Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 285 1 Jianguanghan 9 states

Chapter 285 One Sword Light Cold Nineteen States
"Luo succeeded or failed."

"No, not yet."

Luo Yi was still drinking tea under the banner of the First Army's Central Army.

The tragic fight ahead seemed to have nothing to do with him.He has 5000 troops in the center and [-] troops on each side. He holds [-] soldiers in his hands, but he is watching a show.

"But Luo Cheng's front team has already been defeated, and almost the entire army was wiped out. He didn't send rescuers for a long time, but at this time he asked for money to withdraw his troops. Don't you know that once the defeated troops withdraw, it is very easy to cause a rout, and even affect the rear? Once these defeated soldiers attack the main formation, Na Luocheng will be powerless."

"What you said makes sense, but it's only under normal circumstances. And it's obviously not the current situation. Luo Cheng deliberately sent a group of people to lead the battle, and deliberately let them stay alone for so long. Can't you see that he is so Obvious intent?"

"The final general knows that Luo Cheng wants to use this group of troops to cause confusion in Goguryeo's formation, but he is afraid that his cleverness will be misled by his cleverness. On the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly, and it is not just talking on paper."

"Hahaha, whether he is talking on paper or has a plan in advance, won't it be clear soon, what's the hurry?"

Before the battle.

Luo Siye heard the order.

Responding loudly, led the second regiment to establish a front.

"Mo Dao Camp!"

Siye rode his horse to the front of the Modao camp, "It's time for you to make contributions, and the opportunity is right in front of you. Whether you can seize the opportunity, make contributions, seal your wife and son, depends on whether the Modao in your hand is coming soon!"

Two hundred Mo Dao fighters and three hundred Pu Dao soldiers, this is the core force of the Second Step Regiment. They have a Mo Dao battalion.

The autumn wind is hunting.

Under the sound of Mingjin, Bu Ertuan was running away in a panic.

It is impossible to retreat calmly.

After losing more than half a centaur, the Second Step Regiment was already injured. Fortunately, the regiment flags, battalion flags, and team flags were basically there, and the flags were in the hearts of the soldiers.Luo Cunxiao protected the regiment flag and led his subordinates to fight out from the encirclement. Although they retreated in a panic, they still haven't collapsed.

The second regiment of two thousand infantry lined up in front.

The regiment flag of the second regiment was flying high.

In front of the formation of the second regiment is the flag of the Modao camp. Their flag is very simple, a huge Modao.

On the two wings of the second regiment, Luo Cheng also sent up the two cavalry regiments, one thousand cavalry on each side.And Shixin's heavy cavalry battalion has already put on armor under the flag of the capital.

Siye ran and shouted in front of the battle, the more he spoke, the more excited he became.

When he got to the back, he simply took off his armor, revealing his naked upper body.

He stepped off a bay red horse, with a Zhang Bamo knife in his hand, and galloped like that in front of the formation.

Originally, when the two armies were fighting, the swords and guns had no eyes, let alone countless arrows and arrows. Everyone wished to wear two more armors, but Luo Siye took off his clothes and went into battle naked.

Most of the two hundred Modao soldiers in the Modao camp were old brothers from Zhangqiu, and they all shouted crazily when they saw this.

"Make meritorious deeds, just today!"

In front of the formation of the two armies, the shirtless Luo Siye was so conspicuous.

So much so that even Luo Yi, who was leaning on Biecha at the lower part of the Chinese army's banner behind him, stood up in shock. He boarded a cloud car with a few steps and looked into the distance, his eyes showed obsession.

"As expected, I am the fierce tiger of the Luo family, and I have the demeanor of my past."

"Hahaha!" Luo Yi laughed loudly.

The fourth brother rushed to the front of the battle in embarrassment, protecting the regiment flag, and looked at the naked third child, and laughed out loud, "Third child, are you going to sell yourself?"

Siye waved the sword in his hand, "Stop talking nonsense, the people who brought you withdrew from both sides, and we will leave this place to us."

"Okay, don't die. The four of us brothers came to Liaodong, and we have to go back together when the time comes. There must be one of us." The fourth child shouted.

Siye nodded.

The fourth child didn't hesitate, waved his hand, and rushed over with the defeated soldiers.

"Spread your wings!"

Siye waited for Cunxiao to rush past with the defeated soldiers and let out a loud roar.

So the cavalry on the two wings spread out like a roc spreading its wings, sealed the two wings, and shot the ground with bows.

The Goguryeo soldiers who were chasing vigorously had already lost their formation. The army formation was no longer organized at the beginning of the war. Under the chaotic formation, there was no such effective command.

The Goguryeo soldiers on both sides were blocked by the cavalry, so they squeezed into the middle.

As a result, about [-] Goguryeo infantry crowded in front of the Buyi group.

Still the bow and crossbow shoot first.

Lian Siye stuck the Mo Dao in the ground and shot a volley with a bow.

The Qingqi on the left and right also helped to shoot. This round of arrow rain caused the Goguryeo people to suffer a lot and lose a lot.But the Goguryeo people, who lost their effective command, still charged according to their inertia.

Sporadic bows and arrows returned fire, and after a while, they had already rushed to the front of the formation.

Standing in front of them were five hundred swordsmen from Modaoying.

Two hundred Mo sword soldiers are in the middle, and three hundred Pu sword soldiers are on the side.


Siye stood at the front and shouted a word of wind.


Thousands of responses followed.

Luo Cheng stood at the back and watched the battle. Hearing the tidy roar of the wind, he wished he could ride his horse and raise his gun to charge over.

The wind is rustling.

The roar of the wind, which sounded like a sound, made the world a little bit pale.

Luo Yi, whose ears were aching from the roar of the wind, sighed, "Isn't this Zhang Xutuo's Eight Wind Battle Formation? I've heard it before, but I didn't expect it to be passed on to Luo Cheng. I'm really willing."

"Bafeng Formation plus Modao Battalion, can it be stopped?" A school captain asked, just now, there were 2000 people in the Second Battalion, but it didn't take long before they were defeated.

"I think it can work."

Modao is not uncommon in the Sui army, especially in the large army, the Modao battalion is indispensable. Some guards may not have Modao soldiers, but in the tens of thousands of troops, there are definitely hundreds of them. Qian's Mo Dao Shou.

And the power of Mo Dao Shou, such as Luo Yi, is very clear.

"Even if the Mo Dao Ying can't stop it, isn't there still a heavy cavalry camp? These are Luo Cheng's two ultimate moves. The Mo Dao Ying doesn't need to block for too long, as long as it can block Goguryeo's rushing momentum, then If the heavy cavalry battalion is sent out to charge the battle, the people of Goguryeo will be in chaos, and then the Qing cavalry will cover their wings and the infantry will follow up and counterattack, so what is the use of the thousands of troops in Goguryeo?"

"The sub-general is still brilliant, all of Luo Cheng's plans cannot escape your eyes."

"Hmph, in battle on the battlefield, many things are actually on the surface, but even if you can see it, sometimes it may not be useful."

Just like the generals in Goguryeo, they may not be able to see the intention of the regiment sent by Luo Cheng before, but do the Goguryeo people have any choice?

Just like they want to come out for a decisive battle, they can't do it if they don't come, knowing that they are outnumbered, but they are running out of food and grass, and the floating bridge of Liaohe River has been destroyed. Although it is autumn now, they want to wait for the Liaohe River to freeze and wait for the reinforcements to cross the river Come help, then can't wait.

Either starve to death in the mountains, or come out to fight, they have no choice.

They came, so no matter how the Sui army deployed or fought, they would only take over.

"Blow the horn and cheer for the inheritance!"

The Chinese army sounded the horn of the sky, mighty and majestic.

front compartment.

Luo Cheng heard the sound of the trumpet to catch the sky, and saw that the Goguryeo people had rushed to the front of the heir industry, so he came to the front of the battle drum under the banner of the front chamber.

He unbuttoned his armor, bare his hands like Siye, pushed the drummer away, and took the double hammer.

Start beating the drum vigorously.

The horns are long and the drums are rumbling.

Siye turned his head.

Then he turned around and shouted, "Did you hear that, the sub-general is blowing the trumpet for us, the generals are beating the drums for us, we can only kill the enemy in return!"

At a distance of a hundred paces, you can only take three shots against the enemy.

After three arrows.

The Mo Dao players all picked up the two-edged Mo Dao and the long-handled Pu Dao.

Luo Siye dropped his bow, picked up the Mo Dao, and charged directly at the thousands of Goguryeo troops on his own.

Twenty paces away, the galloping horse arrived instantly, and Siye swung the Mo Dao, shattering anyone who stood in his way, and killed more than a dozen people in a blink of an eye.

Under his Mo Dao, almost no one can stop it.

The Mo Dao hands behind have already shouted the eighth wind word.

After the eight wind roars, all the Mo Dao fighters lined up in a skirmish line, waving Mo Dao like a wall.

Luo Siye, naked to the waist, rode his horse and charged forward.

Five hundred soldiers from Modao Battalion followed behind.

They launched a counter-charge against thousands of Goguryeo soldiers.

The handles of the blades were swung up, and the blades flashed.

The Mo Dao hands twisted their bodies, swung their knives and broke them, and when the knives fell, a row of Goguryeo people fell down.

Luo Cheng waved his arms vigorously and beat the drum vigorously.

The drums were like thunder.

Siye led the Modao Battalion to fight back desperately, while the infantry of the other three battalions still had the opportunity to shoot arrows continuously. As a result, the Goguryeo people couldn't bear it even more.

The Goguryeo soldiers in the front row were terrified by being hacked by Mo Dao, and the Goguryeo soldiers in the back row were terrified by being shot by the archers.

The Qing cavalry on both sides wanted to charge, but they found that they had no advantage in front of the Mo Dao hand advancing like a wall.Especially Li Siye, who was shirtless, wielding the Mo knife, it was a man and a horse were smashed, even the man and the horse were chopped to pieces by him.

"General, the Goguryeo people's offensive has stalled, and they can't move forward."

Luo Cheng, who was beating the drum, heard Wei Zheng's words, and ordered decisively, "Let Shi Xin lead the black light cavalry battalion to counterattack immediately."

"Let Jia Runpu and Qi Guoyuan each lead their regiment's Qingqi and cover them from the two wings."

The flag is waved, and the soldiers are ordered to run.

With the help of two infantrymen, Luo Shixin mounted his horse.

There are 110 riders in total, and the black light iron rider stands quietly.

"Iron Cavalry Battalion, attack!"

Shi Xin put down his mask, and Ma Qian put down his mask and pointed forward.

Heavy cavalry accelerates, walks slowly, trots, gallops lightly, and gallops.

110 Yiqi, like an epee, slashed fiercely.

One sword light cold nineteen states.

Where the heavy cavalry passed, the soldiers in the front compartment gave way one after another.

While beating the drum, Luo Cheng followed the black sword to the end.

The heavy cavalry finally crashed into the enemy's formation.

The horse hits the man and flies.

The horse stepped into the mud.

A black crow's enemy formation.A hole was suddenly knocked open, and then it couldn't stop anymore.The heavy cavalry was like a red-hot iron sword, stabbing into the butter.

People all the way turned their backs.

The heavy cavalry easily pierced through the chaotic troops of the Goguryeo people, without even a decent defensive spear formation and shield formation, Shixin and the others were even more invincible.

Thousands of horses and horses were directly penetrated by the 110 riders and cut into two halves.

And Jia Runpu and Qi Guoyuan each led a thousand riders to kill from the two wings. The galloping horses, leading the sturdy knights, swung their knives and spears, and rushed to kill.

far away.

Luo Yi, who was standing on the cloud cart, could clearly see the huge Goguryeo Army, which was smashed to pieces by the Modao Battalion, Heavy Cavalry Battalion, and Qing Cavalry Regiment.

They are like an avalanche.

The Goguryeo people were defeated, and they didn't even have a chance to stabilize their position. The two battle flags in the back were covering up, and the one who rushed to the front was Luo Cunxiao, who was beaten just now and almost lost the regiment flag.

In just half an hour, Luo Cunxiao led a thousand remnants of the Second Step Regiment to make a comeback.

(End of this chapter)

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