Chapter 199 Ding You
As if overnight, spring came.

The vegetation is in spring, and the sky and the earth are suddenly covered with a layer of green gauze.

The grass is green and the peach blossoms are blooming.

In the spring of the sixth year of Daye, Zhangqiu was also thriving. After experiencing the banditry and suppression in the previous winter, there seemed to be no bandits in Zhangqiu County. The bandits all avoided Zhangqiu and disappeared.

Even Changbai Mountain in Zhangqiu is busy planting seeds.

More than half a year has passed, and now Luo Cheng is no longer the tall and thin appearance when he first came here. He practiced martial arts every day, and now his riding and archery skills have improved greatly, fifty steps away, and he can hit seven or eight hits with ten arrows when stepping down.Even if you shoot the bow immediately, you can still get five out of ten.

Since he got two jujube nailed spears from Shan Xiongxin, these two spears made him even more powerful, making him more comfortable, and his skills improved by leaps and bounds.

Now he has a whole body of muscles, and his eight-foot head weighs more than 180 kilograms.At least fifty catties had increased in weight, but it wasn't a big belly and fat intestines, but a whole body of muscles.

The palms are rougher and stronger.

He even writes calligraphy in a decent manner now, at least he will no longer be despised by people who don't understand calligraphy.

After the new year, the county barracks were full of 500 people, and the land was also divided. Each battalion was allocated [-] mu of land in the mountains, and [-] mu of Yongye land in the village.After peace of mind, they trained with peace of mind.

During this period of time after the year, Luo Cheng also led his troops across the county several times, and went deep into the mountainous areas under the jurisdiction of several other counties in Changbai Mountain to suppress bandits.

The thieves who were killed could claim credit, while the captured thieves simply became slaves in the county camp, responsible for forging iron in the iron workshop of the county camp, or working in shackles in the army camp of the county camp.

Every time, some weapons, cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, as well as a lot of gold, silver and soft things can always be seized.And some fugitives who slipped through the net in the mountains would be surrounded by county soldiers every time they found out, and then they would be captured and served as army slaves.

The more the soldiers are trained, the braver they are, but the more bandits suppress everyone, the richer they become.

In the Changbai Mountains where there were so many thieves and bandits, now it is very difficult to find large-scale gangs. Even the fugitives in the mountains before are basically hard to find now.

The banditry is almost over, and it's almost time for spring sowing.

So Luo Cheng only left a small number of people on duty, and the rest simply rushed to the spring sowing.

There was even a spring break in the yamen, and the subordinate staff were allowed to go home and farm.

The new county magistrate has arrived, and it really is Fang Xuanling. He is in his early thirties this year, and he is calmer than Du Ruhui, and he is not so bookish. Dare to steal, rape and be lazy, and no one dares to lie.

The new master book has also arrived, Duan Yanshi, the elder brother of Duan Yancheng, who is the recorder.

After he took office, Duan Yancheng was asked by Duan Yanshi to resign from his post of recorder and go home in the name of avoiding suspicion.But Duan Yancheng was not idle at home, he became the captain of the village regiment of Baishui Township, and I don't know what their brothers think, maybe seeing Luo Cheng holding the Xiangyong County soldiers, he also wanted to catch some people in hand.

For the time being, Luo Cheng and Duan's family are still in a state of being in the same state, and Duan Yanshi greets Luo Cheng every time he sees him, and even brings his son Duan Zhixuan over to apologize to Xiaoliu one day.

Luo Cheng always felt that he had bad intentions towards the Duan family, and he dealt with it superficially, but he secretly kept his mind on it.

Duan Zhixuan is now staying in his uncle's village regiment every day, and it is said that he leads a team and practices all day long.

Zhang Yichen is still the county magistrate. He became Qin Qiong's father-in-law, so his relationship with Luo Cheng became closer. With Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui as assistant officials, Zhang Yichen's life is very relaxed and comfortable now.

Wen has Fang Du, Wu has Luo Cheng, and Zhangqiu County has entered a rare stage of peace.

But bad things started too.

It's spring, and everything is rushing to spring plowing, but the county has already started to let the county prepare for this year's dispatch.After the spring plowing is over, the county will send a large number of civilians to serve in the service at the request of the higher authorities.Most of them are big battles outside the county or even out of the county, such as building ships in Donglai, building ordnance in Zhuojun, building cities in Luoyang, and so on.

Fortunately, this year the Luo family doesn't have to worry. After Duan Yanshi became the chief recorder, he let his brother go home, but he offered to let Luo Cheng's father be the recorder.

Luo Cheng didn't think it was necessary for his father to go to the yamen, but the brothers felt that the recording was good. In the end, his father agreed, and Luo Cheng didn't object.

Now my father is the county recorder, the elder brother is the Li Zheng of Changbai Township, the second brother is the captain of Changbai Township, the third brother is the captain of the first regiment of the county barracks, the fourth brother is the county judicial assistant and the captain of the second regiment, and he himself is The county captain, while Xiaoliu is the commander of the brigade directly under the battalion.

The eldest brother-in-law is the brigade commander of the county barracks and the head of the soap squad, the second brother-in-law is the secretary of the county barracks and the county secretary, the third brother-in-law is the brigade commander of the county barracks and the head of the quick squad, and the fourth brother-in-law is also the brigade commander of the county barracks.

The whole family now has official status or official positions, so there is no need to worry about dispatching servants this year.

Even the five hundred brothers in the county barracks, the county agreed not to serve.

Everything is very good.

For Luo Cheng right now, it is all about planting the 1000 mu of land at home.

Now the eldest, second, and fourth are married, and their new yards have been built. Because of the structure of rammed earth and wooden beams and columns, the house has been built very quickly, and now they have moved to the new yard to live elsewhere.

The houses of Luo Cheng and his brothers have also been built, but he has not moved there yet, and still lives in the old yard. The old yard has also been renovated, with tiled roofs replaced, walls painted, and some new furniture added to the house. .

In addition, Luo Cheng also bought a large courtyard in the county town. He often discusses matters in the county town now, so he simply bought a courtyard with some money. The price is not expensive, and he even bought a few servants. There are stewards, cooks, coachmen, doormen and maids in the courtyard. When they don't go home, they live there. When they go back, they are served by someone, which is comfortable.

Back home on horseback, the brothers are all back, and now they are all busy with spring plowing.

Now everyone has a separate family, each has land under his name, and how to arrange it is up to each of them.

"Xiao Wu, you also serve snacks in your farm. The season of the year is spring, so you don't care about spring plowing. How can you do it?" Luo's mother is now a lot richer, her face is shiny, and now she doesn't need to work in the fields anymore I don't even need things like weaving yarn and weaving, and there are maids at home to wait on me, and this popularity is getting better and better every day.

The happiest thing for her now is to watch the belly of the three daughters-in-law getting bigger day by day.

The eldest daughter-in-law was pregnant a few years ago, and the fourth daughter-in-law entered the door after the new year. She also became pregnant shortly after entering the door, but the second daughter-in-law fell behind the fourth daughter-in-law and found out at the end of the first month. happy pulse.

"Mother, don't worry, there is a farmer in my farm. They are more familiar with farming than me. They have come to report to me before, saying that half of this year's rice will be planted, and then some wheat will be planted. The rest Plant millet in places where water is scarce."

That's a thousand mu of land, but there are more than 20 slaves over there, and there is no shortage of large animals such as cattle and horses, so there is no need for Luo Cheng to worry about it.Especially after the reward that Luo Cheng awarded before that the yield per mu was more than one stone, and those who overcharged would get a share, those people worked very hard.

In particular, he divided the [-]-acre land into several shares, divided four or five slaves into groups, and then managed the farming in groups.

"You, it's just that you have a big heart. I'm not afraid that such an important matter will be left to the boss below, so I'm not afraid that they won't make it right."

"If they can't do it well, then I can't do it well." Luo Cheng didn't have the energy to stare at the world every day, just like the army camp in the county camp. The county camp has set aside [-] mu of land in the mountains. He also handed over all these lands to the people below, and the specific ones were cultivated by the farm slaves, and the brothers in the county camp would also help out when the spring plowing was busy.

"I'll call the boss and the others to come over for dinner later, it's rare that the whole family is here," said the old man.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kan Ling rode his horse into the courtyard, rolled off his saddle, and ran in hastily.

"Father, the Qin family in Licheng sent someone to deliver a letter, saying yes... say yes..."

"What are you talking about?" Luo Cheng saw that Kan Leng, who was left by him in the county, rushed to report and guessed that something serious had happened.

If not, Kan Leng told him that Qin Shubao had just sent a letter saying that Qin's mother had passed away.

"Why do people say that if you don't have it, it's gone? When you go to see it during the Chinese New Year, isn't it still very strong and healthy?" Mother Luo asked in surprise and sadness.

"It said it was fine and suddenly it disappeared, no illness or pain."

The old man sighed, "It's probably the end of my life, so it's good to leave like this, without being tortured. Pack up and prepare to go to the county town for funerals and condolences."

"My poor sister-in-law." Luo's mother couldn't help crying, "This son just got married, and he hasn't conceived the child yet, and he hasn't held the grandson yet, so he left, too early. "

"At least I can see that Shubao has grown up and married a wife. When he left, Shubao was by his side." The father persuaded Wei's wife.

Luo Cheng couldn't help but feel a little heavy when he heard this. The old lady is a very nice person. When he went there for the first time, she didn't dislike Luo Cheng, a country boy. Every time he went, she took him very seriously. Shubao takes good care of him.

Now he just said to go.

When Cunxiao and Siye heard that Shubao's mother had left, they also sighed.

"I'll arrange carriages and horses right now, and we'll leave tomorrow morning."

Although the family is busy with spring plowing now, when encountering such a thing, they can only leave it behind.

Luo Cheng asked people to go to the farm to call the head of his family to explain something, and sat there thinking that his aunt passed away at this time, and Shu Bao, as a military officer, had to worry about his mother Ding according to the rules.

In general, Ding You is guarded for three years, but actually it is 27 months.

From the day of the funeral, one must resign and stay at home for 27 months, otherwise it is considered unfilial.In this way, Shubao will not return to the Donglai Barracks for the time being, and I am afraid that he will not be able to participate in the Goguryeo sea route attack next year.

For the next three years, Qin Qiong will eat, live, and sleep in the thatched hut in front of her parents' graves. She will not drink, bathe, or change clothes, and stop all entertainment activities. .

Sometimes, military generals who hold important positions or go abroad do not worry about the system, but give a hundred days of leave.If Ding You is not allowed, it is called Duoqing, and if Ding You is recruited under the age of three years, it is called Qifu.

"I hope that coming to protect my son won't take away my love. Let Shubao stay at home and keep his filial piety for three years." He thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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