Chapter 21

"Fifth brother, I also want to go to the third sister's house."

Seeing that Luo Feng had pulled out the big black horse, the little girl quietly put down what she was doing and walked around to the gate to wait for Luo Feng to beg to go together.

"Little clever ghost, do you think your mother didn't see your sneaky look just now? Mother has already seen your little thoughts, but you just didn't say anything. Let's go."

The little girl stuck out her tongue, looking excited.A ten-year-old girl spends her days doing housework or pulling weeds. It is a rare opportunity to go out as a guest, so she is naturally happy.

"Get on the horse!" Luo Feng picked up the little girl and sat on the white-hoofed crow.

"Ah, bro, it's so tall." Sitting on the horse, the little girl was a little flustered, it was her first time knowing how to ride a horse.

"Don't be afraid, brother is watching from the side, you see the white-hoofed crow is very docile."

After all, this horse was about ten years old, and it had been used as a draft horse before, so it had a very gentle temper. The little girl sat on its back, and it just nodded.

Luo Feng himself didn't know how to ride a horse, so he led the horse and walked ahead.

It's already autumn, but the weather is still as hot as midsummer. It is said that there will be eighteen autumn tigers after the beginning of autumn. The bride Luo Lian'er is sitting in her small courtyard drying medicinal herbs and wiping her sweat.

In this weather, it is a little cold in the morning and evening, but it is annoyingly hot during the day, the heat penetrates to the bones, and the body is sticky and sticky with sweat after a few casual moves.

Newly married, but her husband didn't have time to stay at home. The day before yesterday, Changxiang accompanied Zhao San, a servant of the county householder Cao, to the house and asked their family to hand in five buckskins and ten pheasant feathers before winter.

The husband took out the mincemeat wine brewed at home to entertain, and also brought out the smoked rabbit meat and dried fish at home, and finally got permission. The ten pheasant feathers were also changed to five.

However, the requirements must be handed over to the county government in full before winter, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

Husband with a scarred face knows what it means to be responsible for the consequences. In recent years, not only has the labor force been prosperous, but also the tax has been urgently pressed, and the local government has a lot of apportionments. .

The first time I shackle for one day, but the second time I can't make it, I have to beat the board first and then shackle for three days.

People call it fried meat with bamboo shoots and tiger yoke. Most people can’t hold it for a few times. In the third time, they not only have to be boarded, put on a yoke, and even have to stand in a cage. Crouched and unable to bend or stretch, no one can stand in a standing cage for more than three days and still be alive.

Although Zhao San was just a helper of Cao, a householder in the county government, no one dared to question his words.

Scarface is a hunter, and he usually has to hand over some bones, skins, etc. of prey to the yamen, but now he requires two deer skins, five rabbit skins and five pheasant feathers, which really puts Scarface in a dilemma.

In order not to eat fried meat with bamboo shoots and wear a tiger yoke, he went up the mountain on the third day of his wedding.

I often only go back home for several days, stay overnight and rush into the mountains, but after such a long time, I only got together five rabbit skins.

Two deerskins, only one deer was hunted to get one skin.

As for the five pheasant feathers requested, even one has not been assembled yet.

Deer are hard to find, and so are pheasant feathers.

Only those male pheasants have feathers, and the pheasant feathers required by the yamen also have a length standard, which must be available to those big wild cocks, and only one such feather can be taken from a pheasant.

And such big wild roosters are the hardest to hunt.

It is also difficult to find a hunter who wants to buy it and hand it in as a quest, because he is not the only one who got such a quest, many hunters got the quest spread out in the county. Now not only a deerskin is hard to find, but a pheasant feather is also hard to come by. It is also hard to find, and the mountains are full of hunters who go hunting in the mountains.

Seeing that there is not much time until winter, the deer and pheasants are even more difficult to hunt, Luo Lian'er is also secretly worried about her husband.

"Lianniang, Ba'er hasn't come back yet?" A woman's voice came from the room. It was Lian'er's mother-in-law. She was sick and bedridden, and she had to take care of her food and drink.

The father-in-law was killed by a leopard when he went hunting in the mountains in the early years, so he picked up a few bones, and the scar on the husband's face was also bitten that time. At that time, the father and son went hunting in the mountains and met a hungry leopard. Just let the son escape unharmed.

Her husband, Zhao Scar, originally had three older brothers, but they separated long ago.The three sisters are also married, and life at home is not easy, so it is rare to come back.

"Mother, I haven't returned yet. It has been three days since I entered the mountain this time. I guess I should come back today and tomorrow."

"It seems that it's not long before winter begins, but deer and pheasants are becoming more and more difficult to hunt now. I don't know how to survive this winter. Yesterday, I heard from my neighbor's fifth mother-in-law that if I can't hand in the task this year, I will go to I’m about to be arrested and go to Hebei to dig a canal.” The mother-in-law sighed as she spoke.

Lianniang's face was also gloomy when she heard that, her fifth younger brother went to Hebei to dig canals after the summer, and he hasn't come yet, Xiao Wu just turned sixteen, so young, he went to work in such a far place, I don't know Is it okay now?

Just as he was thinking, he heard someone knocking on the door.

"Third sister, third sister, are you at home?"

As soon as Lianniang heard this voice, she knew that the youngest fifth sister in the family was coming, she quickly put down her things, "little sister, why are you here, but what happened at home?"

He quickly stepped forward to open the firewood gate of the small courtyard, only to see a man leading a horse besides the younger sister outside the gate.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for three months, don't you recognize my brother?"

Luo Feng greeted with a smile.

Luo Lian'er was still standing there in a daze, the young man in front of her was indeed her fifth younger brother, but she looked a little different, standing up straight and neatly dressed, especially with an inexplicable look in her eyes. Feel.

In an instant, she felt that this younger brother had grown up.

"You're back?"

"Well, I just came back yesterday, and the eight people from the village who went with me have all returned."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Luo Lian'er hurriedly looked her brother up and down, fearing that he might be missing something.

"Sister, I came here in a hurry, and I didn't bring anything, I just brought three buckets of millet."

This was brought by Luo's mother when Luo Feng came. At the beginning, the family had no choice but to marry their daughter when Zhao's family produced Sandou. Now that the family situation is better, Luo's mother asked Luo Feng to bring Sandou The third daughter came to see her.

"What does this mean?" Luo Lian'er was a little puzzled.

"Sister, look at this big black horse, Fifth Brother just bought it, and it cost ten pennies." Fifth Sister said as if offering a treasure.

Luo Lian'er looked at the horse, very surprised, her younger brother actually bought the horse, ten pennies?

"Brother, what's the matter with this horse?"

Luo Feng smiled and simply told how he met a thief on the way home, how he met his cousin Qin Qiong, how he captured the thief and rescued the county magistrate's daughter, and finally won the reward.

"My God, is it true?"

"Well, it's all true. The bounty I got this time and the gift from the county magistrate's daughter add up to dozens of dollars of white money, and the county magistrate even asked me to work as a catcher in the Yamen. , I will report in a few days."

Luo Lian'er was like a dream, never expecting that the fifth younger brother would come back, and there would be such a chance.

"Third sister, I discussed it with my mother and sisters-in-law. When you got married, our family had no choice but to let you go out empty-handed. We really owe you. Now the family is in better condition, so we decided to make up for you. Dowry, a dowry of ten pennies for each of you and Fourth Sister, if you need anything, we will buy it according to your needs."

Luo Lian'er opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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