Chapter 176

When returning to the village, at the entrance of the village, I met the dumb old eighth and the idiot thirteen, two disabled brothers from Qishugong's family.

Luo Cheng discovered that in the villages of the Sui Dynasty, it seemed that every village always had one or two disabled people such as fools, dumb, and pockmarked, just like every village basically had some idlers.

It is said that the dumb old eight was born dumb. This is the child born to the second wife married by the seventh uncle. His wife is his aunt and cousin, so this should be caused by the marriage of close relatives.As for Fool Thirteen, he was born to Seventh Uncle's third wife. His situation was similar to Shi Xin's, and he wasn't stupid when he was born.

But when I was very young, I got sick and had a fever, and then my brain burned out.

Shi Xin's stupidity is only a little silly, but fool Shisan is really stupid, he can't speak a complete sentence, he is almost 30 years old, and he can't take care of himself in the end, often drooling, and can only do the simplest tasks.

The dumb brother took the fool brother to herd the sheep. When the family was separated, the two brothers shared a share of the family property.Originally, the two brothers were supposed to live together, but the seventh uncle was still worried about them, so he let the two sons continue to live with them.

It was cold, and the mute took the fool to herd the sheep. One of them even carried a willow basket and picked up dung along the way.

Seeing Luo Cheng, the mute nodded to him, expressing his thanks.Although he couldn't speak, he was still normal. He knew that if it wasn't for Luo Cheng, the two brothers would definitely not be able to share the property.

The idiot smirked at Shi Xin, and reached out to touch Shi Xin's horse.Shi Xin didn't dislike him, he still talked to him, and for some reason, a fool was able to communicate with Shi Xin, saying half a sentence that Luo Cheng couldn't understand.

"Brother, uncle silly is very pitiful, why don't you take them to the county barracks."

The fourth child said unhappily, "Sixth child, what's the use of bringing a fool back, isn't it just adding to the chaos?"

"Silly Uncle knows how to herd cows. Seventh Uncle's cows used to be herded by Silly Uncle. He can herd three cows alone. He has never made a mistake."

"He has learned to do this in his life." The fourth child said.

A fool is stupid, but he did nothing wrong with herding cattle.Luo Cheng said to the scholar, "If he wants, he can go to the county barracks to clean the stables, take care of his two meals a day, take care of a few clothes a year, and give him some money during the New Year."

The idiot still has his seventh uncle to take care of him now, and his life is muddled. Once the seventh uncle leaves, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult in the future.They are all from the same village, so it is a little bit of help.

As the sages said, if you are poor, you will benefit yourself alone, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world.

Now Luo Cheng dare not say that he wants to help the world, but he will try his best to help the people around him if he can.

Helping others is also the foundation of happiness.

"Ah bah, ah bah."

After listening to Luo Cheng's words, the mute quickly pointed to himself, making gestures and gestures.

"Fifth brother, you can bring the dumb uncle with you."

The mute is still gesturing.

"He seems to say that he can light a fire, carry water, and cook." Siye said after reading it.

"Alright, Uncle Dumb can go to the kitchen of the county barracks to do odd jobs. If you want, I will cover your food, clothing, food and shelter, and give you a hundred dollars a month. Do you think it's okay?"

The dumb uncle nodded quickly.

In the past, Qi Shugong had a large family, and there were dozens of people in one big family. They farmed the land together and did their best, but now that the land is divided, it is not easy for the dumb to lead the idiots to farm.Before the separation, the family's three cows were bought by the three older brothers, and now they don't even have any cows.

They don't have a daughter-in-law. In the future, they will have to wash, cook and farm, which is so easy.

The dumb and the fool kept bowing and saluting to Luo Cheng, thanking them a lot, Luo Cheng supported them, "They are all neighbors, don't be so polite, you come to the camp to earn food by your own labor, you are not Charity, I'm just giving you a chance."

Back home, the fourth child was still saying that Luo Cheng shouldn't accept fools and dumb people, "Our battalion needs to recruit people, but we can't take everything back."

"They didn't come to serve as soldiers in the camp, they just did some chores."

"Then also provide them with food and drink, and give them back a hundred dollars a month."

"Okay, fourth brother, stop talking."

At the dinner table, the fourth child talked about it again, but the father felt that Luo Cheng was right. "Even if the county barracks don't want him, I can still take your stupid uncle to the blacksmith workshop. Anyway, he is quite strong, even if he is a little stupid, he can still do some simple physical work."

Before breakfast was finished, Uncle Seven came over with Uncle Silly and Uncle Dumb, and he came to confirm the truth of the matter.

"Uncle Qi, I'm not joking. As long as they are willing to go, they can earn their own food there."

"Thank you, Goro, these two children are what I worry about the most. Although there are many brothers, what's the use of having more brothers? If the family is divided, even I, the old man, don't want to take care of it. Once I leave, who will care about them?" I would really bother to take care of them. Go to the county barracks. It doesn’t matter whether he carries water or makes a fire. It’s more suitable for them to do simple things. I’m relieved to follow you.”

Not long after, many villagers and villagers came one after another. They heard that the county barracks was recruiting new students yesterday, so they all wanted to sign up.After all, Luo Cheng's county soldiers are all doing well.

"Fathers and folks, Luo Cheng is very happy and grateful that everyone is willing to come to the county camp and the township group. However, there are so many people who want to come, and we can't recruit so many. They must be selected. Let me briefly talk about it first, County The battalion is about to be rectified. In the future, the county soldiers will not be on duty in rotation, but after being selected and qualified, and voluntarily join, the county will give a piece of land, about [-] to [-] mu per person, and the land will be allocated. , it will be your field in the future, and all you need is to pay the rent and pay the rent as usual."

"However, after entering the county barracks, you can divide the land, but you will have to serve regularly in the future. From now on, it will no longer be a monthly round, but a year-round service. The 500 people in the battalion will be about five times a year, and every two months. That is. The 500 people are divided into five divisions, and they are on errands for two months at a time. When it is their turn, they enter the camp for training and on duty, and those who do not have their turn stay at home and rest. Assemble for orders."

"In principle, we have several requirements for recruiting new soldiers from the county. First, they must be from a good family in the county. Second, they must be physically strong. The third age is preferably under the age of 21. Male. Last but not least, the only child in the family is not accepted, try to choose the one with the most children in the family."

"If everyone meets these conditions and is still willing to come, you can sign up outside the barracks in the county outside the county three days later, and you will be selected and hired at that time."

Hearing Luo Cheng's words, someone asked in surprise.

"No longer on duty?"

"Elected into the county camp, can you still divide the land?"

"At least fifty acres can be divided?"

Today is the fifth year of the great cause, and it has been nearly 30 years since the founding of the Sui Dynasty. After recuperating and recuperating under the rule of Kaihuang, the population of the world has increased greatly, especially in the Central Plains. It is difficult to faithfully grant land to newcomers according to the order of land equalization.

Land is the foundation of life for ordinary people, and it is difficult to live and work without land.

Joining the county barracks now, can you actually divide the land?Or at least [-] acres, there is such a good thing?

Everyone was shocked, then excited.

"Fathers and folks, as long as you join the county barracks, you will be able to distribute the land and grant land, but the land granted may be in the Changbai Mountain in this county. There are fields reclaimed by the fugitives who fled to the mountains before, and now they are all in the government. The county has promised to grant the land to the county soldiers who join the county camp."

"Oh, it turned out to be a field in the mountains."

However, this kind of hesitation only flashed in everyone's mind. Even if it is land in the mountains, it is still land, and it is better than no land.

"Goro, I want to sign up, I want to sign up."

"I want to sign up too."

The scene was once out of control!
(End of this chapter)

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