Chapter 273

The fourth child rode back, took off a bunch of heads strung together with hair from the saddle, and threw them on the ground in a pile, at least six or seven. "Damn, these Goguryeo savages escaped faster than rabbits, but it's a pity they couldn't wipe them all out."

Luo Cheng glanced at the infantry brought back by the third and fourth, because half of the infantry had horses, and they were mounted infantry. Last night's pursuit played a big role, almost acting as light cavalry, and followed Lao Jia and the others to hunt down ten miles.

Almost every infantryman has one or two heads hanging on the saddle, and one or two horses are leading behind the horse.

"It is a blessing to have this result."

Shi Meng said in admiration, even if Luo Yi came to fight this battle in person, it would be impossible to wipe out the three thousand Qingqi.After all, Qingqi is not an infantry. Even if they are defeated, they can run very fast on horseback.If Luo Cheng had not had hundreds of light cavalry and hundreds of cavalry infantry, it would not have been possible to achieve such a great result last night.

"The crossbow arrows outside the camp killed about [-] thieves, and when they went out of the camp to kill and chase, they killed more than a thousand thieves. In this battle, [-] Goguryeo Qingqi came, but returned with more than half of their losses. Great victory!"

"Brother, three of our heavy cavalry battalion died in battle, two were seriously injured, and two horses died." Luo Shixin said in frustration.

A heavy cavalry charged more than two thousand with a hundred. In the end, only three died, two were seriously injured, and the other two suffered a little relief because of the death of their horses.This damage can be said to be insignificant, but Shi Xin is very distressed, there are only a hundred brothers in total.

"Shixin, your charge last night laid the foundation for our victory. The brothers who were killed and injured in the battle are all good. We will remember their sacrifices, take credit for them, and give their families enough pensions. .”

"I will pick five brothers from Qingqi to supplement you, and the lost horses will be given priority to you." Luo Cheng patted his brother on the shoulder and said.

Last night, Luo Cheng was very satisfied with this heavy cavalry. If it weren't for them, they might not have defeated the Goguryeo people.It was their hundred rides and a heavy hammer that made the Goguryeo people stunned, panicked and scared, and only then did they achieve the great victory behind.

On the wilderness after a night of fierce fighting, there is still bloody air everywhere.

However, the soldiers of the Sui Army were elated. Although many of them still failed, they still couldn't hide their excitement.To have won the battle and to be alive is enough to be happy.

What's more, it was such a big victory.

According to the military skills of the Sui army, they fought two thousand against three thousand yesterday, which is to fight more with fewer strikes.

Four out of ten kills are the best.

Go to battle and win, depending on the skill five times.

Rank [-] of military merit, this is the rank [-] of the battle, which can be said to be the highest among the collective merit.

And if Shixin led the heavy cavalry to charge last night, he must have the power of jumping. As the saying goes, if the arrow and stone are not handed over, if the enemy is trapped and the enemy is defeated, he will jump.

Lao Jia and Qi Fatty led the Qingqi to chase and kill the enemy, and they would definitely get the first place in the vanguard.

The other soldiers who beheaded and captured the flag can basically get a third or fourth class personal merit.

There will be rewards for meritorious service, and there may be promotions and ranks.

Isn't this what the soldiers of the government are pursuing, so after a night of bloody battle, everyone is extremely excited, because even if they won the battle, even if they didn't beheaded and captured the flag, they can still have collective military merit.

Luo Cheng never left the barracks from the beginning to the end last night, and he never rode a horse to charge into the battle. It's not that he is timid, but that as the general of the whole army, he must sit in the barracks and guard the flag. After all, there are thousands of soldiers in the barracks. Folk husband, a lot of supplies.

Guo Xiaoke and the other three righteous sons of the Five Great Vajras didn't get a chance to fight, and they had to guard Luo Cheng before Luo Cheng moved.According to the military regulations of the Sui Army, if the guards lose the commander and the military flag, they will be killed.

Unlike the Qin Dynasty, the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty had military meritorious titles. There were many ranks of titles, and one could get a title by beheading. The soldiers of the Sui Dynasty were a combination of soldiers and farmers.Although killing an enemy and beheading one's head does not always lead to a title, but it is meritorious, and rewards are given for meritorious deeds.

Among them, the most tangible reward is the land.This is also the most common way for the imperial court to reward meritorious soldiers. A piece of land can be passed on to the family business, and another point is to reward silk and copper coins.

In the civilian camp, there are a few doctors recruited to join the army, and they are also very busy at this time.

Fortunately, along the way, Luo Chenggong paid more attention to the field of emergency medical treatment on the battlefield. He organized these doctors early and asked them to select a group of people and set up a battlefield hospital. There was a stretcher team and a first aid team, and he also taught them first aid. Grading method.

A batch of red, yellow and green cloth belts were prepared. Someone was injured on the battlefield. After a preliminary inspection, a rope was tied around their arm according to the injury.The red rope is urgent, which needs to be rescued first, and the yellow rope is the second level.As for the green rope, it was a minor injury.

Doctors will treat according to these classifications.

He also asked them to boil water to boil gauze, saline debridement and disinfection and other medical care methods. Therefore, although many people were injured after the battle last night, the situation is still optimistic.

Those with serious injuries were treated immediately, and those with minor injuries were treated by the debridement team nurses who had received simple training, and then waited in line for follow-up treatment.

They can even get together to chat and report to each other about their achievements yesterday.

No Goguryeo wounded soldiers.

Not nothing, there were some in the first place, last night there were some people who were injured by arrows and crossbows and did not escape and were captured, but these people Luo Cheng didn't give them any good treatment, and he directly ordered the execution of those who were seriously injured, so he didn't bother to waste medicine.As for those who were slightly injured, Luo Cheng stayed behind, but he didn't arrange for them to be treated by a doctor. He just sent a few nurses to bandage them briefly. Whether they can survive depends on whether their lives are hard or not.

On the battlefield, sometimes it is so cruel. There is a lack of medical treatment and medicine, and if the captives use up a little, they may have to save one of their own brothers next time.

After coming out of the medical camp, Luo Cheng was in a good mood.

Although the battle last night was fierce, nearly [-] enemies were killed, but their own casualties were less than [-], and there were more than [-] injured, many of whom were slightly injured.

Fortunately, last night's battle was mainly a pursuit, so their battle loss ratio was far higher than that of the Goguryeos.

"General, there were a few deserters last night who were caught by the guards in charge of patrolling the battalion and supervising the battle. They are still locked in the tent over there. How should we deal with them?"

Wang Ziming, who joined the army, took this scroll and reported in a low voice.

"Close them first, and deal with them later." Luo Cheng's tone was cold. Fleeing from the battlefield is the most unacceptable behavior, and must be severely punished by military law.Especially if such a start is made, in case of a bad situation in the future, it is inevitable that there will not be a large number of fleeing.

"Do you want to kill?" Wang Ziming asked.

(End of this chapter)

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