Chapter 287 Family Letter
Send Luo Yi away, Luo Cheng is promoted to gather generals.

All officers above the head of the team were allowed to attend, Luo Cheng sat on top, and the bottom was full of officers.Wang Ziming and Wei Zheng had given him the preliminary statistics of the battle results and casualties.

Although the results of this battle were fruitful, the front compartment also suffered heavy losses.

Of the [-] soldiers, more than [-] were lost, and [-]% of the casualties were lost.For an ordinary army, if the casualties on the battlefield exceed [-]%, most of them have already been defeated.

But in today's battle, Luo Cunxiao's Second Step Regiment suffered half of the casualties, but it just didn't collapse.Although it is said that this is the reason why the large troops marched, it is also extremely rare.

For this reason, Luo Cheng directly called out the officers of the Second Step Regiment to praise them.

The fourth child hangs his arms and has several bandages on his body, but when he walks, his nostrils are turned upside down, and his steps are unrecognizable, as proud as he is, and as arrogant as he is.

Behind him, Guo Xiaoke, Wang Junkuo and other four school lieutenants led a group of team leaders.

Luo Cheng found that almost none of the officers of the Second Step Regiment was intact, and all of them were wounded with ribbons.The fourth child had injured an arm and had several wounds on his body, but luckily none of them were too serious.

None of the four captains including Wang Junkuo and Guo Xiaoke was complete. Wang Junkuo even had a big gash on his face, and half of his face was swollen like a pig's head.

The Second Regiment originally had twenty leaders, but there were only eleven left standing here, five were killed and six were seriously injured.One of Dou Jiande's hands was wrapped in gauze, blood was still coming out, and the gauze was stained red.His big sword was cut and chipped, and his brother Liu Heita was even worse, with a wound on his eye.

"Did you hurt your eyes?"

Liu Heitai said, "I was scratched by a knife, and the forehead, brow, and cheek were broken. The eyes are fine. The doctor has seen them and they are not injured. It is estimated that they will be blindfolded for a month."

Luo Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "It's fine if you don't hurt your eyes. There's nothing to be afraid of if you have scars. A man with scars will only look more heroic and brave."

Liu Heita fell silent for a while.

He bowed his head, his other good eye was red, "The subordinates are incompetent, my team has a hundred brothers, 57 were killed in the first battle, eight were seriously injured, and the rest were all wounded, only 35 were able to fight. "

Wei Zheng said from the sidelines, "Although the second team of the fourth battalion of the Second Step Regiment had a serious reduction in personnel, their achievements were not small. Team Liu even beheaded a Goguryeo building owner, which is quite remarkable."

The owner of the building is considered to be a mid-to-high-ranking military officer in Goguryeo, equivalent to the level of General Ying Yanglang in the Sui Dynasty, and he governs a building of about a thousand soldiers.

This time, some of the [-] soldiers from Goguryeo came from Wuliluo City, and most of them came from the east bank of the Liao River.At that time, five thousand reinforcements came, led by a city lord.

There are many city lords in Goguryeo. The chiefs of the big and small cities are called city lords, but there are four levels. The highest level of city lords is called Tissa, which is equivalent to the general manager in the early Sui Dynasty. The second level of city lords is called Chulu, which is equivalent to the Sui Dynasty the prefect.The third-level city lord is Ke Luoda, which is equivalent to the county magistrate Shi of the Sui Dynasty, and the fourth-level city lord is called Lou Xiao, which is equivalent to the county magistrate of the Sui Dynasty.

Last time, the one who led 5000 soldiers from Wuliluo City to support him was a banner owner.And the one who led [-] people to help was a city lord of Chulu, and he also had five banner lords under his command.

Therefore, in this battle, the Sui army beheaded one city master of Chulu, six masters of the building, and a large number of 500 commanders, 200 commanders, and hundreds of commanders under him.

Liu Heitai was very lucky. When he fought back, he actually beheaded a banner owner and took his banner.

"Beheading the general and capturing the flag, for the merit of jumping, Captain Liu is brave." Luo Cheng patted him on the shoulder and said, "To reward this achievement, I will promote you to be the commander of the 200th battalion of the fourth battalion."

The 200-man leader is to manage two teams of 200 people.

Liu Heitai said happily, "Thank you, General." Of course he was happy to be promoted after one battle.

Wei Zheng pointed to Dou Jiande again and said, "Team Dou just met the city lord who commanded the army. This man is very capable. Team Dou is fighting with him. Although he failed to capture the flag in the end, he also beheaded the city lord." an arm."

Those who can be promoted are all nobles of Goguryeo, at least they are held by people with titles above the elder brother, and the elder brother belongs to the second level of high-ranking nobles in the official system of Goguryeo.Such people are not civil servants of the Sui Dynasty, but generals who can fight and fight. The noble city lords of Goguryeo are basically equivalent to the governors or general managers of the Central Plains.

Such a city lord is not very skilled in martial arts, but at least there will never be fewer guards around him, but Dou Jiande unexpectedly cut off one of his arms abruptly.

It's definitely a sight to behold.

"Is this how your big sword was cut off?"

"The subordinate is incompetent and failed to kill the city lord, so he was beheaded by Yan Yunqi."

"It doesn't matter." Luo Cheng smiled, "But you can cut his arm, which is very impressive. I will also give you the post of commander of 200 people in the fourth battalion."

The 200-person leader is equivalent to the post of deputy captain of the battalion, and assists in commanding 500 people in the first battalion.

Dou Jiande and Liu Heita were both promoted to 200 leaders, which attracted the envy of Sun Anzu.

Luo Cheng also asked Sun Anzu, Gao Shida, and Wang Fubao about their merits. The three of them were also outstanding. Although they failed to behead the general and capture the flag, they still beheaded the centurion. What's more, they beheaded a lot.

So Luo Cheng promoted each of the three to be 200-man commanders, but they were transferred to other battalions of the Second Regiment.

Dou Jiande saw that these three brothers were transferred to other battalions, but now the five brothers stayed in four battalions under two regiments.

Liu Heitai said directly, "General, the five of us are all from Zhangnan County, Qinghe County, and we are all fellow villagers. Can we continue to stay together?"

"Now you are still serving in the front of the First Army?" Luo Cheng laughed.

"I mean, can we stay in the same battalion?"

Luo Cheng laughed twice.

"I can understand your thinking, but this is in the military camp, do you understand?"

Liu Heitai still wanted to talk, but Dou Jiande pulled him back.

Such a request is nothing at all, but it is easy for Shangguan to think that you want to form a village party. Although Luo Cheng himself is a party member, he may not be willing to see other hills appear in his own hills.

He patted Liu Heitai on the shoulder, "Work hard, with your abilities, how could a mere 200 people be able to live for a long time. In a short time, you may all be captains of the first battalion. At that time, my step two It is impossible for the fourth battalion of the regiment to have five battalion captains, right?"

So Liu Heita had no choice but to laugh.

In this battle, the soldiers made a lot of meritorious deeds and suffered a lot of losses, so many positions were vacated.Especially for low-level military positions, the officers who stood in the front row like the deputy head of the 200-man team lost nearly [-]%.

That's a higher casualty rate than the average soldier.

Luo Cheng could only be promoted at the front of the line, and promoted a large number of fire chiefs and standard bearers who performed well in battles to the top 200 deputy captains of the team.

after this war.

Luo Yi led his troops to besiege Wuliluo city again.

But Luo Cheng didn't need to worry about these things anymore, Luo Yite let the front compartment rest, and pulled out old soldiers, recruits, and supplements for his equipment.

For several days in a row, Wuliluo City was attacking the city.

It's just that Luo Yi's attack is always thunderous and rainy.

The Goguryeo army in the city was exhausted, but Luo Yi just sent troops to harass them in turns, without much effort.While feinting and harassing like this, he was actively building siege equipment.

Luo Cheng's front camp was stationed in the south of Wuliluo City, on the northern edge of Liaoze, where he only trained soldiers and horses every day, and his life was quite easy.


A large number of supplementary supplies were shipped from Huaiyuan Town, but winter clothes to keep out the cold were sent to the First Army.

In addition, a lot of supplementary ordnance was sent, and a group of recruits and civilian husbands came to supplement it. At the same time, many letters from the families of the soldiers were also sent.

Everything is fine in Zhangqiu's house.

Luo Cheng's three sister-in-laws were all born, and the Luo family had three more grandchildren.

When the fourth child received the letter, he jumped up excitedly and kept shouting that he finally became a father.

Shan Binbin is now living in Zhangqiu Luo's house, accompanying Luo's mother to help raise the children, and the girl Hongxian is also accompanying her every day.She wrote to say that she missed him, and for more than half a year, she sent him dozens of letters. However, even though the war lasted for three months, although the family letters of the soldiers who went to war were sent out, it was not easy to reach them.

Many of Binbin's letters were delayed on the road, and then stayed in Zhuojun and Huaiyuan for a long time, so the letters that were originally sent in a month were all sent to him in October. hand.

Father also wrote to him.

It is said that Du Ruhui is now the magistrate of Zhangqiu City, and Zhang Yichen has been promoted to the governor of Sili of Silitai, and the governor of Henan.And Fang Xuanling was promoted to the head of Qi County.

The father is still Zhangqiu's secretary, and now he often works in the county government. He also said that Du Ruhui also knew his identity. He asked how his son and Luo Yi were going?

The eldest brother also sent a letter. In the letter, he said that Zhangqiu is not peaceful now. After Luo Cheng led the main force of the Changbai army to leave, Zhangqiu is now empty, and bandits began to gather in Changbai Mountain again. Chang Shi did not lead troops to attack.

It is also said that Wang Bo and Wang Bodang are currently active in the neighboring Lu County. It is said that they are recruiting troops everywhere, running around and looting. They robbed the county government treasury, money, food, weapons, etc.

He was very worried that the two kings would come back to Qi County again, and asked Luo Cheng when he would be able to go back.

Cousin Qin Qiong also sent a letter.

It is said that there have been a lot of bandits in Henan recently. Because of the Eastern Expedition, many people began to cut off their hands to avoid service, and some people took the risk and simply fled to the rivers and lakes and fell into the grass and forests.

Because bandits and bandits are everywhere, and government soldiers and county soldiers from all over the country have been transferred to the front line of the Eastern Expedition, the place is empty, so now the government governments everywhere are a little panicked.

Zhang Xutuo, the prime minister of Qi County, has recruited him to take charge of his affairs and let him serve as the school lieutenant of the barracks of Qi County.He said that Zhang Xutuo had reorganized [-] county soldiers and was preparing to wipe out the bandits in Changbai Mountain and Mount Tai again.

After reading these letters, Luo Cheng fell into deep thought.

It seems that although there are some changes, the general trend is still difficult to change.Wang Bo was not the first to revolt in Changbai Mountain, but they went to Lu County to kill officials and rebel to capture the county and recruit troops.

Qi County's hometown is no longer stable.

(End of this chapter)

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