Chapter 202

In midsummer, the weather is getting hotter.

In the Changbai Mountains, the millet valleys in the county camps are also thriving, and the off-duty county soldiers are busy in the fields to promote the growth of seedlings, cultivate and weed.

Some people are carrying water to irrigate.

The millet grains are dark green and shiny, and the spikes that spit out are like sticks of dogtail grass swaying in the wind.

Well, millet is millet, but it was first cultivated from dogtail grass.

The two young officials, Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui, had been watching the fields for a long time, and they even seriously asked the county soldiers or slaves in the fields about the methods of planting these millet grains, such as how many months to sow the seeds. , How to plow and plow the field before sowing, how many liters of seeds are sprinkled on an acre of land, and how to manage after sowing, how to topdress and water the seedlings, etc.

The two even took a pen from time to time to record the results of the questions.

"Isn't it said that the land in this mountain is poorer than the land outside the mountain? Why do I see that the millet seedlings in this field are growing better than those outside? You can see that there are more long grains in this ear, and the harvest is absolutely perfect. Not bad." Du Ruhui was very surprised.

Wang Tiehan came over with two large buckets of dung and water, and put down the pick after listening, "That's what our captain taught us well. We plowed the land deeply in spring. He borrowed cattle and horses for us, and all the land was plowed very well. Deep, and then let us pile up human and animal excrement and bury it in the soil.”

"Even the seeds are carefully selected. Three liters of seeds are sown in one mu of land, and they are soaked in warm water before sowing. They are specially selected for planting before and after Grain Rain."

"When the millet seedlings have three leaves, the captain asked us to replant them in the places where the seedlings are lacking. Even if some seeds are not grown, we are not afraid. When the six leaves are reached, we will start to set the seedlings."

Both Fang Du and Fang Du came from famous families, and they had no worries about food and clothing. In the past, they could just concentrate on studying, but they really don’t know much about farming, especially what kind of selection, burial, replanting, fixed seedlings, and intertillage. Weeding three times, especially the intertillage is not only weeding, but also crushing the soil and so on.

At the time of jointing, weeding and crushing the soil must be carried out at the same time as watering. This time, the inter-cultivation must be deeper, and then the rice seedlings must be cultivated.

When the line is about to be closed, there will be another inter-cultivation, and the soil will be higher.

These details are too many.

Fang Du was very surprised when he heard it, as if he had opened a door to a new world.

"Captain Luo taught you these things?" Du Ruhui was puzzled, it was true that Luo Cheng could punch and fight, but he was only seventeen after all, could he be so proficient even in planting land?
Especially through interviews, he learned some farming methods, even many old-fashioned methods that he had never heard of before.

For example, just a method of retting and composting seems to have a lot of attention. Compared with the ordinary composting method used by farmers in the past, it seems that the effect has indeed improved a lot.

Not to mention other things, these military settlements here were originally relatively poor mountainous areas, but now the millet seedlings are growing so well.

Seeing that the spring millet is about to mature, it can be harvested immediately. Many experienced farmers have said that the yield per mu in Juntun will reach two stones this year.

It is amazing to sow three liters in spring and harvest two stones in summer.

You know, in ordinary land, it is often necessary to sow four or five liters of seeds, but in the end, only stones and grains of millet can be harvested.

The average yield per mu is two stones, which is not guaranteed by the fields outside Zhangqiu City.

The more interviews there were, the more surprised Fang Du was.

"It's our duty to persuade mulberry to teach farmers, but now Luo Cheng has done a lot better than us. I'm really ashamed." Fang Xuanling sighed.

"I'm thinking, Luocheng's county barracks has [-] mu of military garrison, and the county soldiers in the mountains have [-] mu of land. If he can harvest two stones from this mu, then he will have a bumper harvest this summer."

A simple calculation, 180 mu of land, isn't that [-] stone millet.These five hundred county soldiers, on average, one soldier is [-] shi. Even if half of them are privately owned by the county soldiers and half are owned by the camp, and there are hundreds of slaves in the camp, it is still shocking enough.

"I really don't know if I don't come here. I was shocked when I came here. Luo Cheng also mentioned to me a few times before, saying that the effect of the military colony this year is good, but I didn't expect it to be such a good effect. I thought that one mu could It's not bad if you collect seven or eight dollars, then our county can relax this year, and don't need to spend extra money and food to the county camp, who would have expected that he will make a fortune here silently."

Fang Xuanling stroked his beard, and said regretfully, "I didn't know, if I knew this year, I would definitely recruit Luo to become this strong man, let him pass on his experience, and then promote it throughout the county, if it can be like his frontier army station In this way, I dare not say too much, but it is absolutely possible to increase production by [-] to [-]%."

Thirty to five percent, how much grain will be increased.

As soon as this account was calculated, Fang Xuanling felt quite heartbroken.

"Just now I heard from the slave that after the summer harvest, Luo Cheng will plant another crop of wheat." Du Ruhui said, this recommended millet received [-] stone millet, how much will this next crop of wheat have to harvest?
"Can we plant another crop? Don't we need to rotate crops and fallow? Everyone says that corn wastes land and cannot be planted continuously."

"It is said that Luo Cheng said that fallow farming is due to insufficient soil fertility, but it may be improved through deep plowing and fertilization. It is true that millet and grain cannot be planted continuously, but other things can be planted, such as wheat and beans. Although the second season is definitely not as good as the first season's output, but even Harvest half, as long as it doesn't affect next year's spring plowing, isn't that equivalent to increasing the harvest by [-]% for nothing?" Du Ruhui sighed.

"This Luo Cheng has such a good idea, yet he still hides it all the time." Fang Xuanling was a little angry.

"But the key is that even if Luo Cheng told us before, we might not believe it, right?" Du Ruhui said helplessly.

"That's right, if you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it and dare to believe it."

The more abundant the harvest in the military colony, the more depressed the two became.Even if the military village can really collect [-] shi millet this year, it has nothing to do with them, because the military village is mostly middle-aged men, and they don't need to pay a grain of rent until they reach adulthood.As for the income from camping, it is said that it belongs to the county camp.

The two wandered around the fields in the mountains for a day, and returned to the county town exhausted at dusk.

As soon as they arrived at the Yamen, the magistrate Zhang Yichen told them a new news with a dejected expression.

"Luo Cheng is leaving."

"Where are you going?"

"Gao Sheng, our small temple can't accommodate his big Buddha after all. According to news from the county, we have added three military mansions in Qi County, one in Changbai Mountain, and a new Changbai Yingyang in Luocheng's county barracks." Mansion, the five hundred county soldiers were converted into mansion soldiers, and Luo Cheng was promoted to Sima of Changbaiying Yang Mansion."

Luo Cheng is no longer the captain of the county and county soldiers, no longer a member of the Zhangqiu county government, and the five hundred county soldiers are no longer county and county soldiers.

Du Ruhui and Fang Xuanling looked at each other, feeling a little depressed. They only thought that the tens of thousands of acres of mountain land in the county barracks was a treasure during the day, but now this treasure is assigned to the Weifu?

(End of this chapter)

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