Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 3 Brother Shubao, I'm Coming

Chapter 3 Brother Shubao, I'm Coming

Luo Feng has absolute confidence in Qin Qiong.

This is a future god of war and a door god.According to the old Tang books he had read, every time Shubao conquered from Taizong, there were brave generals among the enemies who showed off their troops and came in and out. Taizong was very angry and ordered Shubao to fetch them.Shubao obeyed his orders, leaping forward with a spear in his hands, he would stab the people among the crowd, and the men and horses would be changed.

What is this, this is the fact that taking the head of a general among ten thousand armies is like searching for something, comparable to Guan Yun of the Three Kingdoms.

Although there is no historical record in the history books that Qin Qiong had commanded an army alone, Qin Qiong was the most valiant general in the early Tang Dynasty.

Such a god of war, even when he is not yet famous, can deal with a few thieves blocking the way, isn't that easy to catch?
This is a great opportunity, Luo Feng can just go up and get credit for it.

"Brother Shubao, I'll help you!"

While running, Luo Feng did not forget to shout loudly to cheer.

Qin Qiong on the other side was a little surprised at the horse. He didn't expect that there were people here who knew him.He just gave his name just now, but he didn't say his name.He didn't have time to see which acquaintance it was, so he immediately responded loudly, "Thank you brother, we'll talk about it after we catch these thieves!"

Before the words finished, the yellow pussy horse under his crotch had already rushed to the face of the blue-faced ghost Zhu Hua as fast as thunder.

Zhu Hua is tall and burly, holding a big iron fork, which is actually a harpoon. He used to be a fisherman, and later, when he was desperate, he gathered mountains, forests and fallen grass to become bandits. After gaining some fame, he became arrogant and arrogant, really thinking that he also had unstoppable courage.

"Come down for grandpa!"

Zhu Hua raised his fork with both hands, stabbing at Qin Qiong's chest.

Qin Qiong saw the fork stabbing, but he was not in a hurry. The officials of the Qin family for generations, even though they were only a small local official in Northern Qi when his grandfather and father came, they were still officials after all, and the family conditions were good. practice martial arts.

He has no patience in studying literature, but he is very interested in martial arts. He has learned a lot of famous teachers since he was a child, and he is proficient in bow and horse. A horse lance and a pair of golden maces are extremely fierce. fame.Later, he should be appointed as a soldier of the government to practice the art of battle formation. Because of his outstanding performance, he was selected as the general's personal guard to protect his children.

Originally, he was stationed in Dengzhou with his guardian, preparing to conquer Liao. A few days ago, he suddenly received a letter from his family saying that his mother was seriously ill, so he asked his guardian for leave and rushed back to his hometown. Unexpectedly, he encountered a thief on the way. Bandit, his temperament has always been jealous like a chivalrous enemy, how could he just sit back and watch.

What's more, he is bold and skilled, and he doesn't take the dozen or so thieves seriously.

In his eyes, those masked bandits are nothing more than a group of local chicken Wagoer who hide their heads and show their tails.

In his eyes, Zhu Hua's iron fork was flawed everywhere and posed no threat.He didn't even bother to take out the horse spear from his saddle, nor did he take off the bow in his bow bag.

It's just that holding the golden mace in his left hand, he smashed it directly on Zhu Hua's fork.

The golden mace sandwiched the charge of the horse, and a huge force swung away Zhu Hua's sharp thrust.

Taking advantage of the speed of the war horse, Qin Qiong swung the golden mace with his right hand, smashed Huashan Mountain like a head, and hit Zhu Hua's head fiercely.

But a moment of lightning and flint.

Before Zhu Hua could react, the golden mace had already fallen.

The blunt gold mace, which was originally designed to break the enemy's heavy armor in battle, easily smashed Zhu Hua's head into pieces in an instant, like a broken watermelon, with red and white splashes flying away.

Without stopping, Qin Qiong rushed to the next blue-faced ghost with a mace.

Luo Feng, who had just run a few steps across, was stunned.

I had expected Qin Qiong to be very fierce, but I didn't expect it to be so fierce. Even if the blue-faced ghosts were just a mob, they were still desperadoes whose subordinates had seen blood.

And the leader Zhu Hua was even taller and taller, but he was beaten to death without even passing a round under Qin Qiong's hands.

Seeing Qin Qiong passing by with a howl, and Zhu Hua's headless body before it fell down, Luo Feng only felt dizzy, and then a wave of nausea surged up.

He almost threw up.

He tried his best to control himself, he couldn't vomit, he couldn't vomit, but he couldn't vomit in front of his idol, that would be too embarrassing.

But at this time, several of the fellow countrymen behind him stopped and began to vomit.

The leader of the blue-faced ghost, who was showing off his power just now, turned into a headless corpse in an instant, with his head blooming and his brains splattered everywhere. The scene was really shocking.

And just at this moment, Qin Qiong had already rode his horse towards the two blue-faced ghosts, swiped his mace left and right, and smashed the two thieves' sky spirit caps cleanly again.

The same move, the same effect.

Looking at Luo Feng, his blood was surging.

Those blue-faced ghosts and thieves were also shocked. The leader Zhu Hua has always been a fierce man in their hearts, but now he was beaten to death before a single move was made, and two brothers were also killed. .

The blue-faced ghosts who were rushing towards Luo Feng and the others couldn't help slowing down. They were even stunned, their minds went blank, and they didn't know how to react, so they ran to Luo Feng's in a daze. before.

"I hit, ah da!"

Luo Feng's reaction was quick. Although his heart was filled with panic, he always felt that he would be unable to hold it any longer and wanted to vomit, but on the other side, he was extremely excited. He felt like his whole body had been injected with chicken blood, and his blood was surging. His face turned red.

Seeing the thief lost his mind, he suddenly raised his leg, and directly came to tease his legs.

Right in front of a thief's crotch.

The thief directly changed from dazed to convulsed with pain, bowed his waist and lowered his head, covered his crotch with his hands and fell to the ground with a purple face.

If you don't make a move, you have to be ruthless. The move just now was originally the wolf-defense technique he taught the juniors in college, and now he directly used it to deal with these thieves.

After knocking down one person first, Luo Feng immediately raised his hand and cross-eyed the other thief.

Two fingers crossed the criminal's eyes, and then turned into a buckle, and with great force, the criminal's eyes were bleeding, screaming again and again, and instantly lost his fighting power.

The other thieves who were running towards Luo Feng finally came back to their senses. They first witnessed Qin Qiong's murderous ferocity, and then saw Luo Feng's sinister moves. These guys finally collapsed.

As the saying goes, if you lose your momentum, you lose your courage, and the guys turned around and ran away.

"Don't let these thieves run away, a reward of ten pens, chase them!"

Luo Feng's blood boiled, and he took advantage of the situation to pursue, relentlessly.

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(End of this chapter)

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