Chapter 227 Seven Jiro

The sixth one is here, I wish everyone a happy New Year's Eve, and please take your time with your girlfriends for the New Year's Eve tonight, your body is your capital!

To say that Mo Dao is of course better than Pu Dao, but the cost of Mo Dao is indeed not comparable to Pu Dao.In the past, they served as county soldiers, even if they had money, they didn't have a place to buy Mo Dao.

Both Ma Chan and Mo Dao are weapons of war, and the court even stipulated that they should not be buried.

Now that they are a military government, they are qualified to have channels, but the cost is indeed not cheap.

"Third brother, it's useless to have less Mo Dao soldiers. If you want to form Mo Dao soldiers, you must have at least a hundred of them?" Luo Cheng said.

"Then get a hundred Mo Dao Shou first."

Luo Cheng smiled and settled accounts with Siye. It is not cheap to set up a hundred Mo Dao soldiers. Each man has a Mo Dao, and the cost of Mo Dao is not comparable to that of a spear and a horizontal sword.A Mo Dao produced by the Military Weapons Supervisor costs [-] guan, which is the most common. If you want a higher level, you have to pay more. For example, if you want a better one, you need [-] guan.

Furthermore, the Mo Dao hand is not just a Mo Dao.

What is the role of Mo Dao Bing in the army?They are heavy infantry. Since they are heavy infantry, they need heavy infantry armor. The general Liangdang and Mingguang armor are not enough. The armor of Mo Dao soldiers must be at least [-] catties of full-body iron armor, and sometimes they even have to It is a double layer of armor, an inner layer of leather armor, an outer layer of iron armor, or a layer of thick fish-scale iron armor and a layer of iron chain armor. The whole body is covered with armor, wrapped like an iron bucket.

This kind of full-body heavy armor, coupled with the zhangbamo knife, can stand in front of the formation like a solid wall, without fear of the charge of the enemy cavalry, and then counterattack with the sharp Mo knife.

So for a Mo Dao soldier, Mo Dao equipment is not the most expensive.A better Mo Dao has fifteen punctures, but their heavy armor is very expensive. It is said that a piece of infantry heavy armor took more than 200 days to make, and the full set of armor has a total of more than [-] pieces of iron armor.Just for the labor cost, a set of heavy infantry armor costs more than [-] guan. If the cost of materials is added, then a set of armor without [-] guan cannot be obtained.

That is to say, even if they can get the cost price, they will have to have a set of [-] guns, and they are not elite guards, so if they want to buy a armor, they may have to pay more.

In this way, 55 rounds of Mo Dao, [-] rounds of heavy infantry armor, and [-] rounds of basic equipment for a Mo Dao soldier.

"It's only [-] guns for a hundred Mo swordsmen, it's worth it." Siye said first.

Seven thousand guan!

"Third brother, we have 800 soldiers in the military. Although we have seized a lot this time, we have to complete the deployment of all members. We have [-] cavalry and [-] paces. Your [-] infantry will cost [-] guan, which is not enough money. ah."

The equipment of the cavalry is no less expensive than that of the infantry. Just one horse now costs at least twenty.

Regardless of whether it is Liangdangjia or Mingguangjia, any set starts from a dozen or twenty.Not to mention the equipment such as bows and crossbows, they are not cheap either.

"At most, we can only build a team of Mo Dao Shou first."

"Only 50 people? I'm afraid it's useless?" Siye said.

"With large shield soldiers."

Compared with Mo Dao Shou, Luo Cheng wants to complete the equipment of two hundred light cavalry first. Although he now has two hundred cavalry, the horses of many cavalry are actually ordinary horses or mules. It is better to say that they are cavalry. Say motorized infantry.

As for a real cavalryman, you don't have to be able to ride a horse, but you have to be able to fight on a horse. Running, charging, and chasing are all basic skills necessary for light cavalry.This requires good riding skills, well-trained horses, and the ability to ride and shoot.

The cavalry must have horses, horned bows on horseback, spears, and armor.

The sum of all the equipment of a cavalry is definitely much more expensive than that of infantry.And two hundred Qingqi would cost a lot.

In addition, for the infantry, Luo Cheng urgently needed a long-range crossbow force.

He has summed up a lot of experience in suppressing bandits many times, among which long-range suppression is very important.Shooting a bow and crossbow from a distance, even a recruit can shoot well, but if it is a close combat, it will test morale and courage.Many people will panic, the formation is also prone to confusion, and it is more difficult to command.

It's not a big problem to just fight some mob bandits now, but if you face a large group of enemies in the future, or elite enemies, such as enemy cavalry charging, large groups of infantry attacking, you will suffer a lot if you don't have enough bows and crossbows.

The elite soldiers of the guards basically had a bow and crossbow equipment rate of [-]%. Everyone was equipped with a bow as standard, and some crossbowmen even equipped with bows and crossbows, so that when the Sui army faced the surrounding enemies, , Every battle can take the upper hand in long-range suppression.

"Then think about it!" Luo Siye was also helpless.

With too many prisoners and captures, the procession moved slowly.

Fortunately, it was not a march in enemy territory, nor was it a border march. It was an official road, and the journey was very easy. Every time we camped outside the city, we could enter the city to purchase the food, meat and vegetables we needed. Everyone didn’t eat much. bitter.

Especially with such a huge team, every time they pass through a city, they can attract local traders and people to do business. Luo Cheng is very happy to do business with these local people.

He bought some fresh meat and the like, and he would also sell some of his spoils along the way. As long as the price was right, he didn't mind lightening his burden.

They even sold prisoners of war along the way.

For those who are older and weaker, Luo Cheng sells them all the way.There are also a lot of livestock that are sold along the way.

Every time he passed through a city, Luo Cheng would even take turns to give the government soldiers a holiday, one team at a time, and with money in their pockets, they would go to the city to go to a restaurant, or even go to a brothel to have a meal or something. in spite of.He would send military officers to lead a team to patrol the city, and as long as they weren't engaging in forced buying and selling, or eating bully meals, he didn't care about them.

On the contrary, if anyone dared to bully his soldiers, he would take care of them.

Fortunately, along the way, no local snake dared to be so bold.

On the contrary, when Luo Cheng came all the way, there was a lot of rumors about the business. Many merchants even heard the news and waited for them on the road early, bringing a lot of money and goods to trade.

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, Wang Ziming personally picked two young, beautiful and gentle women for Shi Xin to send to him.The two women were young and married women, gentle and plump, and Shi Xin blushed and accepted them.

Then the next day I didn't get out of the tent until the sun was three poles.

Luo Chengcheng was already having lunch, the mutton soup was served with boiled noodles, it was satisfying to eat, Shi Xin came over with a smile.

He picked up the big bowl he used to eat, filled it up, squatted on the ground, and devoured it, finishing the bowl in a while.

"I said Xiao Liu, although this woman is good, she must be restrained. Don't be greedy, otherwise it will easily hurt your body. You are still growing your body now."

"Brother, I know." Xiao Liu let out a sigh, then lowered his head and continued to gorge on the noodles.

Seeing him like this, Luo Cheng couldn't help asking curiously, "Tell me, how many times did this happen last night?"

Xiao Liu stopped his chopsticks, raised his head and thought for a while, "Last night plus the time I got up just now, a total of seven times."

Luo Cheng was so shocked that he could only slap his mouth and say, "Brother, take it easy!"

 I recommend a book "Happy Song of the Great Swallow": Wen can set the country, martial arts can stabilize the country, and Shen Huan, who is both civil and military, can shoot a gun.

  The beauty is like jade, the sword is like a rainbow, Shen Huan has a heart, a sword and a courage to laugh at the world of mortals, and the gold and iron horse cast spring and autumn!

  This is a story of a modern person going upstream and forging ahead in the Great Yan Dynasty. Shen Huan wrote his own immortal legend in this strange era.


(End of this chapter)

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