Chapter 318 Parting ways
"Brother, you have to help us."

At Dou Jiande's home in Zhangnan, Sun Anzu writhed uncomfortably and killed the county magistrate in a moment of anger. Now that he is wanted everywhere, he has begun to regret it.

But there is no one in the world who regrets taking the medicine, and escaped from the county seat. Sun Anzu and Gao Shida were at a loss, and finally went around and ran to Dou's house to hide.

When Dou Jiande saw the two of them at home, he was not surprised at all. He just nodded his head as a greeting, and then sat down on his own.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Gao Shida smiled wryly, "It's this time, how can I even think about eating, I'm so angry."

"Now I know I'm anxious, why were you so impulsive at the time? Tell me about you, you are all in your 30s, and you can't use your brains first when you encounter problems? In Tongding City, you are like this. In Xiangping Military Camp, you It’s still the same, just leave as soon as you say. Now that you’re back home, you still dare to kill even the county magistrate if you don’t agree with each other?”

Sun Anzu sighed.

"I will never go to Liaodong again if I die. What am I going to do? Why should I go back to Liaodong? No matter how much I risk my life, I won't have any chance to succeed in Liaodong."

As he said that, he came over and held Dou Jiande's hand, "Brother, we are all desperate now. We were originally deserters who came back from Liaodong, and now we have killed the county magistrate. We can't stay in Zhangnan anymore. But we don't know Where are you going?"

Liu Heikai couldn't help but said, "When you encounter troubles, you always think of Brother Dou, and now you dare to come to Brother Dou's house. Is it not enough to hurt Brother Dou?"

"Heitai, forget it, don't talk about it." Dou Jiande stopped Liu Heitai.He glanced at Sun Gao and Sun Gao, they were in a panic now, with regret on their faces.He was angry with him for not fighting, but he also mourned for his misfortune.The father died of illness and his wife starved to death.Now he has become a murderous deserter who is wanted everywhere, and there is really no place for him anymore.

"Old Sun, Zhangnan, you can't stay any longer. Even if I take you in, the officers and soldiers will find you soon."

"Then what do we do?"

Dou Jiande sighed.

"This is the world today."

"From Liaodong all the way back, what did we see? They are all people who suffered from the battle of Liaodong. Two people and one deer cart transported seven stones of grain and transported thousands of miles to Liaodong. But how much was consumed along the way, and how much can be left in Liaodong? If you can’t pay the food, you have to continue to transport it a second time, which is simply fatal. Look at the beacon fires everywhere, bandits and bandits raising flags everywhere, and countless followers of the people. I think the world is going to be in chaos.”

Sun Anzu frowned and said, "Are we really going to follow the thief?"

In this person's eyes, the rebels are hopeless, especially after seeing the elite of the Sui Dynasty's Weifu army in Liaodong, he feels that the rebels have no way out.

"Although the world is big, there is no room for you anymore. Besides, I don't mean to be a thief. In this world, who still knows who is an official and who is a thief." Dou Jiande said, "When I was in Liaodong, You have also seen that a person like Luo Cheng, who is capable but of ordinary background, is still under the pressure of the incompetent but well-born Yu Wenhua and other dudes. This is because Luo Cheng has an uncle who is a tiger, and I Wait, there is no future at all."

"Brother, are you so disliked by Sui Yang?"

"If you go against the trend, this day won't last long." Dou Jiande pointed out a clear way for the two brothers, "Nowadays, the world is full of rebellions, and rebels are everywhere. The two of you can temporarily hide among the rebels."

"Where can I go?"

"We have two gathering places in Hebei, one is Gaojibo, and the other is Douzigang. These two places have dangerous terrain and are good places."

Sun Anzu thought for a while, "I'll go to Gaojibo."

At this time, Gao Shida said, "I'm going to Douzigang."

Sun Anzu didn't expect that his old brother, who had always been with him, would part ways with him. "Old Gao, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I just think that the two of us will go separately, and the target will be smaller, so that it will not be easy to be discovered by the officers and soldiers."

Having said that, Sun Anzu is not a fool, he still feels that there is a gap between this old brother and himself. "Are you blaming me?"


"You're blaming me, but the escape from Liaodong was discussed together, and I didn't tie your hands and feet and carry you to escape."

Gao Shida blushed and said, "I don't blame you, I just think it's safer to go separately."

"You're just blaming me, Lao Gao, brother, what's the point of doing this. The idea of ​​running away was together, now you can't blame me for everything."

Gao Shida was also annoyed, and said with a blushing face, "Okay, although you instigated me to run away, I did agree. But we finally returned to Zhangnan, why did you kill the county magistrate? Fortunately, I have also become an accomplice, and now I have to flee the rivers and lakes."

Sun Anzu's chest rose and fell, and his eyes were as big as a bull's.

"Okay, okay, if you say this at this time, okay, just treat my brother, Sun Anzu, without you. If we separate, we will separate. Let's go separately. You go to your Douzigang, and I go to my Gaojipo. From now on, the road will be open to the sky." , let's each go aside!"

The two partners who were once close both blushed.

Dou Jiande persuaded a few words, but both of them turned their heads and did not look at each other.Dou Jiande sighed helplessly, and finally had to say, "Let's go separately, let's go separately, I will help you prepare some money, and then help you recruit some people. Now the outside is chaotic, there is no money or people, and you can get away wherever you go."

Dou Jiande is still very prestigious in Zhangnan County.

Send people around to say hello, and those who respond gather.

Nowadays, there are many people without property, and there are more hard laborers. Many people are afraid of the battle of Liaodong, and many people even cut off their hands or feet directly to escape the battle of Liaodong.

In a short period of time, Dou Jiande recruited more than [-] people for the two old brothers. They were young and bold, had no property of their own, and were unwilling to serve in the military. As soon as Dou Jiande greeted them, they came one after another.

As the eldest brother, Dou Jiande is still very commendable. He took out half of his family property, recruited troops for the two old brothers, and prepared money and food for them.

"Brother, I will always remember this love." Sun Anzu said sincerely.

Gao Shida said, "Brother, if you can't stay in Zhangnan anymore, you can come to Douzigang to find me. No matter how I mess up, you will always be my big brother when you come."

Dou Jiande shook his head, although he asked the two of them to fall into the grass, but now he wants to give up all those who have abandoned their families and become thieves, but he can't do it.

"Where can I go?"

Sun Gao and Sun Gao nodded to express their understanding.

Under the night, the brothers cherished each other, and then parted ways.

Sun Anzu led [-] people to Gaojibo, while Gao Shida took [-] people to Douzigang. In the vast night, the two led their respective teams, full of confusion about the future.

They didn't want to follow the thief, but they had no choice but to go.

(End of this chapter)

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