Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 32 Innate Divine Power

Chapter 32 Innate Divine Power
Just after dawn, Luo Feng had already gotten up.

Cousin Qin Qiong once told him that the best way to get ahead is to get fame right away. This is almost the only way out for low-level farmers like Luo Feng.

Luo Feng wasn't too keen on getting fame right away, but he knew that the good times since the founding emperor had gotten worse and worse under the rule of Emperor Daye. It's just self-protection in troubled times.

In the stable, the white-hoofed crow was chewing a bunch of dewy fresh grass, and Xiao Liu was squatting there feeding it bunches.

It seems that the relationship between the two is very good.

"little six."

"Brother, are you up?"

"Did you mow the lawn early in the morning?"

Xiao Liu said with a chuckle, "The grass in the morning is fresh. I went to the river to cut it specially. Look how happy this big black is."

Luo Feng originally wanted to say that this horse would be his mount in the future, but according to his cousin Qin Qiong, this war horse had to be raised like a war horse, it couldn't just eat grass, it had to eat fodder, especially concentrate.Even if you can't feed the horses with eggs and bean cakes like those cavalrymen, you must at least feed some black beans and rice bran.

My cousin also gave him a secret recipe, saying to get some glutinous rice distiller's grains, and feed some to the horse every day, and gradually the horse will become energetic.

It is not enough for war horses to eat grass.

"Xiao Liu, you don't have to go to Wang's house to herd cattle in the future."

"Then where am I going?"

For this younger brother, Luo Feng also didn't know how to arrange it. He was only 12 years old this year, but he was already very tall. He was only a head shorter than him, especially with his natural strength.

"Why don't you just follow me from now on." Luo Feng thought about it, if he was going to work in the county government in a few days, he might as well let his younger brother follow him as a helper.Anyway, a good policeman also has a lot of help.

"Okay, I'll listen to Fifth Brother." Xiao Liu didn't think it would be that complicated.

"White-hoofed crow, you've almost eaten enough, let's go out for a walk."

Leading the black horse, Luo Feng carried the horizontal knife given to him by Qin Qiong in his waist, a Hu Lu holding arrows on the other side, and a bow bag for bows on his back. The hammer was taken, and a long stick in the yard was taken.

"Brother, why are you going?"

"Go to practice martial arts."

"Take me." Xiao Liu shouted immediately.

"Then find someone you can take advantage of." Luo Feng said with a smile.

Xiao Liu looked left and right, but after searching around, he couldn't find anyone who could take advantage of it. The wooden stick was too light, and the hammer was too short. Finally, he saw something bright, picked it up and carried it on his shoulder.

"Brother, this thing is in your hand."

Luo Feng couldn't help shaking his head when he saw it, but Xiao Liu was holding an iron rod that was commonly used in the blacksmith shop at home. It was nearly six feet long and as thick as a pigeon egg. It was really long and heavy. The stove has been used for a long time, and the outer layer of the iron rod is black and bright, and it is almost patted.

"Can you dance?"

"It works."

As Xiao Liu said, he took the iron rod off his shoulders, and spun it around a few times with both hands, whistling and whistling, making people speechless.

Such an iron rod must weigh no less than ten catties, but Xiao Liu can swing it freely, such strength even Luo Feng can only sigh to himself.

"Okay, then take this and let's go."

The two brothers, one in front of the other, left the village with sticks and hammers, until they came to the beach beside the Nanxi River.

"Dahei, go eat grass by yourself, don't run around!" Luo Feng saw that Dahei was very honest, so he simply threw the rein and let him graze freely.

Until now, Luo Feng didn't know anything about knives, guns and sticks. Although he had a horizontal knife and a hammer, he didn't know how to move. But yesterday Wang Bodang taught him some archery methods, and Luo Feng simply took them out. Bow and arrow to practice.

Xiaoliu also came to watch and learn curiously, and felt bored after watching it, so he carried his iron rod and went to play by himself.

But Xiaoliu didn't have much patience, and after waving wildly for a while, he took the iron rod and went into the stream to smash rocks, hitting the big rocks in the stream with force, and the fish hiding under the rocks would be stunned and rushed out .

In the past, Luo Feng led Xiao Liu to do this, but at that time they were always throwing stones at them. Now that Xiao Liu has an iron rod in his hand, it is more handy.

He humming and haha ​​alone, having a great time playing with the iron stick. After a few sticks, one or two fish can always be thrown out. Let him get two or three catties of fish.

On the other hand, Luo Feng was very focused on practicing arrows. He recalled the methods and skills Wang Bodang taught him yesterday, practicing arrow after arrow.

But in less than half an hour, Luo Feng already felt hot all over his body, even his back was soaked with sweat, and his arms became sore and numb when he continued to draw the bow.

"Xiao Liu, go home."

Hearing Luo Feng's call, Xiao Liu jumped back from the stream with an iron rod in his hand. Compared to Luo Feng's exhaustion and sore body from training, Xiao Liu seemed to be fine after smashing rocks for a long time, although His clothes were half wet, but he didn't feel tired at all.

"Brother, you see I caught a lot of fish."

Luo Feng looked at the fish in the puddles on the stream beach, there were quite a lot of fish, big and small, at least a few kilograms, regardless of the size of these fish, there were even all kinds of fish, but At first glance, it looks like a high-quality river fish, completely pollution-free.

It is difficult for future generations to eat such small mountain fish.

"That's right, I'll cook fish for you later."

Folding a few willow sticks, stringing the fish one by one, and carrying them on their shoulders with an iron rod, the two brothers went home together.

Not far away, the big black horse was still grazing seriously.

Luo Feng called a few words, it turned its head to look, but it was still eating grass greedily, Luo Feng had no choice but to walk over and lead it.

"Let me ride!"

Luo Feng scratched its head, and the black horse stood there docilely. He put his hand on the horse's back and jumped vigorously, and got on the horse's back somewhat awkwardly. The black horse snorted, but still stood there.

After adjusting his sitting posture, Luo Feng patted the horse's neck, "Let's go!"

The black horse walked slowly towards home with its white hooves.

When he got home, Luo Feng carried the strings of fish into the kitchen.

The bigger ones are stewed, stewed tofu with mixed river fish, and stewed in a big pot with some green onions.For the medium-sized fish, Luo Feng fried it in lard until it was golden on both sides. It could be eaten directly or saved for another meal.

As for the small ones, Luo Feng directly made some flour to coat them, fried them until they were crispy, and it became a pot of small fish cakes.

It is served with the millet porridge cooked by the sister-in-law in the morning. The porridge is also mixed with wild vegetables pulled from the field by the younger sister and dried pickles dried by Luo Shi. This is really a must.

The whole family praised it again and again, but Luo Mu praised the deliciousness and said that it was extravagant to use a lot of oil in the morning.

"Well, it smells so good." The door creaked open, and a person broke in, "I'm back!"

 Wake up early to update, ask for some recommendation tickets, insomnia last night, sleepless all night, so sleepy!

(End of this chapter)

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