Chapter 251
The sixth one is delivered, please ask for a monthly pass!
Is Douzigang Liu overbearing?

With the antlers closed, General Liu Zhen looked at the good news that Luo Cheng had just sent, and fell into deep thought.

Although Liu Badao of Douzigang rose for a short time, his strength was strong. He swept away all the original forces in Douzigang and unified the entire Douzigang.

Even the Lujiao Pass was crawling under his feet and trembling, panicking all day long, not knowing when Liu Badao was going to attack.

But now, Luo Cheng only has ten days to kill Liu Badao?

"Impossible?" said a captain.

General Liu Zhen shook his head, "For us, this is impossible, but for Luo Cheng, it may not be impossible, this kid is too hostile, Wang Lvshuai's head But it’s not done yet.”

Speaking of Wang Lushuai, Liu Zhenjiang was actually very upset. No matter what, Wang Lushuai was his man, but Luo Cheng killed him without even asking him.

Even if Commander-in-Chief Wang disobeyed the military order and even sent troops to plunder and commit adultery after the war, he would not be guilty of death.

But Luo Chengcheng chopped it off, sent the head directly after chopping it off, and even chopped off more than a dozen town soldiers.

Luo Cheng was too domineering, but following Wang Lvshuai and more than a dozen heads, there were mountains of salt and grain, as well as a lot of copper coins and silk, etc., followed by batches of captives and escapees. The civilians, as well as the chopped-off bandit leaders, filled basket after basket.

Looking at the money, food, cloth and silk, it is a lie to say that you are not tempted. Someone once said with red eyes that you should swallow these.

Liu Zhen's heart fluttered for a long time, and finally he restrained himself with great difficulty, and asked people to empty a few warehouses for Luo Cheng's people to save money and food, but he didn't touch any salt, rice, money, and silk.

Are you not excited, of course not.

He just knew very well how powerful Luo Cheng was who was able to send back so much money and food.

In fact, General Liu Zhen was also a fierce man before. In his early years, under the command of the great general Shi Wansui, he conquered the Turks, quelled the rebellion of the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, the rebellion of the Liao people in the Southwest, and the Tuyuhun. He was a cavalry soldier in his early years.He is even a heavy cavalry, with armored cavalry and sharp horses.

The number of people who died under his iron hooves could at least be counted with one hand.

It's just that as I got older, I was a little tired wearing double armor, and I couldn't run anymore.From the northern frontier to the interior of the Central Plains, he also knew how to spend money on management, so the officials became bigger and bigger, and their ranks became higher and higher, but the position kept shifting from the frontier to the hinterland, and in the end, he stayed on the bank of the Yellow River On the other side, he took five hundred prisoners to guard the ferry, just dawdling around all day long.

Although it is almost like eating and waiting to die now, the ambition is no longer.But old Liu's vision is not bad, he also knows that Luo Cheng's method of lance is learned from Zhang Xutuo, that old boy Zhang Xutuo also worked under the command of Master Shi back then.At that time, his rank was much higher than Zhang Xutuo's.

It's just that now Zhang Xutuo is the deputy of a county, but he is only a sixth-rank official.

"Get ready, Luo Cheng will probably be back soon."

"Did Luo Cheng really take away all the money, food, salt and cloth?"

"How could Luo Cheng take so many things with him?" Old Liu said.

A school lieutenant's eyes lit up, "Then we?"

"Don't even think about it. Some things can't be thought about, let alone reach out, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. These things belong to Luo Cheng. He wants to go north to Zhuojun. If he can't take them away, we will help him deal with them and arrange them. Someone sent him back to Qi County Changbai Mansion."

"Send it for him? Why?"

"Forge a good relationship, not to mention we will not suffer."

Of course, Lao Liu will not suffer a loss, although the Wang Lushuai he sent out died, and the 100 people lost almost half.However, how many heads and captives Luo Cheng sent back and forth, all of these are credited to them. In addition, after Liu Badao was destroyed, Douzigang was vacant.

Naturally, Lujiaoguan is the first to get the moon by being close to the water. He dare not say that he can monopolize the salt and salt of Douzigang, but at least he can get a share of the pie, or a big one.

In the future, this will be a cornucopia in hand, with a steady stream of income.When I was young, I fought here and there, and suffered a lot of injuries. On windy and rainy days, I was always in pain, and I was old.I don't expect any further advancement in official career, I just hope that I can get more money, and then go home safely, bring more money back, buy more land, and future generations will be able to relax.

three days later.

Luo Cheng is really back.

There were six hundred Changbai soldiers when we went there, but there were eight hundred when we came back.

And when he went to Lujiao Pass, there were a hundred town soldiers, but when he came back, there were only eighteen soldiers left.

But Lao Liu was not interested in managing those prisoners, anyway, he didn't really regard these people as his subordinates.

He was amazed at what Luo Cheng brought back this time, more salt, more food, more money, more captives, and more heads.

He even discovered that Luo Cheng's soldiers were actually better equipped than when they set out for the expedition.

Obviously, this is an update of the equipment after killing Liu Badao, the idiot local tyrant.

There were more than [-] captive bandits and captured fugitives. So many people formed a mighty transport team, carrying countless salt, grain, money and silk on their shoulders, oxen and horses.

"Brother Luo, did Liu Badao kill him?"

Lao Liu asked with concern.

Luo Cheng smiled, "Liu Badao and his brothers ran away with their brothers Li Yide and Ge Qian, and took away about 300 people. But his lair was raided by me. This time the troops were dispatched to suppress more than ten battles before and after. In Thirteen Thirteen Bandit Villages, more than [-] heads of thieves were beheaded, more than [-] thieves were captured, and about [-] fugitives were captured."

Lao Liu took a deep breath.

This harvest really broke the foundation of Liu's overbearing.

Luo Cheng didn't mention how much salt, how much grain, how much silk, gold and silver were seized, how many weapons, horses and livestock were seized, so Lao Liu didn't mention a word.

On the contrary, Lao Liu said happily, "I really didn't expect such a result before. I really can't exchange so much money and food for the tens of thousands of prisoners."

Unexpectedly, Luo Chengdao said, "The more than five hundred bandit leaders, we will give them to General Liu Zhen for free, without exchanging money and food."

Old Liu immediately said, "Thank you so much Brother Luo. In this way, I will arrange for your captives and arrests, and send someone to supervise these captives to help you transport them across the Yellow River and send them to Zhangqiu Changbai Mansion in Qi County. how?"

Luo Cheng was a little surprised by Lao Liu's act of righteousness.

"That's really what I wish for. How about this? More than five hundred heads will be given to General Liu Zhen, and the other three thousand bandits captured will also be given five hundred to you. The rest of the captives and fugitives will be temporarily placed in Now, I'll send someone back to Qi County, and let someone over there send someone to transport it."

"Yes, yes." Liu Zhen responded with a smile.

After Luo Cheng left, several school captains were still amazed, "This Luo Cheng is really brave. With more than 2000 fugitives and more than [-] captives, does he really dare to swallow it all by himself?"

"What dare not, what do you think Luo Cheng dares?" Old Liu shook his head, this world is really the world of these young people, he is old, really old.

 Thanks to Lonely Single, Book Friends 2016, Xiaopang who is about to get married, etc., thank you for your monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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