Chapter 279
half a month later.

Luo Cheng led his troops back to the city of Wuliluo.

In the past half a month, Luo Cheng led his troops to sweep across the left side of Wuliluo, successively broke through seven fortresses of different sizes, captured more than [-] Goguryeo heads, captured more than [-] Dingkou, and more than [-] cattle, horses and livestock.

It can be said to be fruitful.

In only half a month, the task assigned by Luo Yi was satisfactorily completed.

There were 2000 men and horses when they left, and there were more than [-] when they returned. More than [-] were killed in battle, and more than [-] were injured and disabled. The loss was not small.

Luo Yi personally led all the officers out to greet him.

"I can receive your good news almost every three to five times. I really didn't misunderstand you." Luo Yi smiled and came up to pat Luo Cheng on the shoulder, letting him walk side by side with him. "That guy Zhao Poling is much worse than you. He took 500 people to sweep the right wing. He hasn't completed the mission yet, but nearly half of his troops have been lost. If it wasn't for most of the follow-up, I would give him another An additional regiment of infantry was sent, and this kid is afraid that he will become a bachelor in the end."

"Ah General, I wonder what's going on with Wu Liluo?"

Luo Yi smiled nonchalantly, "What else can I do? The Goguryeo people in the city can't hold on. Until a few days ago, a reinforcement army of 5000 people came from the east bank of the Liao River. I deliberately let them go not far from the city, and then Sure enough, the Goguryeo people in the city went out to meet them, and I fought a battle with them under the city, and the harvest was not bad, and more than a thousand beheaded."

"And then?" Luo Cheng asked, "Those Goguryeo people who came to help will not run into the city, will they?"

"Of course not. How could I let them enter the city? In fact, even the two thousand cavalry who came out to support them were all stopped by me outside the city. Now those Goguryeo people who have lost the battle are stationed in the northwest hills of Wuliluo City. "

There were [-] defeated Koguryo troops stationed outside the city, and there were about a thousand more people in the city.

And Luo Yi stuck the soldiers and horses between the two armies, and divided the soldiers and horses into three battalions. Thousands, thirty thousand people.

Especially after the follow-up troops arrived, Luo Yi had a large number of bows and crossbows in his hands. During this time, even civilian men and craftsmen made many siege ladders, cloud carts and other equipment.

"The second army has also arrived. They are now stationed on the bank of the Liaohe River to the south of us and burned down the pontoon bridge used by the Goguryeo people to cross the river. Therefore, it can be said that the Goguryeo people on the west bank have become the turtles in the urn."

There were originally 8000 people on the west bank, but the Goguryeo people attacked Luo Cheng and lost [-]. Then Luo Cheng swept the periphery and wiped out [-] people. Although Zhao Poling suffered losses, he almost wiped out the right-wing [-] people.

In this way, 8000 of the original [-] people went.

Then the last time the city came out to respond, 2000 people fought a battle and retreated to the mountains in the northwest, but failed to retreat into the city, so now there are actually only 1000 people left in the city.

The [-] who came to aid, plus the [-] who went out of the city, lost more than [-] after the First World War, and now there are [-] left.

On the west bank, with all the Goguryeo people together, there are only seven thousand left.

On the side of the Sui Army, the First Army had [-] soldiers, and lost less than [-] in total after several battles, and still had the tyrannical strength of [-] soldiers.

What's more, the second army is already in place, burning the pontoon bridge and strangling the Liaohe River.

From a strategic point of view, the Sui army has achieved excellent results in this campaign, and it can be said that more than half of the strategic goals have been achieved.Although Wu Liluo is still in the hands of the Goguryeo people, he is already the meat of the turtle in the urn.

"Let's go, we have prepared a celebration banquet for you."

In the camp, Luo Yi had already ordered people to kill pigs and sheep to welcome the triumphant Luo Cheng's first regiment.

"I have some good news for you. The Linshuo Palace in Zhuo County has just sent good news. Your achievements in the last battle have been reported, and the rewards have come down."

"Oh, really?" Luo Cheng pretended to be calm on the surface, but he was a little excited in his heart.

He didn't know what reward he could get for his contribution last time.

"Hearing that His Majesty was very happy after hearing the good news, he said that you, the Sima of the Yingyang Mansion, served as a partial general and led a regiment of 20 steps, but in the end you achieved an amazing record. He said that this is the first battle of the Liao Dynasty. Good luck. Therefore, His Majesty specially rewarded you by giving you two royal horses, Shangfang armored spear, a hundred taels of gold, three hundred pieces of silk, and [-] captives as slaves, and promoted you to Chaosan doctor, and gave you the title of Changbai Mansion Eagle Commander."

Luo Yi couldn't help but patted Luo Cheng's shoulder again, "It's really my Luo family's cub."

This year, Luo Cheng has not officially become a adult at this age, but he has already been promoted to the fifth rank.If it is said that Sanjie is just a false title, but General Yingjilang is actually a deputy official of the fifth-rank Yingyang Mansion from the fifth rank.

What's more, although Chaosan Doctor is a Sanjie, he has the title of Doctor.After Daye merged the Distinguished Official Ranks in the third year of Daye, apart from the Kaifu Yitong Sansi, the New San Ranks had nine doctors and eight lieutenants below. The Chaosan Doctor was the lowest level of the Nine Doctors, but it was also a doctor rank.

Doctor and Wei are two separate ranks, the rank of Wei is easy to get, but the title of doctor is difficult to confer.

To be awarded the title of Chaosan Doctor is equivalent to entering the ranks of mid-level officials of the Sui Dynasty.

"Take the reward from His Majesty!" Luo Yi shouted.

Then someone brought many items, including a hundred taels of gold, and two royal horses raised by the imperial horse supervisor, all of which were tall and handsome BMWs.And 20 pieces of silk, and [-] captives as slaves.

Finally, there is a four-piece set of Shangfang armored bow and sword bestowed by the emperor.

Shangfang, also known as Shangfang Office, is affiliated to Shaofu Temple and is an official office that manufactures objects for the emperor.This is a manufacturing institution specially for the emperor's use, and the objects made are all imperial objects.

Shangfang armored bow and sword is a set of equipment prepared by Shangfang for the emperor to use.

Now the emperor gave Luo Cheng a set.

A set of Shangfang Mingguang armor, a Shangfang horse lance, a Shangfang sword, a Shangfang horn bow and a walking bow, and Shangfang a hundred arrows.

"Shicheng, it is said that after your Majesty heard the news of your victory over the enemy, he inquired about the details in detail, and then praised it greatly. He even took a pen and wrote the words Zhangqiu Luocheng on the copper screen beside the imperial case. This is extremely impressive. It is a rare honor, this set of Shangfang treasures should be treasured carefully."

There were twelve guards and four mansions in the Sui Dynasty, and now there are nearly a million soldiers in the mansion, and a mere mansion Sima of the seventh rank is not worth mentioning at all.After all, there are thousands of military mansions, so there are thousands of mansion Sima. How can the emperor remember the names of these Sima?

At most, he could remember the names of the generals and generals of the twelve guards, but the emperor might not remember all the generals of the following guards, Hu Ben Lang and Hu Ya Lang.

A small mansion Sima, now goes directly to Tianting, and his name is recorded on the screen of the imperial case by the emperor, which is really extraordinary.

"Your skills are even rewarded and approved by the emperor. This kind of talent will be reused. Luo Cheng, I will give you the title of general in the front of the first army. You will lead two thousand cavalry and infantry. four thousand."

(End of this chapter)

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