Chapter 276
Luo Benji is Luo Yi's nephew, and now that he has achieved such an impressive record, if he wants to praise Luo Cheng, the generals and captains naturally have nothing to say.

Although there are 2000 infantry regiments, they are all real infantry.As for Luo Cheng, now not only do a thousand infantrymen all have horses and become mounted infantry, but they also have a damn thousand cavalry, real cavalry, and even a hundred or so of them are heavy cavalry. People die more than people.

When Luo Yi arrived, he listened carefully to the results of the battle reported by Luo Cheng, and pondered for a long time.

"These three thousand Qingqi are obviously not from the east bank of the Liao River, but the guards of Wuliluo. According to previous information, there are about 3000 defenders in Wuliluo City, and there are about [-] troops in the surrounding area. Now Shicheng is defeated in a battle The loss of two thousand horses is a serious injury to Wu Liluo's defenders."

The garrison was closed, but General Huben, who often led troops deep into the fortress and slaughtered Hu tribes at every turn, showed excitement.

"Now Wu Liluo's vitality is seriously injured, even if they want to ask for reinforcements from the east bank of the Liao River, it's too late. Just in time, we will kill them by surprise and take down Wuliluo City in one fell swoop." Luo Yi punched the man on the table On a sheepskin map.

A school lieutenant said, "General, six thousand infantry are still behind, hundreds of miles away, and it is difficult to keep up with the supplies, equipment, food and grass."

Luo Yi brought light cavalry to help, but didn't care about the infantry and peasants' luggage. The four thousand cavalry only brought food and grass for a few days.

"Shicheng still has a lot of food here, enough."

The grain in Luo Cheng's hands can last for 20 days. If he adds the tens of thousands of catties of horse meat, he can last for a few more days.Luo Yi has always been bold. In the past, he often led his troops deep into Mobei. He didn't bring any civilian supplies.

"Taking down Wuliluo City, there are plenty of food, grass and armaments in it. It's not too late. Let's set off tonight."

In order to achieve the effect of a surprise attack, Luo Yi even threw down Luo Cheng's two militia groups.

So, in the end, Luo Yi's [-] cavalry, plus Luo Cheng's [-] cavalry, and [-] cavalry infantry set off overnight, and the remaining [-] civilians were ordered to stay in the camp and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive. .

Abandoning all unnecessary equipment and supplies, 500 troops marched lightly.

He didn't even bring the crossbow carts that Luo Cheng relied on to make contributions.

In Luo Yi's words, the fight is because the opponent is caught off guard and cannot wait for their reinforcements to arrive.

One hundred miles.

It can be reached overnight by riding lightly.

If they were in a hurry, Luo Yi's Yanyun cavalry could even run two hundred miles a day and night.

Wu Liluo City.

It is located on the east bank of the Liao River, on the northeast edge of Liaoze.

Liaoze is a huge swamp that is hundreds of miles wide. Liaoze is muddy, the roads are muddy, and the traffic is difficult. There are reed ponds and reeds all over the place.

A little further to the west of here is Yiwulu Mountain, which extends northward as a natural barrier, so it embraces Liuzhong, and the location is very superior, guarding the east-west main road passing from the south.

To the south of Wuliluo is Liaoze, which is a flat river, with mountains in the northwest, hills and mountains in the north, and the wide Liaohe River in the east.

Because of this, the Goguryeo people will never give up this strategic location easily.

Wuliluo, a war fortress, was built on a hill. The bottom of the hill was covered with rocks, and the upper part was covered with a thick layer of soil.

The hill is not high, about three feet higher than the west side, and about five feet higher than the east side of the Liaohe River.

Wuliluo city was built on the hill.

Luo Cheng looked at the city carefully in the morning light. In fact, it was just a castle, not too big.Build the city with rammed earth, leaving room for the four sides of the hill, about [-] paces from east to west, [-] paces from north to south, and about three miles in circumference.

There is a gate in the west, and there is also an urn city at the gate of the fortress, protruding from the west wall, about ten feet long and twelve feet wide, in the shape of a mound, with a doorway in the middle.

However, although there is an urn city, there is no horse face, and there are no enemy towers on the four walls of the castle.

The hills here are towering and the field of vision is wide. It can not only keep abreast of the changes in the water level of the Liaohe River, but also monitor the movement in the direction of the Central Plains and guard the east-west passage.

Wuliluo City, which has a wall several feet high, is indeed guarded by one man, and no one can open it.

"Shicheng, tell me, how are we going to capture this city?" Luo Yi asked Luo Cheng beside him, waving his horsewhip and pointing at the castle.

Luo Cheng frowned. It stands to reason that with such a fortress, it is really difficult to attack by force, especially since they are all light cavalry and do not have enough siege equipment, it is even more difficult to attack.

The castle wall was already very high, and with the addition of several feet high hills, it was even more extraordinary.

"Back to the second general, Luo Cheng can't think of any good way to take this fort by force."

"There is always a way. I believe you must have some thoughts in your heart, so just say it."

Luo Cheng had no choice but to say, "Ya Jiang said earlier that Wuliluo had 8000 troops and 2000 troops on the periphery, a total of 3000 troops. The last time the Goguryeo people lost [-] troops, they probably came out of Wuliluo City. There are [-] people left."

But even if there are only three thousand, it is not something their five thousand men can break through such a dangerous fortress.

"It's better to sweep the fortresses around Wuliluo first. The 3000 troops are stationed around each place. There are not many of them, and they are not so dangerous. Let's attack each of them. First, we will fry the arms of Wuliluo city, and then wait for the infantry to attack them. When we arrive, we will attack again. If the Goguryeo people in the castle dare to go out to rescue them, we will be fighting with them in the wild."

Luo Yi nodded appreciatively, this is indeed not the words of a reckless man.

It's great to be able to think about the pros and cons of the enemy and ourselves, and then formulate countermeasures accordingly.

"Second general, Luo Cheng is not talented. I would like to invite Ying to lead the troops in the headquarters and send troops to sweep the surrounding fortresses."

Luo Yi laughed out loud.

"Okay, then I will let you lead 2000 troops from the headquarters to sweep the left road, Zhao Poling, you will lead [-] horses to sweep the right road, and I will lead [-] Yanyun cavalry to stare at Wuliluo City. I will wipe out all those who come out to rescue.”

Luo Cheng reminded Luo Yi, "A general should be careful of the Liao River in the east, and be careful of Goguryeo reinforcements coming from the Liao River."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm still hoping that reinforcements will come from Liaodong. Then I can just kill them here, no matter how many come, I will kill them all."

When he said this, General Huben, who was in his early forties, was full of domineering.

I think he has been guarding the army for ten years, trained three thousand Yanyun cavalry, and he has always been the only one to attack. No barbarian dares to come under his nose and cause trouble.

"Shicheng, fight hard. You fought well last time. If you can fight well this time, I will make your first regiment, 2000 people, all become cavalry."

"Thank you!" Luo Cheng cupped his hands in thanks and reached out to accept the military order.

(End of this chapter)

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