is in charge of Seventh Uncle.

Therefore, the seventh uncle first told Luo Cheng the background of the family. The family has a large courtyard, and later built two courtyards on the side. The three courtyard houses have nearly [-] rooms.

The family has more than 200 mu of land, and about [-] mu of dry slope land. There are three cows, some chickens, ducks, geese, sheep and pigs.

There is also some money and silk, but not much.

In the end, even the quilts and tableware at home were counted, as well as agricultural tools such as hoes and kitchen knives.

Luo Cheng recorded them one by one, and then asked the brothers of Qishugong's family who were sitting below.

Most people have no doubts, but a few sons asked why there is so little money in the family?

The seventh uncle explained, what is the annual expenditure, what is the favor, what is the annual harvest, how much rent and so on.

"Now that the family property has been settled, everyone has confirmed that it is correct. My opinion is to divide these property into fourteen shares, each of you thirteen brothers will have one share, and the old couple will keep another share. How about that?"

The boss said dissatisfiedly, "My parents and the others are very old, so even if the land is divided, they can't grow it. And my two brothers can't grow the land by themselves. They shouldn't be given a separate share."

Immediately, several people also said that it was not appropriate to give them a share.

"Uncles, although they are old or have disabilities, since the family is divided, each person should have a share. The rules of family division here are, for example, family division is counted according to father, son and brother, not women. It’s not counted as the grandchildren’s generation either. So this family can only be divided into [-] shares. As for them being old or disabled, there are other ways.”

"One share of property, whether it is fields, houses, furniture, or family money, livestock, etc., is one share per person. Seventh Uncle is old, and his share of land can be handed over to the It’s the same for you brothers to plant, and then you pay the rent every year. After the seventh uncle’s hundred years, his share will be shared equally by your brothers.”

"If the land of your two disabled brothers can't be planted by themselves, I think you can let the two of them help to plant together, and then you brothers can help out a little. For example, when the farming season is busy, each family can take half a day. , help them sow and reap, so that they can support themselves, what do you think?"

Uncle Qi agreed.

Among his sons, some felt that it would be better to give them all the land, and then they would collect some food for their parents and the two brothers.

But the seventh uncle disagreed, "I want to share a share. If you don't want to share my land, I will share it with another family."

In the end, everyone agreed with Luo Cheng's division.

The field is divided into [-] shares, one for each person.

As for cattle, agricultural tools, livestock and poultry, furniture, etc., a price is set first, and then they are divided into [-] shares. Everyone can exchange or buy them, but they have to compensate other people. In the end, everyone has to get even.

Without the daughters-in-law of each family to participate in the separation, the men were quite happy, split left and right, and occasionally quarreled a few words in the middle, but with Luo Cheng leading the battle, the quarrels were not so severe, and they finally reached an agreement. entered into a separation agreement.

Luo Cheng personally drafted the family separation agreement, which stated the detailed family separation plan, and then he wrote down the name of his host, and invited several elders from the same village to press their fingerprints as witnesses .

In the end, the seventh uncle and the thirteen sons all put their fingerprints on it.

"I will keep this copy in the village as a backup, and I will write another copy for each of you. Everyone will press their fingerprints, and each will keep a copy in the future. You must not go back on your word, let alone make trouble. After the separation, you will still be the same. Father and son brothers, I hope everyone will help each other and take care of each other in the future, be kind to father, filial to son, respectful to brothers and sisters."

"If anyone repents afterwards and makes trouble and provokes, the whole village will cast aside them!"

(End of this chapter)

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