Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 233 Eastern Expedition Order

Chapter 233 Eastern Expedition Order

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Chang Shi Chai Xiaohe poured Luo Cheng a cup of tea and asked him.Luo Cheng looked at the black-faced long history, thinking that there would be some good news. "Let's hear what the good news is first!"

"It seems that Luo Sima, like me, likes to hear the good news first. The good news is that you have been promoted, and the merits of suppressing the bandits in Onozawa were reported to you. Now that the Ministry of War has judged your merits, your rewards have also come down."

Luo Cheng sat up straight, it seemed that the eight hundred coins were not wasted, and the relationship was not in vain.

"The Ministry of War promoted your San rank to Jianjie Lieutenant in recognition of your great achievements in suppressing bandits and thieves. Congratulations, brother, this is the highest rank among the eight ranks of San rank."

Luo Cheng nodded.

Jianjiewei is the sixth rank, but there is nothing to be too happy about, because the current emperor likes to toss about the official system, so the current official rank system is revised three years after Daye.Xun San was merged into one Kaifu nine doctors and eight lieutenants, with a total of eighteen levels.However, this rank of official is actually an honorary title with no job and no real power.

Jianjiewei is just like a nice name.

"You don't change your face, my brother is so calm." Chai Xiaohe smiled, "Lieutenant Jianjie is a pretty good name, but the real reward is that the Ministry of War promotes you to the seventh rank. The official position has not changed, and you are still a Sima, but The rank is higher than that of the Sima in the upper house."

Hearing this result, Luo Cheng was a little disappointed.It is impossible not to be disappointed. After such a great effort, it took a long time to manage it, and it took eight hundred guan to manage it. Zhang Fang and Du were invited to help, but the result was that he was promoted to a higher level, but not to an official position.

His position has not changed, he is still the Sima of Changbai Yingyang Mansion, but his rank has been upgraded to Zhengqi, which is the same rank as Sima of Shangfu, but what is the use of this?
As for Jian Jiewei, who is a sixth rank, it's just a nice thing to hear.He, Luo Cheng, is now probably equivalent to being promoted from the original chief of staff of the major regiment to the chief of staff of the lieutenant colonel regiment, and then he was awarded a medal of second-class merit, enjoying the benefits of a colonel.

It's useless.

What he wants is to surpass Chai Xiaohe and become the chief of Changbai Mansion.

"What about the bad news?"

That's all the good news, Luo Cheng reckons the bad news is even worse.

"The Ministry of War ordered that 600 people be drawn from our military mansion to gather in Zhuojun. The departure time is in the next year, and it is stipulated that they must arrive at Zhuojun camp before the end of June."

Chai Xiaohe looked at Luo Cheng, "The Ministry of War specified that you should lead these 600 people to Zhuojun, and asked for two hundred riders and four hundred paces."

On the one hand, the rank was promoted, and on the other hand, Luo Cheng was immediately transferred to send troops.

"Ordinary people would definitely say it's good news when they hear this news, but according to what I know about Luo Sima during this period, Luo Sima is a family-loving person, and he doesn't really want to go to Liao."

Luo Cheng smiled.

"Military orders are like a mountain. I am an officer now, and everything depends on obeying military orders."

Whether you like it or not, since it is an order from the Ministry of War, there is nothing to change this matter.

He reckoned that there might be reasons for the Zheng family in Xingyang.After Zheng Guanyin returned, Luo Cheng was also on guard day and night, but several months passed in a blink of an eye, and he didn't see any actual actions there. He thought that Zheng Guanyin was humiliated but he wanted to save face so he concealed it.

It seems that this matter is not over yet.

Luo Cheng's current task is to bring the six hundred soldiers from Changbai Mansion to Zhuojun by next July.

Chai Xiaohe was in charge of leading the remaining [-] soldiers to stay in Changbai Mountain.

"It's not long before the expedition, and it's only half a year before the arrival deadline. Now we have to start preparing equipment, food, and pack horses." Chai Xiaohe reminded Luo Cheng, make preparations early, and don't miss the deadline.

As for who to choose among the 600 people, Chai Xiaohe said that Luo Cheng can decide.

Summon all the officers to come.

Chai Xiaohe once again announced the order of the Ministry of War, first announcing the rewards of the Ministry of War, and Luo Cheng was promoted to the sixth-rank rank and the seventh-rank rank.Under him, Qi Biao and Li Bao's two schools were also promoted to the sixth rank, and their positions remained unchanged.

The eight brigade commanders also have their own promotions this time.

Siye and Cunxiao were appointed captains respectively, and they were awarded Cong Qipin Suide captains, Luo Siye was awarded infantry captains, and Luo Cunxiao was awarded Yueqi captains.Luo Shixin, Zhao Gui, Du Fuwei, and Fu Gong Er were each awarded deputy lieutenants, from the eighth rank to the eighth rank Huairen rank.

Zhou Dewei and Zhou Xin respectively conferred Bing Cao Canjun and Cangcao Canjun.

Wang Ziming entrusted the military service, from the seventh rank to the eighth rank.

In addition, Guo Xiaoke, Zhang Liang, Li Junxian, Wang Junkuo, and Wang Tiehan, who used to be known as the five guardians of Luo Cheng's personal guards, are now also awarded the official positions of the ninth-rank team. Kan Leng, Ximen Junyi, Wang Xiongdan, Luo Cheng The San Yizi of his father was also appointed as the head of the Jiupin team for his contribution to suppressing bandits.

Chai Xiaohe read the list of rewards for a long time.

Very long string.

Before the county barracks were converted into government soldiers, there were not many official ranks, only Luo Cheng and the fourth child.But now after this battle, the higher-ups have granted these official positions in Changbai Mansion.

Changshi, Sima, Lushi participated in the military, two Yueqi school lieutenants, two infantry school lieutenants, two Yueqi lieutenants, two infantry lieutenants, Bing Cao participated in the military, Cang Cao participated in the military, and eight brigade commanders, Eight deputy brigade commanders, sixteen team leaders, and sixteen team deputy officers.

Except for one general Ying Yanglang who failed to arrive, all the others were completed.

The official position is very happy, but the rest of the rewards are relatively stingy. For example, Luo Cheng only rewarded three hundred pieces of silk, and others were even less.Each of the officers can also be awarded a job field and an officer's permanent job field, but the rewards for the soldiers are only a few bolts of silk.

If Luo Cheng hadn't distributed a lot of slave money and silk to the government soldiers before, this bandit suppression would really be a loss.

Everyone got an official report issued by the Ministry of War, which was stamped with the seal of the Minister of the Ministry of War.With this letter of appointment, they are all real officers of the Weifu of the Sui Dynasty.

Everyone who has been awarded an official position is very happy.

Wasn't it just this moment that he tried every means to join the Weifu as a soldier?

"Everyone put away your treasures first, don't drip your saliva on them, confess them well when you get home, and remember to pay the money later, and pay twice for each confession, this is indispensable. In addition You also need to pay for official uniforms, and each person will have four sets of official uniforms according to their official positions, and they will have to pay separately, and Wang Canjun will tell you the exact amount later.”

The fourth child was the happiest among the crowd, touching the yellow silk paper was like touching a beautiful lady.

"Isn't it just a few pennies, I'll give it later."

"Be quiet for a moment, and listen to me. Everyone is very excited to be appointed officials, and I am also happy. This is also the result of everyone's fight against bandits. The Ministry of War has another order this time. Our Changbai Mansion will send troops in the next year. Six hundred, gather in Zhuojun and prepare for the Eastern Expedition. Has anyone signed up voluntarily?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone shouted and wished to go.

Among them, the fourth child is the most active.

(End of this chapter)

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