Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 24 Roasted Bamboo Rat

Chapter 24 Roasted Bamboo Rat

Zhao Laoliu walked away in disgrace, but his brother-in-law was still a little ignorant with Scarface.

"Why is Zhao Laoliu so talkative all of a sudden today?"

Luo Lian'er shook her head at Yulin's pimple-headed husband, "You, until now, haven't realized that it wasn't him, Zhao Laoliu, who suddenly showed kindness, but was afraid of my brother?"

She also read some books with her mother before, and she is much smarter than her husband.She had already seen that the number of furs collected by Zhao Lao Liuzheng must be more than that collected by the yamen.

It's just that ordinary people can't help it even if they know it. After all, people don't fight with officials. Although Zhao Laoliu is just helping out, he is also a member of the yamen.But it's different now, her brother is now a county government catcher, and he has to be appreciated by the county magistrate.As long as his brother took this matter to the county to inquire casually, he would be able to figure out the tricks inside, and know how much Zhao Laoliu took the opportunity to increase corruption.

If this matter is brought up in front of the county magistrate, this Zhao Laoliu will have to walk around.But the brother didn't say this, but said that he would pay Zhao Laoliu to buy furs for business.

Does Zhao Laoliu not understand the meaning of this?

This is the meaning of my brother's intention to let Zhao Laoliu go, and he doesn't want to turn against him. Since his brother is willing to let him go, then Zhao Laoliu will naturally have to reciprocate. He said that he sent the fur gang to do business, but he did it for himself.

Both of them are smart people, and they didn't tell the truth.

The poor husband is ignorant. When she lamented her husband's stupidity, Luo Lian'er couldn't help being surprised that her younger brother seemed to have really changed a lot. Although he was very smart in the past, he would never have the thought to deal with this matter. Certainly not so good.

Now that she has saved her family from such superficial errands, and has not broken up with Zhao Laoliu, she really admires her ingenuity.

After explaining to her husband in detail, Scarface Zhao couldn't help but sighed, "So that's the case, why do you think you have so many twists and turns in your mind, why can't you just say it clearly?"

"Fifth brother, anyway, thank you very much today, otherwise, your brother-in-law and I will have to go to the Yamen to beat the board and wear the shackles after winter."

"Brother-in-law, my sister is married to you, why should we still be so polite." Luo Feng smiled, and then deliberately changed the subject, "I just saw that brother-in-law you hunted several prey from the mountains, there are mountain rats There are bamboo chickens and wild rabbits, these are good things, I learned some cooking skills when I dug the river, I will do it later, and let you have a taste of my good craftsmanship."

"Hey, Xiao Wu, how can I let you go to the kitchen when you are a guest at my sister's house. Besides, cooking is a woman's business."

"Sister, you're wrong about this. Why can't men cook? I'll show you what cooking skills are like in a while!"

Luo Feng smiled and beckoned the younger sister to go to the kitchen together. He was already a little moved when he saw those wild animals just now.

This is real wild game. In later generations, even wild boars can become national protected animals, and there is no real game in the vegetable market.

Even the bamboo rats are artificially bred, and the taste is far worse.

The bamboo chicken was caught by the brother-in-law in a trap and it was still alive. One of the two rabbits was dead. It was skinned by the brother-in-law and almost dried out.

The three mountain rats were also called bamboo rats, but they were all alive. They were very tenacious, and their pair of front teeth were quite fierce. When they gnawed on the bamboo, it was like eating noodles.

With a turn in his mind, the fate of these guys was decided in an instant.

"Stir-fried bamboo rat, stewed bamboo chicken, braised rabbit!"

Brother-in-law Scarface was laughing, usually hunting wild animals, unless they were dead, otherwise the living ones were reluctant to eat for themselves, and had to be sold for money.

But today, he put one important matter on his mind, so of course he didn't care about the wild game, and his brother-in-law did him a big favor.

"Little sister, bring some straw, let's roast the bamboo rat first."

Taking advantage of the time when the younger sister went to fetch the straw, Luo Feng first took out a kitchen knife and knocked the chubby bamboo mouse unconscious, then knocked it a few more times while it was unconscious, and knocked it to death directly.

After being knocked to death, he was not in a hurry to disembowel him, but let the little girl who brought the straw start the fire to boil the water first.

After the water is boiled, throw the bamboo rat that is still warm into it and scald it. While it is hot, scrape off its fur, and after it is smooth, put it on the fire to roast.

In this way, the fine hairs on the skin can be roasted, and at the same time, the skin of the bamboo rat can be browned, so that the skin will be tough and fragrant after being fried.

Brother-in-law Scarface squatted on the ground and looked at Luo Feng's operations with great interest. Watching him deal with the poor bamboo mouse like a cloud, Scarface felt that this brother-in-law was getting more and more interesting.

After the straw was smoky, the bamboo rat, which weighed more than five catties, swelled up more and more. Its skin was golden, and it looked like a small roast suckling pig.

Luo Feng couldn't help sighing, as expected in the era without pollution, my brother-in-law caught three bamboo rats, each of which weighed five or six catties, but if in later generations, we could catch a wild bamboo rat weighing two or three catties It's all amazing, and it can be sold for a very high price.

But in this era, apart from ordinary poor people, few are willing to eat this bamboo rat. In their eyes, this bamboo rat is even worse than dog meat and pork.

But Luo Feng has always liked to eat bamboo rats, and bamboo rats are not gophers, bamboo rats are serious and delicious.

"It's almost baked!"

Luo Feng could tell the heat from the color of the skin.

If it is roasted a little less, it will be too tender, and if it is roasted a little longer, it will be too old. This time is just right.

"I'll chop it."

Scarface's brother-in-law volunteered, a camphor tree stump was the chopping board, and he took out the wood-chopping ax to chop the bamboo rat.

"Chop it into bigger pieces so that it tastes meaty," Luo Feng confessed.


Scarface held a heavy wood-chopping ax but was as light as if there was nothing in his hand. With the big ax in his hand, he lightly stroked the roasted and swollen bamboo rat's belly, and it immediately disemboweled it.

The little girl squatted aside with great interest and watched the whole process of Luo Feng roasting bamboo rats and brother-in-law breaking bamboo rats.

"After I have learned it, I will also make bamboo rats like this in the future for my mother and elder brother to eat!"

"Hey, you're quite bold, aren't you afraid of being roasted and dissected?"

"What are you afraid of? This is something to eat. There is nothing to be afraid of." The little girl didn't think there was anything scary at all, and she didn't think there was anything cute about bamboo rats that couldn't be eaten.In its eyes, the bamboo rat is food, a delicacy, and a plate of meat.

"Sister, do you have onion, ginger and garlic at home?"


Luo Feng didn't ask for any other seasonings, but onion, ginger and garlic are very common things. As for cooking wine, soy sauce, star anise, cinnamon and pepper, although they are available in this era, he guesses that the Zhao family must not have them.

And chili, um, was not introduced to China until the Ming Dynasty.

However, fresh meat does not necessarily require much seasoning. Too much seasoning will cover up the taste of the food itself. Only a small amount of seasoning can better taste the delicacy brought by the top ingredients.

(End of this chapter)

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