Chapter 314

Great cause for eight years.

On the morning of the fifth day of the first lunar month, Du Ruhui, the county magistrate of Zhangqiu, ordered urgently to call the county barracks and the township regiments of the five townships to gather in the county seat.

"Mount Tai's bandits Pei Changcai and Shi Zihe led more than ten thousand bandits. They have crossed Mount Tai and entered our Qi County. The bandits are huge. Although we in Zhangqiu are not the first to bear the brunt, we must gather troops to take precautions."

The captain of the Zhangqiu County Barracks is now Luo Cheng's elder brother Luo Jizu. He is now taking over the county barracks. However, the county barracks were strong and powerful when they were in Luo Cheng's hands, but later the county barracks were directly transferred to Changbai Yingyang Mansion. The county barracks recruited new staff, but it was not as good as before.

But now, because of the Battle of Liao Dynasty, there are not many young and strong people in Zhangqiu County.There were originally five hundred barracks in the county and county, but many of them were called up to serve, and now it is difficult to call up half of them.

This is not only the case with county and county barracks, the situation of the township regiments and township soldiers in the five townships is even worse.A regiment of [-] rural soldiers, it is estimated that [-]% of them are not left.

The township regiments originally had the responsibility to protect the countryside, but now they can't control the countryside anymore, so they can only concentrate on guarding the county town first.Now the bandits are running around, although there is Zhang Xutuo, a strong general in Qi County, but the number of soldiers in the county is small, and it is difficult to control.

There is still a Yingyang mansion stationed in Changbai Mountain, but Luo Cheng took away most of the people, leaving two hundred mansion soldiers to be stationed in various forts in Changbai Mountain. Otherwise, Changbai Mountain may become a stronghold for bandits at any time.

Du Ruhui handed over the task of city defense to Luo Gui, father and son Luo Ji.

Luo Jizu, who was going to the countryside to pick up people, had no choice but to send a county soldier back, asking him to find his second son Chengzong, and asking him to bring the Changbai Township regiment to pick up the Luo family to the county seat.

Luo Chengzong received the letter in the afternoon, and he was training his subordinates in the Changbai Township Camp opposite Nanshan Village.There are 500 people in the township battalion, but now there is a serious shortage of staff. There are only a few dozen people in the battalion. Chengzong sent people around to notify the township soldiers who are still in the village to return to the camp.

But there are only more than 150 people gathered.

On the other side, in the righteous children's camp, at this time, the number of adopted children that Luo Cheng asked his brothers to adopt on his behalf had already reached [-].Most of these teenagers were ten, eleven or twelve years old, and most of them were beggar orphans. They were adopted as the step-heirs of the brothers who died under Luo Cheng's command, so they were called foster children.

They live together every day, learn martial arts, read and count, can eat enough and wear warmth, which is naturally much better than the previous life.

Luo Chengzong took more than a hundred soldiers from the village, and also the three hundred sons.

After crossing the river, in Nanshan Village, every household in the village is already packing their luggage. They all heard the news of the bandits, and saw that the village camp next door was about to be pulled out, so naturally they didn't want to stay any longer.

The eldest sister-in-law, the second sister-in-law and the fourth sister-in-law are all not long after giving birth, and the birth is less than a hundred days old. At this time, there is a towel wrapped around the head, and the crying child is in a hurry.

Luo's mother, younger sister and Wang Huiniang packed up their big and small bags, wishing to move the house away.

On the contrary, Shan Binbin, Luo Cheng's wife, led the horse with his good sister Zhang Hongxian, dressed himself as a man, with a bow and a knife on his back.Especially Shan Binbin, who led a tall horse and came out with a single pole.Although this lance is not the 23-jin heavy lance like Luo Cheng, it's just a [-]-jin horse lance tailor-made for her, but it's also very scary for a woman to hold a lance.

The fourth daughter-in-law, Liu Sanniang, said, "If I hadn't been a hundred days old, I would be like the fifth sibling, riding a horse and carrying a knife, to see which bandit dares to come."

Chengzong looked at the messy home and sighed, "It's good to pack some soft things and take them with you, and you don't need to bring the rest. Aunt Du, you don't need to bring these big boxes. When you arrive in the county, there are ready-made furniture Wait." Seeing Du Ruhui's mother and sister struggling to carry a big box, Chengzong could only persuade him with a smile.

"This box contains the rewards Fu Wei sent back from Liaodong, and they are all high-quality silk."

Chengzong had no choice but to ask someone to help carry the car.

In the end, the women of the Luo family packed up several large carriages. If Chengzong hadn't stopped them, they could still load several large carriages.

Luo Chengzong locked the yard door of his house with a big lock, and then took the whole family to the county seat.

More than a hundred soldiers from the township, and three hundred youths from the righteous camp, guarded more than a dozen members of the Luo family, followed by hundreds of people from Nanshan Village and several nearby villages.

Some older ones mentioned that before the Great Sui Dynasty unified the world decades ago, there were frequent scuffles in the land of Qilu, soldiers and bandits, and they often had to leave their homes and flee for their lives.

Fortunately, this time, Chengzong brought the Xiangying and Yierying to protect them, so everyone followed to the county town. No matter what, the city walls of the county town were always tall and strong, much stronger than the village walls.

Last time Wang Bo and Wang Yong also fought against the city of Zhangqiu, but they were also repelled by Luo Wu and his brothers.

There are more than a hundred Xiangyong members of the township regiment, each with a spear in his hand, which looks neat.And behind them, there are [-] youths from the orphan camp. They are short in stature, especially conspicuous because they all have short shaved hair, and they look like little monks.Although these people are still teenagers, and they haven't even reached the age of curly hair, after all, the short hair is still a bit conspicuous.

Although the teenagers are small, they hold spears, wear horizontal knives on their waists, and carry bows and arrows on their backs. The equipment is actually better than that of the Township Corps.

Moreover, although they were young, they marched neatly and orderly. Some older and taller boys led the team and raised flags in front, and some teenagers specially chanted. He also carried a large bag, which contained his own clothes, blankets, etc., and also carried a dry food bag, which contained seven days of dry food and a small salt bag.

"These kids are really smart."

Some folks said.

"No, I saw all the little black and thin beggars before, unkempt, yellow and hungry, but now they look like a different group of people. You see, this spirit has changed a lot."

"Don't look at them as beggars in the past, but now they are in Luo Cheng's orphan camp. They eat and wear clothes every day. It is said that there is meat every day. Luo Cheng treats them very well. Look at their equipment, spears, knives, bows and arrows Yes, and uniform clothes, not to mention the township barracks, and even the county barracks."

"These people really look like the old county camp." Someone thought of the team led by Luo Cheng.


Shan Binbin and Hong Xian followed Luo Mu's carriage on horseback. Listening to everyone's discussion about the orphan camp, they couldn't help but miss their husband who was far away in Liaodong.

On the second day of the wedding, the husband went on an expedition to Liaodong, and the separation lasted for more than a year.

She hadn't even experienced the feeling of living with the person she liked, so she separated.

She usually looks at the three sisters-in-law with their little nephew and niece, and she doesn't know how envious she is.If Goro didn't leave, maybe she would also be pregnant, and even give birth to a lovely child.

I don't know if he is cold in Liaodong, but I heard that it is very cold there.

Fighting wars is very dangerous. I heard that the Goguryeo people are very brutal and fierce. My husband entered Liao in July and has already fought several battles. Every time she receives a letter from her husband from a distant border, she keeps it close to her body and often reads it out. .

Seeing that her husband sent a letter back saying that he had won the battle again, she would be happy for him.Seeing that he said he was promoted again, she was also happy for him, but she was always worried that the higher the position, the more battles she would have to fight.

Not long ago, my husband said that they had won a big battle and wiped out all the Goguryeo people in the west of Liaohe River, and took back the city. He also said that they would probably rest for a while.

She heard that more than 100 brothers Zhangqiu had died, and she was worried for a long time.

It has been a long time since I received a new letter from my family. I don't know how my husband is doing now after the battle, and I don't know if he has received any rewards.

At the other end of the road, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and suddenly several riders came rushing.

It was Jizong's country soldiers and riders, they came running wildly, shouting loudly.

"Captain, thieves, there are a lot of thieves ahead, I know the leader, Wang Yi, the nephew of that bastard Wang Laogui."

When the villagers heard that there were thieves, they suddenly became chaotic. Some people ran in a panic, and some children cried and cried.

Luo Chengzong glanced around.

They had just left Nanshan Village, there was no shop in front of the village or behind it, and it was nearly twenty miles away from the county seat.

"Don't panic, everyone. We are here to meet the enemy. Let everyone push the cars outside to form a circle. The villagers stay inside, and the villagers guard behind the cars."

Wang Yi is Wang Yong's cousin. He had a bad reputation in the village before, and he was also a little bully relying on the power of the Wang family.Later, Wang Yong became a thief and implicated the Wang family.The Wang family was raided, but Wang Yi escaped.

Now with hundreds of bandits, he became Wang Yong's vanguard and went back to Zhangqiu Changbai Township in Qi County. He originally wanted to avenge the Luo family.

In the end, it was a step late, and the Luo family had already run away.

He ordered the Luo's house in Nanshan Village to be set on fire, and then led people to chase him all the way.

The people were still in confusion, but the sound of horseshoes was getting closer.

A few veterans from the Yier camp over there came over, "When these folks settle down, the day lily will probably be cold. The bandits will be here soon, we can't wait, we can only throw these people here first, we will arrive Go ahead and line up to meet the enemy."

Chengzong looked at the chaotic and disorderly people, "But there is no danger to defend here. If we don't rely on the car array, I'm afraid we won't be able to defend it."

"Then push the cart forward." A veteran shouted.

He was a veteran of Zhang Xutuo, and later he followed Luo Cheng, and then Luo Cheng went to Liaodong, and specially kept a few veterans as the coaches of the righteous camp.

Chengzong hurriedly nodded in response, and ordered the villagers who were obviously a little flustered.

But about half a quarter of an hour, the thieves appeared.

Wang Yi rushed there with about 300 people, about [-] of them rode, and the rest had no horses.These people were carrying knives and guns, and carried the stolen money on their backs. Seeing the villagers who blocked the road with vehicles and then lined up behind the vehicles, they just sneered with disdain.

Although there were not many of them, they came all the way, passing through counties and counties.

"Second Luo, do you still recognize me?" Wang Yi yelled loudly while sitting on the horse.
Luo Chengzong looked at the number of troops on both sides, and couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, Shan Binbin rode over, "Second brother, who is that?"

"Wang Yi, Wang Laogui's nephew next door is Wang Bodang's cousin."

Shan Binbin nodded, "Is he the leader of this gang of thieves?"

"It seems so."

Binbin nodded, "Second brother, go up and talk to him, I'll find a chance to shoot him down, so the group of thieves will have no leader."

Although Chengzong knew that the five younger siblings were good at martial arts, he still didn't quite believe her.

"Second brother, listen to me."

"OK then."

Chengzong rode forward reluctantly.

"Wang Yi, since you escaped, why did you come back? Aren't you afraid that the government will arrest you?"

"Catch me, I'm right here, catch me if you have the ability!" Wang Yi said arrogantly.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Shan Binbin shot an arrow. The arrow came out of nowhere, and the arrow shot into his mouth and came out through his brain.

Wang Yi fell off his horse and fell to the ground dead.

 Thanks to book friends, Maple Leaf (Ding Ding), Liuba, Xiaopang who is about to get married, Bai Qidu Jiu, dotphoenix, all book friends for their rewards, thank you everyone~!

(End of this chapter)

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