Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 326 Crossing Chen Cang Secretly

Chapter 326 Secret Crossing Chencang (Thanks to Jin Xiao for the ten thousand rewards!)
Thousands of rewards will be added, and there will be a fourth update tonight!

In the fierce cold wind.

The left vanguard army with 1 horses marched against the wind and snow, and Aunt Yan, the daughter of Yan Bi, the doctor of Qibu, was riding a white horse, wearing white armor, and mixed with the white horse righteous followers.

Although she was young and delicate, she was not frightened by the cold wind and snow.Riding on the horse, he also took out a hand scroll, and took out a special charcoal pencil to draw on the scroll.

The person in the painting is the vanguard general Luo Cheng.

She wrote very quickly, and what she drew was a draft, but the content was how Luo Cheng led his troops to support the Sifang Fort, how he led Bai Ma Yi from beheading the general to capture the flag, rescued Yu Wenhua and his troops, and how to march in the snowstorm now screen.

Each sketch has only a few strokes, but it is extremely vivid.

The young general in the painting, with a silver armor and a white horse, seems like a god of war descending into the world.

While painting, Yan Niangzi suddenly became obsessed with the person she drew, and couldn't help but think of his bare fruit appearance, his bulging muscles, and smooth lines...

After a while, she came back to her senses.

Picking up the charcoal pen, he wrote a line next to Luo Xiang, who was advancing against the wind and snow. In the battle of Sifangtai, three thousand Goguryeo forwards were wiped out, and in the battle of Dadonggou, another five thousand were beheaded.Luo Cheng personally led the fine cavalry, charged and broke through the formation, captured the lord of Xincheng alive, and captured the commander-in-chief of Goguryeo.After this battle, the soldiers and horses of the Goguryeo cities in the direction of Xincheng were severely injured, and they were unable to counterattack Xuantu City, so they were forced to switch from attack to defense. "

At the end, she added another sentence, "Luo Chengzhen is young and brave, he is a hero, he is unparalleled in the world!"

Yan Niangzi put away the charcoal, and sighed at the portrait, "Comparing people to others is really annoying. Yu Wenhua and the son of a wealthy family, Xun Guizi, can be compared with Luo Cheng, but he is not even worthy of carrying shoes. His pursuit of success, although Beheading two thousand would cost him more than three thousand, but it was nothing but a wedding dress for Luo Cheng, otherwise Luo Cheng would not have won another great victory!"

The vanguard will be under the flag.

Luo Cheng turned his head and looked at Gaimu City, seeing that there was no movement on the city, he turned his head and said to Wei Zheng, "Sure enough, as you guessed by the old man, although there are more than ten thousand soldiers in Gaimu City, they will not come out of the city. war."

"Why do you want to fight? We want to pass, and they let it go. The biggest killer move of this mountain city is to cut off our back and cut off our food road, so they still want us to bypass him and go east. .”

Wei Zheng said with a smile, "They must think we are going to Xincheng, so they are eager to let us go. Although Xincheng has few soldiers, there must be thousands of defenders. The city of Xincheng is full of solid weapons and fine food. If we really want to fight Xincheng , we are definitely useless based on our numbers. The defenders of Gaimu City just need to wait until we are unable to attack and the food and grass are about to run out. At that time, we will block our retreat and attack back and forth, and we will be defeated. .”

Luo Cheng snorted, "Yang Wanchun has a good plan, but why did I go to attack Xincheng? He thought that guarding Gaimu would cut off my way out? Didn't you know that I can also make Gaimu City an isolated city? I can also break his back."

"March faster, it's getting dark, I don't want to spend the night in the snow at night."

On Gaimu City.

Yang Wanchun stood on the mountain city, watching the Sui army pass by the city.

"They really passed?"

A general was surprised.

"This Luo Cheng is really unexpected in every way."

"If he wants to live, let him live, and there will be a day when he regrets it." Yang Wanchun looked indifferent.

"Where are they going?"

"It must be heading for the new city."

Several Goguryeo generals were talking there.

It's just that they didn't expect that Luo Cheng passed Gaimu and didn't go to the new city, although the new city is only sixty miles away from Gaimu.

But in fact Luo Cheng turned north just after passing Gaimu.

Forty miles to the north of Gaimu is Cangyan City.

Cangyan City is forty miles away from Gaimu City, but it is actually only [-] miles away from Xuantu City. In addition, there is actually a road between Xuantu City and Cangyan City, which does not necessarily need to pass through Gaimu City.It's just that the road is wide and easy to walk through Gaimu City.

"This Cangyan city is built along the right bank of the Bo River. It is [-] miles away from Gaimu, [-] miles away from Xuantu City, and only [-] miles away from Xincheng. This is a mountain city built with the help of mountains. The situation is high in the west and low in the east, and the city is four miles away. The entire mountain city, except for the existing cliffs on the east side, the other three sides are artificially built with rocks, which is very dangerous."

The one who spoke was Wen Shan, the former owner of Xuantu City, who was now appointed by Luo Cheng to join the army as the leading party.Wen Shan changed very quickly, and his mentality was very good, maybe it was broken.

"How many defenders?"

Wu Sanbao, the county magistrate of Xuantu, said at the side, "Cangyan City originally had [-] defenders, but last time some were deployed across the river to reinforce Wuluoli, and they never returned. This time, some were deployed to counterattack Xuantu. , even if they are not dead, they are still in Gaimu City, so there are only a thousand defenders in Cangyan City at most."

"Don't look at only one thousand, if you really want to stick to it, it's not easy to take advantage of the danger of the mountain city." Wen Shan said on the side. "However, Cangyan City has a good relationship with me and has a good relationship. Maybe I can persuade him to surrender."

"If you really can persuade Cangyan City Lord to surrender, I will remember you as a great achievement." Luo Cheng said to him with a smile.

at dusk.

Luo Cheng led 1 horses to Cangyan City, forty miles north of Gaimu.

Cangyan City in the snowstorm is built on the right bank of a river, surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is indeed very dangerous. Although the city is not big, only three miles away, the terrain is extremely dangerous.

Since entering Liaodong, Luo Cheng has also gained a deep understanding of these mountain cities in Liaodong.

It’s not that there is no flat land in Liaodong. Even in the mountains, there are many flat lands. However, the Goguryeo people built their cities on mountains. Unless there are no mountains and hills, they don’t build flat cities.

The reason, of course, is for the convenience of defense.

In the years when Xianbei Murong occupied Liaodong, Goguryeo and Murong had been fighting for Liaodong. These mountain cities were repeatedly contested. Sometimes, the siege of a mountain city could often last for several years.

But sometimes, even a few years may not be able to win a mountain city.

It can be said that the Goguryeo people have been able to occupy Liaodong for 700 years since the founding of the country. These mountain cities, large and small, have contributed a lot.

These mountain cities embody the wretched nature of the Goguryeo people everywhere, that is, you force you to come, and I will shrink in the mountain city when you come. If you have the ability, you will use human lives to fill in the hard attack. This kind of battle loss ratio is extremely high and not worth it. of.If there are fewer people, you will not be able to attack the mountain city, and if there are more people, you will be under great logistical pressure.

If you dare to go around the mountain city and attack the heartland, then your food road will be cut off, and your retreat will be cut off, so you don't even want to run away.

To be honest, Luo Cheng felt that these mountain cities of the Goguryeo people had the feeling of knights’ castles in the Middle Ages in Europe. In a war, one had to fight for these castles.

Given that the Sui army was strong and wanted to fight, these mountain cities were of course not a problem.The key point is that Goguryeo has hundreds of such mountain cities in Liaodong, and any one of them can hold a lot of Sui troops with a small number of soldiers. It was very painful to bleed.

"General, I would like to enter the city to persuade you to surrender!"

Wen Shan walks in front of the horse.

Zhao Gui stared at Wen Shan, "Who knows that once you go in, you won't come out?"

"The general is joking, my wife and children are still in Xuantu City, how dare I run away."

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "Why don't you write a letter of persuasion first, and then ask your son to deliver the letter to the city for you?"

Wen Shan smiled awkwardly, "Alright."

Luo Cheng didn't care what his real thoughts were, Wen Shan quickly wrote the letter, and then asked his eldest son Wen Ren, who also followed the army, to call the door to deliver the letter.

"Wen Canjun, do you think the son's head will be thrown down from the city, or will the city lord come out of the city to surrender?"

Wen Shan coughed a few times, "It will definitely surrender. I am good friends with Cangyan City Lord Wu Yu, and he has been squeezed and suppressed by Yuan Jiantu. .”

In the snowstorm, I waited for about half an hour.

The gate of Cangyan Mountain City finally opened slowly.

Wen Shan's eldest son Wen Ren rode his horse in front, but his head was not chopped off, and a group of Goguryeo people followed behind him.

"They surrendered, they surrendered." Wen Shan said happily, although he said it nicely, but in fact he never had any confidence in his heart.

Just now I was worried that my son was beheaded.

The men and horses who came out of the city rode about ten or so, and stopped a hundred paces before the formation.

Wen Ren rode back first.

"Report to the vanguard general, Wen Ren came back to answer his orders, and Wu Yu, the lord of Cangyan City, is willing to surrender and come out of the city to meet him in person, please summon the general."

Luo Cheng patted Wen Ren on the shoulder, "Very good, you performed well, and you can remember it as a great achievement. This pioneer will give you the post of Baima Yicong right now."

The Cangyan city lord, Wu Yu, was about the same age as Wen Ren. After he got permission, he dismounted and trotted over, bowing directly in front of Luo Chengma.

Luo Cheng got off his horse and helped him up.

"The city lord is very righteous, and he abandoned the dark and turned to the light. I would be very happy. Thank you, the city lord, for understanding the current affairs."

Wu Yu smiled nervously, but it wasn't because he was so righteous, it was just that the city lord really had no one.Wen Shan said that there are still a thousand people in the city, but in fact there are indeed a thousand people in the city now, but they are all old and weak.

Facing the [-] Sui troops coming to kill him, Wu Yu, the city lord who had no experience in leading troops in battle, had already lost his mind.When I saw Wen Ren and heard him talk about Luo Cheng's achievements in the few games after crossing the river, I panicked even more.And when he heard that Yuan Jiantu had been captured and surrendered, and that the [-] counterattack army had almost lost their lives, he no longer had the determination to stick to it.

"I also ask the general to be sympathetic to the feelings of the people and treat the people in Cangyan City kindly."

Luo Cheng laughed loudly, "Don't worry about that, since Cangyan City belongs to you, then I will never kill anyone in the city randomly."

"Enter the city!"

Ten thousand soldiers and horses marched into Cangyan City neatly in the wind and snow. There were thousands of people in the city, and no one resisted.

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, Luo Cheng directly asked Wu Yu to write a letter for help and sent it to Yang Wanchun in Gaimu City.

"Could it be that the general wants to lure Yang Wanchun to lead his troops out of the city, to lure the snake out of the hole, and then lay him in an ambush?"

"Why not? It depends on whether he will be fooled." Luo Cheng laughed.

 Thanks for the vulgar youth, the poor monk Zoro, the soon-to-be-married chubby and others for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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