Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 337 Killing in the Dark Night

Chapter 337 Killing in the Dark Night

Night falls.

Outside Zhangqiu City, it was still as bright as day.

More than [-] bandits led by Pei Changcai and Shizihe set up camp around Zhangqiu City, with bonfires and tents everywhere.The unstructured stretches are like a group of refugees who came to Zhangqiu to escape disaster.

The thieves also began to cook, collecting firewood from everywhere. The thieves in the old camp slaughtered pigs and sheep to eat meat, while the new thieves in the strong camp over there would be happy to have something to eat. As for the old camp, they only had enough to eat porridge up.

Unless Zhangqiu City is captured and the old camp eats meat, those in the camp can drink a few sips of soup. Otherwise, they can only have a full meal and a hungry meal when they are usually marching. If they grab it, they will eat more. I can only get some wild vegetables and grass roots to deal with it first.

In Henan in March, it was warm and cold. In the night, many thieves who lacked clothing and food were old and weak, and they were also suffering from cold and hunger. They stood by the fire and looked at Zhangqiu City in the distance, their eyes shining.

There are also some old thieves from the old camp. At night, after eating and drinking enough, they bring some leftover food. They are looking for women and girls who have no support. They are half tempted and half persecuted to satisfy them. their desires.

Many women’s husbands or family members have died. They are lonely and helpless, and they don’t even have food. Unlike other women who have husbands and brothers, they can’t get enough to eat, and their brothers and relatives bring food to fill their stomachs. Can be forced to sell their dignity, sacrifice their appearance, in exchange for a little leftovers from those villains.

The thieves' camp was full of hustle and bustle.

They enjoy this barbaric freedom, but they also bear the unknown tomorrow.

Time passed by, and the noisy camp gradually quieted down.

On the third watch, the entire camp had almost fallen asleep, leaving only a few bandits on patrol.

At the east gate of Zhangqiu City, several county soldiers were pouring oil into the gate shaft with oil pots. After the oil was filled, the door was slowly opened.

The oiled city gate did not make a single sound.

The door opened, and a group of people dressed in black quietly left the city.

It was Zhou Dewei and Zhou Xin who led the team. They were originally from Changbai Mansion. They were ordered by Chai Xiaohe to bring a team of 50 people to help Du Ruhui strengthen Zhangqiu city defense.The two fought with Luo Cheng many times and had rich experience. They were ordered by Zhang Xutuo to go out of the city to attack the camp tonight.

The two quietly left the city with 400 people, all the way to the direction of the camp.

Although the thieves arranged for people to patrol at night, they mainly stayed at the old camp and the strong camp.

They approached quietly all the way, and the two observed for a while, and found that the whole camp was like a large and messy refugee camp, with no barracks, let alone guards, and naturally there were no such things as trenches and secret posts.

They are in nowhere.


Zhou Dewei and Zhou Xin gestured, and then they gave the order to attack.

Kill and set fire.

Create confusion.

He set fire while killing people, and then drove the awakened family members of the thieves to the strong camp and the old camp.

In the quiet night, chaos quickly swept through the camp.

The terrified and confused relatives of the thieves were driven to the old camp of the strong camp like ducks.

Zhang Xutuo stood on the top of the south gate and watched. When he saw that the family camp was on fire, and the flames began to spread to the old camp of the strong camp in the south, and then the old camp of the strong camp was also lit up, he smiled slightly.

"Open the city gate, it's time for us to act."

The thieves from the strong and old camps who were awakened jumped out of their simple tents one after another, and started running with their knives and guns.Those thieves and thieves were shouting around, shouting the names of their subordinates.

The thieves are in the whole team.

After hastily forming the team, they began to line up facing the family members, because there were officers and soldiers behind the family members.

But the family members who fled in a hurry, seeing these bandits, thought they had found a sense of security, and all ran into their formation, ignoring those bandits yelling for them to pass from both sides and go to the back.

Where there are many people, they will drill there.

It seems that this is the only way to be safest.

More and more dependents were driven over, and the barely assembled array of thieves was smashed to pieces.

In the end, the old thief, the strong thief, and his family members are no longer clear. There is me in you, and you in me.

But at this moment, the sound of horseshoes sounded.

But not from in front of them, but from behind them.

Zhang Xutuo rushed out of Zhangqiu City with [-] light cavalry and [-] infantry, like a sharp knife, directly pierced the bandit's waist.

At this time, there were countless shouts of killing from the side of the military camp.

The thieves were suddenly one head and two big, and they didn't know where the officers and soldiers killed themselves.

Zhang Xutuo doesn't care about these, this is what he wants.

It's not too far to see in the dark night, but it doesn't matter, rush over, and after getting close, just shoot arrows.

The county soldiers and township warriors in the back all opened their bows and set up arrows, and rushed forward behind the cavalry. When they approached the bandits, the Qing cavalry suddenly outflanked the two wings, while the infantry stood still, shooting arrows continuously.

Pieces of thieves were shot down by the attack from behind.

The thieves and bandits were originally a mob. Although they had an advantage in numbers, sometimes a large number of people was not always an advantage. In this kind of darkness and chaos, a large number of people became a disadvantage instead.

It just increased their confusion and panic.

Zhou Dewei and Zhou Xin led 400 people to kill from the other side, with shields and knives across, advancing in groups, cutting everyone they met.

And Zhang Xutuo also wandered on the two wings with two hundred riders, shooting constantly, which increased the panic and confusion of the thieves.

Pei Changcai and Shi Zihe, the two commanders, gave orders again and again, but at this time, the thief could not find the thief, and the thief could not find the thief, everything was in chaos.

Especially the tens of thousands of old and weak people in the camp were also mixed in the camp. They rushed around like headless birds. They didn't know how to resist and kill officials. After a while, they ran from there to this side, especially they always like to make all kinds of screams and screams. From time to time, some people even shouted "lost, defeated, the army is coming."

The other strong thieves and old thieves who got it were also panicked.

Someone is running away.

After fighting for a long time, the two thieves, Pei Changcai, could not control the situation at all. It was too dark, which exacerbated the chaos. Later, the two of them thought about it and decided to run away.

They were not sure if it was really the army of Qi County who killed them, and they couldn't care so much at this time.


So the two thieves took hundreds of elite old thieves, fought their way out and ran away.

As soon as they ran away, the thieves were even more confused, and they had no command at all.

A chaotic killing continued until dawn.

After daybreak, outside Zhangqiu City, there were corpses of thieves everywhere, many of them fell under the swords of the officers, and many of them were trampled to death by the chaotic people.

Except for those who fled in all directions, more than [-] officers and soldiers killed more than [-] thieves and captured nearly [-] in one night.

Zhang Xutuo couldn't believe his eyes when he looked at the piles of captives lying on the ground and the lying corpses.

Shan Binbin took off his helmet in the morning breeze, glanced at the female battalion soldiers behind him, smiled and said to them, "Sisters, we won!"

A group of fierce women couldn't help cheering at this moment, "We won, we won."

After cheering for a while, a woman suddenly started to vomit. Last night, they fought with knives. The healthy women of Zhangqiu Women’s Camp, who were as fierce as men, looked at the corpses all over the ground and the smell of blood everywhere, and came back to their senses. , vomited upside down like an ordinary woman.

(End of this chapter)

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