Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 306 Lost the wife and lost the army

Chapter 306 Lost the wife and lost the army

Yu Wenzhi came in in a hurry, jumped onto the heated kang, grabbed the teacup on the kang table and poured it into his mouth, but just after taking a sip, he sprayed it all out again.

"So hot."

Yu Wenhuaji said to the third child speechlessly, "I just poured the hot tea, why are you in such a hurry?"

"It's Luo Laowu, that little bastard actually crossed the river directly."

"Have you crossed the river?" Yu Wenhua sat up in shock, "How far has it passed?"

"2 horses, all of them crossed the river, leaving none behind."

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be." Yu Wenhuaji rubbed his chin, unable to understand.Is Luo Cheng really that stupid, or is he so crazy that he thought that if he brought 2 people across the river, he would be invincible.

2 soldiers, [-] Second World War soldiers, and [-] auxiliary soldiers.Not to mention that the auxiliary soldiers are actually infantry with some weapons, let's say that he has [-] World War II soldiers, but most of them are recruits, and most of them are just recruited from the civilian staff.With such a small number of people, Luo Cheng dares to cross the river directly?

"Maybe they camped on the other side of the river after crossing the river." Yu Wenhuaji comforted himself in this way.

Yuwen Zhiji talked to Yu Wenhua and a virtue, and Yu Wenshu gave birth to three sons. As a result, except for the second son, Yuwen Shiji, who was a little better, and read more sage books and understood some truths, the eldest son, Yu Wenshu, and his third son Zhiji is a complete dandy.And the third child Zhiji is a bit more cruel and perverse than the eldest brother Huaji.

A disagreement can kill a lot of people.And his favorite thing is to snatch women from good families. He often goes out hunting with his dog legs.The dog legs will threaten the woman's family, and then throw some money away. If there are those who don't open their eyes, they will get angry and even kill them directly.

Because of this, Yu Wenhuaji has the reputation of a frivolous son in the capital, and Yuwen Zhiji is directly called Huahua Taisui by the people.

Yu Wenzhi stuck out his scalded tongue, and said vaguely, "I saw that they seemed to be full of confidence, and they crossed the river very fast. It took a lot of effort. 2 horses crossed twenty miles from the river. The road is only half a day away, and crossing the river is faster, without stopping at all. I sent people to watch from a distance, and they did not camp on the other side of the river after crossing the river, nor did they stop. went."

"This is rushing to reincarnate." Yu Wenhuaji scolded.Originally speaking, Luo Cheng was rushing to the east, so he should be happy, but this guy was killed by the Goguryeo people, but for some reason, he was always feeling a little unhappy.He always felt that Luo Cheng was not an idiot, and he must be sure to run to the east like this, otherwise, with so many people under him, it would be impossible for him to follow him to his death so willingly.

He thought for a while, "Let Chengdu take a hundred Qingqi and follow him across the river, keep an eye on this bastard for me, and report back to me immediately if there is any movement. I don't believe it, Luo Cheng is really a **** Can go to heaven!"

Yu Wenzhiji said worriedly, "It is said that Luo Cheng has not yet repaid his defeat since his debut. Before him, two thousand infantry dared to fight against three thousand Qingqi, and he was able to win a complete victory. It is not easy. You say, If he wins a few more battles after crossing the river, wouldn't his position as Huya Lang be secure?"

The two brothers looked at each other.

If he didn't want to borrow a knife to kill people, how could Yu Wenhuaji use his father to help Luo Cheng get promoted.But without a promotion, how could he be qualified to cross the river as a pioneer?

This is good, if he really doesn't die, he can still win a few battles, even if he wins one battle, this bastard Huyalang will be able to sit still.

And originally Luo Cheng was the magistrate, with only 2000 soldiers under his command.Now, as a vanguard general, he moved left and right, and immediately had [-] people under his command, which was already the same number as the first army under Luo Yi and Song Laosheng.

As a county lieutenant and town general, he is still three thousand, but the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Straight mother thief, I always feel that I have lost again this time.

I can only hope that the Goguryeo people on the other side of the Liaohe River will be more aggressive, otherwise they will really lose their wives and lose their soldiers, and they will lose money by stealing chickens.

Twenty miles to the west of Tongding City, Xiangping City has already seen its first appearance, a simple temporary prefect's mansion.When Li Jing heard Lu Yu's report that Luo Cheng had crossed the river, he just smiled.

"Luo Cheng had several choices, but he chose the riskiest one."

"Stupid?" Lu Yu asked.

"Of course not stupid. This is smart and bold. Although the risk is great, it is also more proactive. And if it is done well, the benefits will be the highest. Let's wait and see. Anyway, I believe Luo Cheng will not fail this time." .By the way, I asked you to send someone to follow, did you send it?"

"Sent, I will keep an eye on them, and if anything goes wrong, I will report back immediately. Although we don't have many people in hand, we will cross the river as soon as possible to support and pick him up."

"Well, although it may not be needed, just in case. There are not many good seedlings like Luo Cheng, so we can't break them easily."

And on the bank of the Liao River, in the tent of the first army camp, the second general Luo Yi even called the general Liu Bao directly, and asked him to cross the river with [-] front chambers and set up camp on the other side of the river, ready to support Luo at any time. become.

The east bank of the Liaohe River.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger.

The sky is full of goose feathers and heavy snow, one after another.

There is already a thick layer of snow on the ground, and the sky and the earth are white.

If there were no local guides familiar with the terrain and location to lead the way, the [-] troops might get lost on this plain.

white snow.

White cloak.

From a distance, it is not easy to find this marching army.

It was cold and there was a lot of snow.

But the vanguard army was advancing rapidly. The soldiers were making sleds, and the materials were loaded on the sledge, like a boat in the snow.

Luo Siye and Zhao Gui led [-] cavalry in the front compartment, and even marched lightly. They didn't carry any luggage or auxiliary soldiers, and they rode fast in the wind and snow.

The ice and snow hit Siye's face, freezing his face, and the snow melted and condensed into ice on the beard and eyebrows.

But Siye was still giving orders to speed up, to go faster.

Benz ten miles.

Zhao Gui ordered the whole army to stop for a while.

Let the horse slow down and feed the horse a little water.

Continue to move forward, and after running for thirty miles, feed the horses, and the people eat dry food to replenish their strength.

Xuanju City, looks very small in the wind and snow.

On the first day of the new year, although the city has been occupied by Goguryeo people for nearly 200 years, after the death of Beiyan, Liaodong has been dominated by Goguryeo people ever since.The former Han people gradually got used to the identity of Goguryeo nationals.

However, although the descendants of the Han people are also accustomed to being Goguryeo, some traditional habits have continued.For example, use the solar term calendar of the Han people to celebrate traditional festivals.

New Year, Vientiane update.

Every family in the city still exchanges peach charms and hangs lanterns.

The family reunites and eats flat food for the New Year.

Even the guards in the city relaxed their vigilance a little. After all, they heard that the Sui people paid more attention to the Spring Festival, and the snowstorm was so heavy, it was even less likely that they would come over.

(End of this chapter)

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