Chapter 182
Qi County, Zhangqiu.

Seeing that the end of the year was approaching, Du Ruhui, the county lieutenant, called a meeting of the subordinate officials in the county, and asked them to set an example and take the lead in paying off the rent owed in the past, as well as the righteous granary.

Du Ruhui said, if even the officials and subordinates cannot pay off their debts, how can the local rich and powerful households be willing to pay off their debts?

As a ninth-rank official in the county, Luo Cheng naturally had to take the lead.As for the Luo family, they all work in the county, and everyone pays attention to it.

In order for Luo Cheng to set an example, before the Chinese New Year, Du Ruhui specially approved Luo Cheng's [-] acres of official Yongye land and [-] acres of official land.

The three service personnel who should have been drawn to him long ago, three in charge, three in white, and four in body, were also assigned to him.

"Shicheng, you are an official now, and your status is different, so you should pay more attention to the impact. In the past, your family also had arrears, and this time you have to take the lead in paying it off. Anyway, to you today, that arrears are not counted. What." Du Ruhui said, "One more thing, you are an official now, and your three brothers are also officials, and two of your brothers are also officials in the county, so it is best to separate the registration and household registration."

According to the general folk customs, in ordinary families, the father dies or the grandson becomes an adult before the family is divided. Only the father-son family will not be divided.However, after the founding of the Sui Dynasty, the hermits were tracked down and escaped, and they engaged in a large search for appearances and lost their nationality.It is stipulated that if the meritorious service is below, the family must be separated and a separate account must be opened.

Dagong is a system of mourning, referring to relatives of the same grandfather.

Therefore, at the beginning of the founding of the Sui Dynasty, official legislation was made on the separation of families, requiring families with more than three generations to be separated.

This is completely opposite to the later Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty made legislation, but stipulated that parents should not separate their families, and it is strictly forbidden for sons to separate families while their parents are alive. Otherwise, it is unfilial. Severe punishment.

This may be the reason why the Tang Dynasty paid attention to building a country with filial piety. Although Tang Taizong killed his brothers, forced his father to abdicate, and imprisoned him in the deep palace, he still insisted on building a country with filial piety.

The Sui Dynasty was different. At the beginning of the founding of the Sui Dynasty, especially in the Kanto region, which was the former Northern Qi region, the people were very uncooperative, hiding their household registration at every turn, or cheating the old and the young.What do you mean?It means not registering a household registration and becoming a black household.Or registered, but obviously a 30-year-old young man, non-registered as only seven or eight years old, or simply registered as seven or eighty years old.

Why do you want to do this, of course, in order to evade the levy tax.

Because the tax system of the Sui Dynasty was based on Ding, the country distributed the land to the common people, and then collected taxes and dispatched labor from Ding Nan.After the land is divided, the young men only need to pay rent and transfers, and the old and young do not need to pay rent and transfers, nor do they need to serve in the military.

And if it is a black household, naturally there is no need to pay rent and transfer to serve.

Therefore, the imperial court was very dissatisfied with this, and then sent the local government to strictly check the household registration, and also specially required the local officials to check the age registered on the household registration and the person's appearance, to check whether the age was falsely reported, and the old and the young were cheated.If there is any falsehood, the security chief and others will be punished. This is Dasuo Maangyue.

Through this method, hundreds of thousands of households were added that year, with a population of more than 100 million.

Later, the separation of registration and household division was required because although the rent collection and dispatch of labor in the Sui Dynasty was based on the individual, some miscellaneous Yao apportionments, etc., were also based on the household.

For example, the righteous warehouse grain, the righteous warehouse grain is a kind of reserve granary set up by the imperial court, so that the local people pay a certain amount of grain every year, and then prepare for the shortage.

In the beginning, it was voluntary to pay as much as it wanted, but later the imperial court stipulated the grain payment standard, which was mandatory and everyone had to pay. At the beginning, it was paid according to the field, with two liters of grain for one mu of land.Later, it was stipulated that landless merchants, etc., also have to pay, how to pay?Set up households, etc., according to the amount of your family's property, to determine the level, and then pay the corresponding amount of grain every year according to the corresponding level.

Up to now, it has become necessary to pay grain by mu and pay grain by household.

In this way, if you have a large family of four or five generations living under the same roof and all register as one household, the government will charge a lot less money.Even many miscellaneous sects in the local area are collected by households, and the number of collections will be affected by the small number of households.

Therefore, the imperial court specially stipulated that households must be divided below great achievements.

However, because of folk customs, the imperial court legislated to require the division of households below the level of meritorious service, and at the same time encouraged everyone to live together and share wealth.

That is, you have to go to the government to separate the households and get an account for each. However, the government encourages your family to live together happily and harmoniously, live together, and share property.

In short, this not only meets the needs of the court for taxation and dispatch, but also takes care of everyone's traditional living habits.

There are now two generations in Luo Cheng's family.

"Didn't you take in a adopted son and adopted daughter?" Du Ruhui said.

Before Luo Cheng accepted the four of Kan Leng and gave them household registration, who would have expected that this would also be a reason to separate the family.

"Actually, it doesn't affect you at all. It's just that you divide your registration and open several accounts here, and then you live how you want to live. It won't be affected."

"If you want to talk about the impact, at most it will be more than a year to pay the charity warehouse money."

Officials don't have to pay rent and transfers to serve in the military, but the righteous warehouse food is paid by the princes and below.Even those who are orphans, widows and disabled have to pay.

This kind of free warehouse grain is actually the embryonic form of modern land taxation.

As an official, Luo Cheng certainly couldn't refuse Du Ruhui's request. Speaking of which, it was true that he didn't have much money.After all, he is now a big bureaucrat with a thousand hectares of fertile land.

So the next day.

Luo Cheng's family went to the household department to handle the separation of registration and registration.

Originally, it was enough for Luo Cheng to take the four adoptive children out, but after thinking about it, he might as well divide the households.

According to the family division law of the Sui Dynasty, there are three ways to divide the family. The first is to divide the family, that is, the parents are still there, and the youngest son is left to live with the parents. All property is inherited by the youngest, and the youngest son is also responsible for supporting the parents when their parents are alive.

There is another method of family division, which is called birth division. If the parents are still alive, all the children will be separated. The parents will be supported by the sons in turn.

The last method of division is that the parents do not divide the family when they are alive. When the parents are old or dying, they will confess their affairs in advance and divide the family property. .

Regardless of the method of division, there must be a host, witnesses, guarantors, etc., and the father and son of the division must sign and press their fingerprints, and even the government can send officials to conduct justice.

The family separation document established has legal effect. Whoever dares to deny it afterwards, if there is more division and troubles, the yamen can arrest and punish them.

"Why don't you brothers set up an account for each of you."

(End of this chapter)

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