Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 265 Horseshoe bursts of smoke and dust

Chapter 265 Horseshoe bursts of smoke and dust (congratulations to the leader of Qiu Huaihanmeng!)

"Guardian Shi, your scimitar is not bad. I see that all eighteen of you have two swords. How dare you ask the three thousand Yanyun iron cavalry, but everyone has this sword?" Luo Cheng asked out of embarrassment.

Shi Meng's face was still red, and his previous arrogance was no longer in his eyes. It seemed that he was suppressed by Luo Cheng's 23-jin Ma Qiang, and he replied, "Our knife is called the Full Moon Scimitar. At the beginning, there were only [-] Yuntie cavalry, but Luo Huben slowly selected them and led us to fight against the barbarians outside the Great Wall, using blood and fire, knives and swords to train this team."

"When we fought against the Khitan people, we broke through a tribe and found that the warriors of this tribe were all good at using knives, and all of them were scimitars. After interrogating the prisoners, we learned that there was an open-pit iron mine where the Khitan tribe lived. Therefore, people in this tribe have always been good at smelting iron. The iron they smelt is called 镔铁, and the knife they cast is 镔铁刀, which is very sharp. Moreover, their knife smiths have improved through generations to create a very suitable A scimitar for immediate combat."

"This kind of knife is curved like a full moon. After continuous improvement, it is more suitable for immediate combat. It doesn't even require the strength of the knight itself. It can easily cut off the enemy's head with the impact of the horse. It made up for the shortcomings of the Khitans in size and strength, allowing them to enhance their combat effectiveness in the battles with the Turks, Shiwei people, and Goguryeo people."

As he said that, Shi Meng also pulled out a machete and handed it to Luo Cheng to watch.

It is said that this knife looks like a full moon, but it is actually a bit exaggerated.

The curved part of the blade protrudes long, while the part near the handle is still straight, not longer than the part near the handle of the machete, so as to ensure that you will not accidentally injure yourself. When the cavalry rushed into the enemy's line, The scimitar on the side of the saddle can be easily pulled out, and with the momentum of the horse, it is easy to cut off the enemy's armor, which greatly saves the cavalry's physical strength.

"No chopping, no chopping?" Qi Fat asked.

"No need, pull out the scimitar, open it, and rush over at the speed of the horse. This force is enough to easily cut through the armor and cut off the head."

As Shi Meng spoke, he demonstrated how to use it.

Luo Cheng also tried a few times with the scimitar. This knife is not heavy, about less than three catties. In Shi Meng's words, this kind of knife doesn't need to be chopped, so it doesn't need to be too heavy.The scimitar blade is more suitable for mechanics, which is to kill the enemy along the way.

I have to admire the Khitan people, they not only forged the very famous iron, but also forged the extremely sharp machete for killing people.

Compared with the horizontal knives widely used by the Sui army, this kind of scimitar is obviously more in line with human mechanics, and it is easier to exert its power, which can be said to be twice the result with half the effort.

The melee swords used by the cavalry of the Sui Army were still horizontal knives, but they were shorter than those used by infantry soldiers, but the straight-edged horizontal knives were definitely not more suitable than the machetes.

The horizontal knife is a right-angled single-edged sword, which is more suitable for dealing with the solid armor defense since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and has a very strong armor-piercing effect, while the Khitan's scimitar is obviously a different way, and it is obviously effective against nomadic tribal cavalry who lack armor on horseback. good.

"The men of the Khitan tribe all have double scimitars. Later, Luo Huben also asked the captured Khitan blacksmith to forge scimitars. Our Yanyun cavalry also learned the Khitan's fighting methods. Everyone has two scimitars. Sword, after using this method of warfare, our Yanyun iron cavalry was even more powerful in the fight against the Turks and other tribes."

Speaking of this, Shi Meng said proudly, "Our Yanyun iron cavalry learns from the Turkic cavalry and imitates the Khitan with a scimitar, but we also have the military formations of the Chinese masters of war in the past dynasties, so we rule the roost. Unstoppable."

"Teach the barbarians to master their skills to control the barbarians, and Luo Ya is very good at it." Luo Cheng also had to praise Luo Yi. In just ten years, he was able to train a Yanyun iron cavalry that ran across the fortress from scratch. This is not something everyone can do.

"The cavalry and archery of the Turkic people, the scimitar of the Khitan people, and the iron armor of the Central Plains, these three combined into one, naturally made the unparalleled Yanyun iron cavalry, admiration, I am convinced by Fatty Qi." Qi Fatty cupped his hands.

"Lieutenant Qi guarded the Wuyuan Hetao along with the fish chief so that the Turkic people did not dare to herd horses in the fortress. Our Yanyun Iron Cavalry also admire this majesty." Shi Meng also praised.

The way they boasted to each other was disgusting, but Luo Cheng knew that the two sides were indeed making a name for themselves.

"Yanyun iron cavalry, Fengzhou town soldiers, just thinking about your appearance on Weizhen Fortress, it makes people fascinated." Luo Cheng sighed.

Looking at the sky and the sky, Luo Chengdao said, "I don't know if the road will be peaceful. Do you think there will be people from Goguryeo?"

"On the west bank of the Liao River, there are many Goguryeo people."

"Then if the Goguryeo people attack, can we stop them?" Luo Cheng asked the two with a smile.

"That depends on how much you see." Fatty Qi glanced at the marching team, 6000 people.

Two thousand warriors and four thousand civilians. Although there are only two thousand warriors, their equipment is quite terrifying. They are said to be infantry regiments, but they are actually an army with heavy cavalry, light cavalry, heavy infantry, A luxurious regiment including heavy crossbow infantry.

It's just that in terms of actual combat experience, it may be slightly insufficient, and it has not been polished by real battles.

"How many people does Lieutenant Qi think we can stop?"

Shi Meng said bluntly, "If you don't have [-] Goguryeo cavalry, don't try to swallow us. If you only seriously injured us, maybe [-] Goguryeo cavalry will be enough."

"Three thousand Goguryeo cavalry can seriously injure us?" Luo Cheng was a little surprised. He thought that with so much equipment, he should have stronger fighting power.

"Three thousand hits you with two thousand. Shouldn't you be proud if you won't be wiped out?"

"What's there to be proud of." Luo Cheng shook his head.

When I first left Huaiyuan, I could still see some towns and forts along the way, and there were farmlands outside the forts.But the further to the northeast, the more desolate it becomes.

The grass is deep and the forest is dense.

A barren land.

It used to be a piece of fertile soil. As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Yan Kingdom in Hebei Province continued to expand northward and eastward. At the same time as the expansion, the Yan people continued to build the Great Wall of Yan in the newly expanded land.

The Great Wall of Yan starts from Zhangjiakou in the west, passes through Duolun and Dushi in Inner Mongolia in the northeast, passes through Weichang in Hebei and Chaoyang in Liaoning in the east, and ends at Kaiyuan on the east bank of the Liaohe River.

In the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains court also expanded to the central part of the Korean Peninsula, and the four counties of Liaodong included the Liaodong Peninsula and most of the Korean Peninsula.

Generations of ancestors went to the frontier, immigrated to expand the land, and thrived here.

The greatness of the Han Dynasty is also inseparable from the continuous expansion of territory by the Han people. The Han opened up the Western Regions, Lingnan Baiyue, Liaodong and many other places.

It’s just that at the end of the Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos. Although there was a short-term unification of the Jin Dynasty in the middle, it was even more chaotic after the short-term unification, and the 300-year split in the Southern and Northern Dynasties made the Western Regions, Liaodong and other places gradually lose. up.

Countless Han people who pioneered the frontier back then either returned to the Central Plains or were ruled by foreign races, and many of them were gradually integrated into the nation, even forgetting who their ancestors were.

The prosperous Liaodong has also become desolate.

There used to be thousands of miles of fertile fields, connected by paddy fields, but now it is just a barren land. Because the war is approaching, the hundreds of miles of land beside the Liao River has become a no-man's land.

For ten days in a row, nothing happened.

No. 11 days.

Early in the morning, Luo Cheng did not pull out the camp and set off. On the contrary, the camp was still desperately strengthening the camp.


The sound of horseshoes was like thunder.

Luo Cheng stood on the high arrow tower in the camp, looking into the distance.

I saw the wilderness in front of the camp, the sky was full of dust, and people and horses were looming!
(End of this chapter)

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