Chapter 283 No Regrets
The horn sounded.

The autumn wind rolled up the flags and fluttered them.

Under the banner of the Chinese army, they came galloping.

"The sub-general has an order, order the front compartment to attack!"

The banner of the front compartment.

General Luo Cheng was wearing the armor bestowed by the emperor, holding Shangfang's horse spear, Shangfang's horse-cutting sword on his waist, and Shangfang's bow on his back. He squinted and looked ahead.

This is the hills and mountains to the northeast of Wuliluo. The [-] Goguryeo soldiers who came to aid and the [-] Goguryeo soldiers who went out of the city to meet them were defeated by Luo Yi last time and rushed to the mountains here.

As Luo Yi expected, these people finally couldn't stay still anymore.

Although the terrain in the mountains is dangerous, these Goguryeo people are short of food and food. In just half a month, they have almost run out of food and grass, and have to go out of the mountains to fight.

Six thousand Goguryeo soldiers are eager to fight, trying to fight again before exhaustion.Or, break through the Sui army's defense line and enter Wuliluo City, where there is a strong fortress, and there must be sufficient food, grass and equipment.Either it depends on whether you can break through the Sui army's defense line on the bank of the Liaohe River and retreat back to Liaodong.

Otherwise, if they continue to stay in this mountain, they will starve to death within a few days.

The [-] Goguryeo army broke out in a formation with infantry at the front and cavalry at the side.

About [-] infantry formed four square formations, arranged in a prism shape, with about [-] cavalry on each side.

Qi Biao reminded Luo Cheng, "These Goguryeo people seem to be ready to fight to the death. You can see that they have completely abandoned the camp behind and are not going to retreat at all."

"With these 6000 people, you want to rush out?" Lao Jia said disdainfully, not to mention that the first army here is waiting for work today, even if it has an advantage in numbers.After rest and supplementation, the number of the First Army has not decreased but increased, reaching 6000.There are [-] soldiers in the front compartment alone.

Shi Meng said on the side, "Gaoguryeo's light cavalry is very powerful, but their infantry are also very brave. It is said that when I was in the Great Sui Pingnan Chen, the Goguryeo people planned to send troops to the sea to rescue them, but later the empress Chen was too incompetent. The country was destroyed in just a few months, and Goguryeo did not send troops."

Luo Cheng stared at the Qingqi on the two wings of the Goguryeo people.

"Looking at these Qingqi costumes, it seems that they are not Goguryeo barbarians?"

These light cavalry are more savage, with bald and braided hair, and most of them wear leather armor. Their helmets are also very interesting, all of which are the heads of various beasts.There are tiger heads, bull heads, wolf heads, bear heads, and even wild boar heads. I don’t know how they preserved these ferocious beast heads so well and made them into helmets.

"I seem to have seen wild boar leather armor and bear helmets. Well, if I guessed right, these light cavalry are Mohe tribe cavalry. It is very likely that they are the Mohe people of the Baishan tribes attached to the Goguryeo people. Don't look at these people They are barbaric and backward, but they are actually extremely brave, so be careful." Shi Meng reminded Luo Cheng.

The horn sounded louder.

The drums of war are thundering, this is the Chinese army urging the front compartment to fight.

"Looks like this is going to be a tough battle."

Luo Cheng didn't want to fight this kind of tough battle, because it would obviously cause a lot of casualties.He prefers to fight sports battles, what is to attack the enemy's rear, what is to raid the enemy's camp, what is to surround the point for reinforcements, and what is to lure the enemy into ambush.But now he is just a general in the front box, this battle is under the command of Luo Yi.

"Pass me the general order, and the second regiment will attack."

Make the flag wave.

The flag bearer on the second regiment's side received the order accurately, and then waved the flag to reply.

"The general will make me attack with the second regiment!"

Under the banner of the Second Regiment Army, Luo Cunxiao frowned, facing six thousand desperate Goguryeo people, how could Luo Cheng let their Second Regiment attack?

Compared with the other three regiments, their second regiment had more supplementary soldiers, and their strength was also weaker.Even if it is not weak, the whole group is only 2000 people.

"General, is there a mistake in the military order?"

Camp Captain Wang Junkuo said with a troubled face.

The fourth child rolled his eyes and glared at him, "Are you scared?"

Wang Junkuo blushed, "I'm afraid of an egg, when will I be afraid?"

"It's good not to be afraid. No matter what Lao Wu thinks, since this order has come down, it must be carried out to the letter. This is the first battle of my second regiment, and none of you are allowed to persuade me. Beat the drums, Blow the horn, get on!"

The flag soldiers in the regiment waved the flag to command the battalions and teams with the flag.

In front of the four camps.

Dou Jiande held a seven-foot two-handed sword and wrapped his body in bright light armor. Behind him was the team standard bearer holding the team flag high.Behind, a whole hundred infantry were all holding spears.

It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous, and Dou Jiande did not expect that he would go to the battlefield to meet the enemy in less than three days after joining the front compartment.

Facing those Goguryeo soldiers who walked in order and came dull and silent, his heart beat faster.

He turned his head and looked at the left and right sides. On the left was the younger brother Liu Heita, holding a big knife in his forehand.On the right is the old man Sun Anzu, holding a handful of barbed wire and thorns.

His brother-in-law Wang Fubao and his brother Gao Shida are farther away, they are all standing at the front of the team just like themselves.

The drums of war kept on, but Dou Jiande did not dare to stop, and led the team to move forward.

He tried to walk as smoothly as possible so as not to mess up the team he had just pulled up. He walked a few steps and looked back. Fortunately, although these people were extremely nervous, they were in good formation. They tried to keep up with the drumbeat and kept agreed.


Shi Meng watched the Second Cavalry Regiment slowly approaching him, and asked with great interest, "General, the Second Cavalry Regiment has 2000 men to fight against [-] people. I'm afraid they won't be able to win?"

Wei Zheng laughed and said, "I'm sure we can't win. This is not six thousand bandits, but six thousand Koguryo troops. Last time General Luo Ya led the main force to fight against them, but he only beheaded more than a thousand."

"Then what is the meaning of this?"

Luo Cheng was riding on the horse, with his hand on the hilt of his waist, staring ahead, seeing that the second infantry regiment had almost reached the enemy, he turned his head and said to the messenger, "Let Siye lead the infantry in a formation, ready to meet the enemy .Tell him that it's time to see his Mo Dao Ying show his power."

Luo Yi asked Luo Cheng to lead 2000 soldiers from the front compartment to fight, but Luo Cheng asked the second regiment to fight with [-] soldiers, but the intentions were the same.Luo Yi intends to use the front compartment to meet the enemy and resist the Goguryeo people, and then he will lead most of the counterattack.And Luo Cheng also didn't want to get directly involved in the scuffle, and planned to let the second regiment go first.

Wei Zheng stroked a few strands of his beard, he looked like a military teacher, and said with a smile, "Is this going to use the second regiment to meet the enemy and feign defeat, and then lure the Goguryeo people to break up the formation? Then step a regiment to stop the enemy, Charge with cavalry again?"

Luo Cheng nodded.

"Wei Jishi is really astute. If we fight head-on with the Goguryeo people, we will be competing for casualties. We have [-] in the front and they have [-]. Even if we kill [-] enemies, we will have to hurt ourselves by [-], which is not worth it."

Therefore, what Luo Cheng thought about was still how to break the current formation of the Goguryeo people, so as not to let them continue rushing together in a group, but to separate their formation, so that they would have some chances.

"Will the Goguryeo people be fooled?"

"Not necessarily."

"Will the Fourth General of Luo really be defeated?"

"There is actually no big difference between a real defeat and a fake defeat." Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Anyway, we are not fighting alone, and there are [-] soldiers in the middle and rear flanks behind us."

He glanced over countless soldiers and landed on the banners at the front, which were five Hebei heros including Dou Jiande and Liu Heita.

He seemed to be talking to himself, "King Dou Jiande of Xia, King Liu Heita of Eastern Han, Gongsun Anzu of Moyang, King Gao Shida of Yizhou, and General Wang Fubao, I want to see if these five people are called kings or not. public strength."

Wei Zheng turned his head around, as if wondering what Luo Cheng was talking about, but Luo Cheng didn't explain.

Before the battle.

The drums of war stopped.

The horn goes out.

Dou Jiande stood still abruptly, and stabbed the big sword in the ground hard. He took out the longbow from his back, took out a pot of long arrows with him, and plunged them into the soil under his feet.

The other soldiers did the same.

From the moment he decided to sign up in the civilian camp, he had already expected such a day.

Maybe I will die here today, but I have no regrets.Many times, Dou Jiande would also recall the glory of his ancestors, thinking how glorious it was for his ancestors to be crowned princes and kings.

It's just that I didn't expect that the moment when I needed to risk my life would come so early.

With the longbow in hand, wind it up and try to draw it.

He felt that courage was constantly accumulating, so it didn't matter if this moment came early, only by taking this step, could he, Dou Jiande, go further.

No one's success comes casually, even if it is that one, it will be successful, and that is the status that dozens of warring parties have today.

With 100 million soldiers in the Sui Mansion, it is so easy to get ahead.

Wang Junkuo, the captain of the battalion school, rode his horse and galloped in front of the formation, shouting orders.

"General Luo Ya handed over the glory of the first army to our front. General Luo Du handed over the heavy responsibility of the front to our second regiment. General Luo entrusted the first battle of the second regiment to our fourth battalion. I Wang Junkuo was originally the personal guard of General Luo Du, and it was the first time that he took charge of the Fourth Battalion. Anyway, this battle is the first battle of our Fourth Battalion, and it is also the first battle between Wang Junkuo and you. Although there are many Goguryeo thieves ahead of us Qian, never back down."

"When the thief approaches sixty steps, the crossbowmen fire their crossbows. When the thief approaches fifty steps, everyone shoots arrows. When the thief approaches twenty steps, stop firing arrows. Raise your weapons, meet the enemy and kill the thief!"

Dou Jiande was tall and tall, and looked enviously at Wang Junlang, who was much younger than him, mobilizing in front of the battle on a tall horse.He thought, if he made great contributions in this battle, he might be promoted to the rank of colonel in a short time. At that time, he would no longer need to stand at the front of the team to kill the enemy.

Compared with killing the enemy one by one with a sword, he is more willing to ride a horse and command in front of the formation.

The enemy is getting closer and closer.

Dou Jiande picked up a long arrow and put it on the bow.

He pulled the two-stone longbow hard, held his breath, and shot an arrow at the Goguryeo man.

The arrow shot away quickly, and finally fell with all its strength.

The arrows were stuck in the open space between the two armies, and the white feathers on the tails of the arrows were particularly conspicuous.

This arrow is a hundred steps away from the enemy.

Dou Jiande picked up another arrow and strung the bow again.

This time, he waited for a few breaths before shooting the arrow.

The arrow flew away like a meteor, but landed closer.

He looked at it and nodded in satisfaction.

This arrow was almost fifty paces away from him.

These two arrows are not intended to kill the enemy, but to mark the distance.

Dou Jiande turned his head and said to the team behind him, "When the enemy passes the first arrow, raise your bow. When the enemy passes the second arrow, shoot with all your strength. Remember to use lob shots!"

 Thanks to the soul protector, Ping An 103, Xiaopang who is about to get married, I love Meng Dajing, I am the queen, etc., for your rewards, and thank you brothers for your support, the monthly ticket will soon exceed [-].

(End of this chapter)

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