Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 332 Six Riders Battle

Chapter 332
Great cause for eight years.


Qi County, not far from Zhangqiu City.

Zhang Xutuo, who had just been promoted by the imperial decree to be the governor of Qi County, took five cavalry soldiers from Licheng to Zhangqiu for inspection. On the official road, a brigade of common people and businessmen accompanied him.

Since the second half of last year, thieves have sprung up everywhere.

The large groups of thieves gathered 3 to [-] people, and the small ones were even more numerous, everywhere.The common people suffered from the heavy duty of conquering the Liao Dynasty, and also feared that bandits and bandits were everywhere.

Because Henan and Hebei are the main places to recruit Liao soldiers and civilian husbands, the people are more miserable and there are more thieves.In the twelve counties of Henan, there were bandits and bandits everywhere. Most of the soldiers in Henan were conscripted to Liaodong.

Thieves are everywhere, and the officials are invincible, which leads to the fact that the thieves are getting stronger and stronger. Only Zhang Xutuo of Qi County is the most eye-catching performer among the twelve counties. In the west, the peace of a county was barely maintained.

It's just that the thieves and bandits from the surrounding counties are all coming here, which makes Zhang Xutuo very worried. In desperation, he can only strengthen the defenses of the counties, and have to take time to patrol from time to time.

"Tongshou, Zhangqiu County is doing well. They have repelled three waves of bandits since the end of the year. They have killed nearly a thousand thieves, which is very impressive."

A soldier said.

Zhang Xutuo rode on the horse, looked at the team behind, and sighed, "Zhangqiu's achievements like this are actually due to the foundation left by Luo Cheng. There are two hundred soldiers from Changbai Mountain, although there are few soldiers now. Considering the whole county, at least Chai Xiaohe has guaranteed that Changbai Mountain will not become a den of thieves."

"Although the county and county soldiers left by Luo Cheng are newly built, with his brothers around, they are still stronger than other county and county soldiers. What's more, he also has a 300-strong orphan battalion, which seems to be talented. A group of dolls, but they are said to be the most fearless in battle."

A soldier said, "Indeed, I heard that even the female family members of the Luo family are very good. Several times when the bandits came to attack, they all went into battle with knives and guns, and the heads of the robbers killed were endless. Now the female tiger of the Luo family is very famous. loud."

"Hahaha." Several people laughed loudly.

"Speaking of which, the real strongest is our Tongshou disciple Luo Cheng. When we met him here three years ago, he was just a middle-aged boy who had just returned from digging a canal, but who would have expected that he has become a The Marquis of Xiangyang and the Vanguard General."

After Zhang Xutuo heard this, he couldn't help praising this disciple in his heart. This disciple really didn't say that although he was young, he suppressed bandits in Qi County and fought in Liaodong. Even his teacher must admire him for his fierce record.Speaking of which, he was able to be promoted to the general guard of Qi County, and he still had some credit for this disciple.

"You said, when Luo Cheng returns from the Eastern Expedition, will he be directly promoted to Duke?" One person asked.

"It's very possible."

Several people were talking and laughing, and they were all in a relaxed mood.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of hooves from behind.

A few people came galloping on horseback.

"The thief is coming, the thief is coming."

A soldier stepped forward to stop him, "What thief is here?"

The man on horseback said in panic, "A large number of thieves and bandits have come. They seem to be Pei thieves. They ransacked our village. We managed to escape and are now chasing us."

"How many people are there?" Zhang Xutuo asked in a deep voice.

"Thousands, boundless." After the man finished speaking, he rode his horse and continued to escape.

When the people on the road heard the news, they panicked.

"Unexpectedly, Pei Changcai, Shi Zihe suddenly came to Qi County." Zhang Xutuo frowned. "First protect the people and enter Zhangqiu City."

The passers-by, who were relatively relaxed at first, became flustered and ran desperately.

The six Zhang Xutuo rode horses, and could have left the people and entered Zhangqiu first, but Zhang Xutuo couldn't bear to leave these people behind, so he had to protect them and move forward.

He handed over his prepared horse to a businessman who could ride a horse, and asked him to ride back to Zhangqiu City and prepare Zhangqiu City for defense.

After running for a while protecting the people, the sound of horseshoes could already be heard behind.

Pei thief's light cavalry forward has caught up.

Seeing a group of common people, they laughed and galloped over, ready to loot.

Zhang Xutuo drew his bow and set up an arrow, and shot the arrow, directly killing the thief who rushed to the front.

The five soldiers also immediately turned around and shot arrows.

Several bandits fell to the ground with arrows. Only then did they realize that there were actually several officers and soldiers among the people. The leader was wearing armor. He looked like an officer, and his rank was not low.

"Kill them!"

Someone yelled.

The thieves came after them roaring, but Zhang Xutuo didn't panic. He turned around and shot arrows while galloping.

The thief was afraid, but he didn't dare to get too close, so he shouted and shot arrows from behind.

But Zhang Xutuo couldn't bear to leave the people behind, so he couldn't get rid of the bandits, so the two sides chased forward like this.

"Tong Shou, the bandits seem to have sent someone back to report, why don't we advance to Zhangqiu City."

"No, if we leave, these people will suffer. Zhangqiu City is not far away, we have to take them there."

After walking for a while, Zhangqiu City was just one or two miles ahead, when the brigade of thieves had already arrived.

Zhang Xutuo turned his head to look at Zhangqiu City in the distance, stopped his horses, and said to the fleeing people, "Hurry up and enter Zhangqiu City."

After speaking, he turned his horse's head and held up his long spear to face the bandits.

The five soldiers behind him also turned around together.

Six rides.

Just like that, it stands on the Erli official road outside Zhangqiu City.

On the opposite side of them, more and more thieves arrived, and the smoke and dust billowed.

A thief commander was surprised when he saw Liuqi standing in front of him blocking the way.

He looked at the team of vanguard Qingqi who had reined in their horses and dared not go forward, and angrily stepped forward to punch and kick, "Damn it, you dozens of cavalry are still afraid of six cavalry?"

"Boss, those six people are very good at riding and shooting. They have shot to death more than 20 brothers along the way. They really dare not approach. If they approach, they will die within fifty steps."

"Oh, it's still so amazing?" Zei Shuai was a little skeptical.

But he looked behind him, there were thousands of horsemen, and behind him, there was a large army of Pei Shuai and Shi Shuai. This time they had entered Qi County with a total of 2 horsemen. He didn't believe it. Can still stop them.

"Kill me!"

The thief gave an order, and led a thousand Qingqi behind him to charge up directly.

Zhang Xutuo Liuqi stood somewhat alone on the official road, looking at the large group of thieves rushing across, he did not turn around, instead, he raised his long spear, "Follow me to kill the thieves!"

"Kill!" The five bodyguard cavalry roared loudly, mobilized their horses, and followed Zhang Xutuo to charge back towards the thieves.

Although there are thousands of people, I will go too!
(End of this chapter)

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