Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 30 Don't bully the poor

Chapter 30 Don't bully the poor

Luo Feng took the bow unceremoniously.

The bow is unexpectedly heavy in the hand, and the bow is very long.

Wang Bodang watched Luo Feng playing with the bow that belonged to him just now, and his eyes were a little bit reluctant, "This is a long bow with reflexed tendons and horns. It is bound with ox tendon, and the arrows are made of birch bark."

He also told Luo Feng that the longbow shoots at close range, the short bow shoots at long distances, and the horn bow shoots from horseback.

His bow is similar to the longbow used by infantry in the army, with short range but high accuracy.

"Try pulling a few times."

Luo Feng stretched out his hand to draw the string. The pulling force of the recurve bow was very strong, but Luo Feng didn't feel any difficulty, so he pulled it away easily. It's just that he didn't learn archery, so the way to draw the bow was wrong.

But this surprised Wang Bodang even more, because ordinary people have never learned how to draw a bow, and they don't know how to draw it skillfully, but they only know how to draw it forcefully, which is more laborious, but Luo Feng pulled this hard bow easily.

Have to admire the brute force of this guy.

"You can try shooting a few arrows."

Wang Bodang couldn't help teaching.

He succinctly narrated some bow and archery skills, Luo Feng listened attentively, and after a long time he finally shot an arrow, but the arrow shot very quickly, but it clearly aimed at the willow tree directly in front of him , but the arrow flew into the sky.

Wang Bodang laughed a few times, seeing the arrow shot by Luo Feng, he finally regained some confidence.

He took out the bow on his back, slowed down, and explained the essentials of the movement while drawing the bow and arrow, "Pay attention to my fingers, the fingers are the key. There are many kinds of archery gestures, and generally only a few are commonly used. Let me teach you this first..."

With a bang, the arrow shot out and hit the willow tree accurately.

"You come back in the way I just said."

Luo Feng tried his best to take the arrow and draw the bow according to the method he had just learned, and finally shot another arrow.

The arrow didn't fly into the sky this time, but it missed a lot.

"That's right, the second arrow has this level. It seems that you are born with the talent for archery."

Wang Bodang felt that Luo Feng was a good shooter, so he couldn't help teaching him carefully, but Luo Feng didn't think he was wordy, so if he was willing to teach him, he would naturally want to learn.

Arrow after arrow, over and over again.

When the fifty or sixty arrows from the two pots of arrows were all shot empty, he was finally able to miss the big willow tree trunk fifty steps away, but at least the wooden target ten steps away was gone. Can hit one or two.

In Wang Bodang's view, this level of progress is already quite impressive.

"This bow is a bit simpler. If you practice with a military step bow, you will definitely improve faster. It's a pity that ordinary people can't hold strong bows and crossbows."

Wang Bodang's bow is a simple version of the step bow, which is stronger than the hunting bow, but it will not be suspected of illegal possession of forbidden weapons, which is a bit of a sideline.

"If you are free, come here to practice bow every day. I will teach you and guarantee you a small success in archery within three months." Wang Bodang now looks at Luo Feng with a feeling of sympathy.

"Then I would like to thank Saburo."

"If you don't like it, then call me third brother, and I'll call you fifth brother." Wang Bodang is the person who likes to make friends the most. During his several years in Chang'an, he went from being a dandy of a noble family to a trafficker. He is willing to make friends with anyone who suits his taste.

After getting along for half a day, Uncle Wang had a good impression of Luo Feng, he was strong, smart, and well-spoken, so he wanted to make friends.

Of course Luo Feng couldn't wish for it more, Wang Bodang would like to be called his brother, there is no reason for him not to, and after getting in touch with Kung Fu, this Wang Sanlang is really a good man, although he is said to be Wang Laogui's son.

Wrestling with him, willing to bet and admit defeat, is quite simple, such a person will not have a bad personality.It is equally rare for another one to teach him archery enthusiastically without reservation.

Hearing Luo Feng say that he would go to the county government to be an arrester in a few days, Wang Bodang said to him with some regrets, "Actually, you should go to Chang'an. With your intelligence, if you can enter the Imperial College, you can worship those great Confucian classics masters as your servants." Teacher, study the classics, make friends with the sons and daughters of nobles and ministers in Chang'an, and accumulate some contacts, then you will have a better future in the future. The county government is fast, and you can't even be counted as a subordinate. If you sink into it, you will waste your talent gone."

"Chang'an, a fascinating place. I will go to Chang'an sooner or later. I will, but not now. My family is no better than yours. I am the pillar of the family now, and I can't live without it."

A man should have ambition, but Luo Feng also always believes that to exist in this world, a person must first have a family, or that the motivation and purpose of a person's struggle are all for the family, if the family is abandoned first, then the rest will be discarded.

He once swore to Luo Wu in his heart that since they became one, he would take good care of this family and his family members for him.

"If there is a chance, I will definitely meet your cousin Qin Qiong."

After Wang Bodang asked about Qin Qiong's situation, he sighed a little, he didn't think Luo Feng exaggerated Qin Qiong's martial arts, he just yearned to meet such a hero earlier.

Uncle Wang stayed with Luo Feng for dinner.

By this time it was almost dark.

"Too bad, I lost track of time when I was learning archery here with you. I don't know if Du Da and Fu San were thrown into the mountains by your family to feed the wolves."

Luo Feng slapped his thigh, only to realize that he had forgotten the business.

"The Fusan and Du Da who stole my sheep?" Uncle Wang asked, "If you are talking about the two of them, don't worry. When I came back from a trip just now, I saw the servants at home beating them. After asking the reason , so they let them go. These two little fellows can be regarded as affectionate and righteous, and they are not the kind of lazy thieves."

"Sanlang, you are really bold and generous." Luo Feng praised with a thumbs up.

"This is all as it should be. I have been away these years, and I rarely go home once a year, but I also know that my father's reputation in the village is not very good. In fact, I don't agree with many of his actions." Wang Bodang smiled Patting Luo Feng on the shoulder.

"Hey, it would be great if Mr. Wang could be like you, Saburo."

Uncle Wang said, "Call me third brother, stay for dinner, we two brothers will sleep together on the same bed tonight, let's have a good chat, third brother, I like to make friends, especially when I meet people who like me."

"I also like to make friends. I am determined to make friends like the third brother who is bold and generous. But I have to go back today. My sixth brother and Du Dahe are brothers and sisters. I have always missed them in my heart. I want to take the sixth brother first. Go see Du Da and the others, and I will visit third brother tomorrow."

Wang Bodang sent Luo Feng to the entrance of the village before returning.

As soon as he entered the yard, Wang Laogui called him over.

"That Luo Wumao hasn't even grown up yet. Even if you become a policeman, it's not worth mentioning. Why are you being so polite to him? You have been in Chang'an Guozijian for several years. It is rare to come back once. You should pay more visits." County officials and township fame, what are you doing with a poor boy?" Wang Laogui lectured.

Wang Bodang chuckled, but he didn't bother to pay attention to this father.

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor!

 Forgot to update, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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