Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 348 Laughing Too Early

Chapter 348 Laughing Too Early
Luo Cheng squinted at the golden nugget in front of him.

The gold is made into gold collars shaped like pork kidneys, not the kind of gold ingots shaped like horseshoes.However, Wang Ziming, who joined the army, went up to check it, and told Luo Cheng that although the gold was not particularly good, it was still not bad. It is absolutely no problem that this kind of gold is 1000% off and 80% good. After weighing It was found that the Goguryeo people were not short of catty and short of taels. They said [-] taels of gold, but actually weighed [-] taels.

Very honest.

He pouted, "Tell me, is the owner of Xincheng still Yang Wanchun?"

"Our City Lord is indeed City Lord Yang."

Murong Changsheng couldn't help but asked, "Could it be that your city lord has lost his nerve after being cut off by our general?"

Wei Zheng shook his head.

"General, it seems that the situation in Xincheng is really bad. If Yang Wanchun hadn't reached the end of his life, he wouldn't have made such a bad plan, and used the golden peace to delay it."

Luo Cheng waved his hand, "Wang Canjun, register the 1000 taels of gold as our capture, and reward the soldiers with four points later, and keep the rest for later use." Then he said to the messenger, "Go back and tell Yang Wanchun , I said that I want 1000 taels of gold and 2000 taels of silver a day, so there is no discount to fight, and I agreed that this is only a one-day deposit. My withdrawal condition is still the same, if Yang Wanchun agrees, let it go, if not, we will start fighting. "

"Today is the first day of the peace negotiation. Although you only gave 1000 taels as a deposit, even if I give you a discount for the opening, the 1000 taels will not matter for a day. Now go back and reply to Yang Wanchun and tell him that the 1000 taels of gold can be reached for a truce." At noon tomorrow, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer before noon tomorrow, then I will start fighting."

As soon as the envoy left, Luo Cheng asked Du Fuwei to lead his troops forward, as if preparing to attack the city.

"Yang Wanchun can't be so stupid, can he?"

"It's okay, it's good to scare them. Yang Wanchun has his plan, but I also have my plan."

The envoy returned to Xincheng, Yang Wanchun gritted his teeth angrily when he heard the reply, but there was nothing he could do. Why is he trapped in Xincheng now, with no reinforcements outside.

"It seems that Luo Cheng really intends to attack the new city. It is estimated that we are already mopping up our periphery. We must let Liaodong and Fuyu send troops to help, otherwise we will be alone."

After thinking about it, Yang Wanchun called the envoy, and at this time tomorrow, you bring another 1000 taels of gold to Luo Cheng, and said that I am willing to pay the deposit according to the amount, and I would like to negotiate a peace, but it will take some time to raise gold and silver, so that he can give us more some time.

"City lord? Why do you want to give gold?"

Yang Wanchun said angrily, "Gold is just a dead thing, why do you feel distressed?"

He can drag it out for a day now, just a little bit of gold, and he can test the bottom line of Luo Cheng's attitude, and it will also help him find out Luo Cheng's real thoughts, he thinks it is worth it.

the next day.

Luo Cheng received 1000 taels of gold again. This time, after Wang Ziming weighed it, he found that there were 100 taels of gold.

"This person is very interesting, give it away again and again."

Luo Cheng just smiled, "Tell Yang Wanchun, I can give him another day, but there is only one day left, I don't care whether he can get the gold together or not, I will only give him one day."

The envoy left, Luo Cheng asked Wei Zheng. "Xincheng seems to be at the end of its rope now. Don't worry that they will come out and fight desperately. Let's send out the left and right hatchbacks, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to thoroughly sweep the surrounding area of ​​Xincheng. Loot what you can, grab what you can, seize If you don’t take it with you, burn it on the spot.”

Luo Cheng didn't have time to really negotiate a peace with Yang Wanchun.

But Yuwen Shiji, after hearing that Yang Wanchun intended to negotiate a peace, was very excited.

He directly rushed into Luo Cheng's military tent, "General, I am opposed to sending troops to raid at this time. I think that since Yang Wanchun wants to negotiate a peace, his peace is sincere. Yang Wanchun said that if he could persuade Yang Wanchun to surrender, it would be a great achievement."

Luo Cheng looked at Yu Wenshi and laughed.

"Wei Sima, let's make arrangements."

Seeing Luo Cheng ignoring him so much, Yu Wenshi couldn't help but blushed, "General Luo, I am the envoy personally appointed by His Majesty to accept the surrender of the Left Five Army. I am fully responsible for the surrender and acceptance of the surrender. The general must not interfere, and must cooperate." .”

Luo Cheng didn't bother to talk to him.

"Ambassador Yuwen, I will not interfere with you. If you have the ability to recruit surrenders, you can recruit them. But you are only a surrender envoy and you are not a general of the five armies. You must not interfere with me in military operations. We will not interfere with the river, and we will do our own things."

The surrender envoys of each army are specially responsible for recruiting and accepting rebels, and they have the intention of supervising the army.

It's just that the Fifth Zuo Army was established by Luo Cheng alone. How can his prestige in the army be comparable to that of Yuwen Shi and the envoy who joined halfway.

Even if he was envoy, so what, his words can't even stand up to half a sentence.

If Luo Cheng didn't step on him, then what he said would be a fart in the Left Five Army, not even a fart.

The next day, Yang Wanchun did not send anyone to deliver the gold again.

As soon as noon arrived, Luo Cheng ordered Du Fuwei to attack the city.

Du Fuwei received the order, tentatively feinted a few times, and fired a rain of bows and crossbows towards the city wall. Although the arrow rain lasted only a few breaths, it had already shot thousands of arrows towards the city. Arrow Rain also shot and killed dozens of Goguryeo people on the spot.

It's just that when they panicked, the Sui army had withdrawn.

After the arrow rain, Yang Wanchun sent people out of the city again.

This time, they sent 1000 taels of silver, and then the messenger cried and said that there was a shortage of gold and silver in the city, but they sent another twenty Goguryeo beauties.

Luo Cheng just told Shi coldly that the siege will officially start tomorrow.

When the envoy left the tent, Yuwen Shiji came and took the envoy to his own tent. After some talking, the envoy happily left the tent.

in the city.

Yang Wanchun listened to the words of Luo Cheng and Yuwen Shiji relayed by the envoy, and said with a smile, "It seems that the Sui army is not monolithic, and the general and the envoy are obviously at odds. This may be our chance."

the next day.

Yang Wanchun did not send any more money.

He stood on the top of the wall and waited until the sun was high. He saw that it was getting late, but the Sui army still remained silent.

He laughed loudly, "It seems that Sui Jun is just a paper tiger."

The laughter didn't stop, and the Sui army camp below the city suddenly sounded the sound of war drums.

With the sound of war drums, the brigade of the Sui army drove countless Goguryeo people to the city. Under the supervision of bows and crossbows, these Goguryeo people who were captured from the surrounding villages were forced to carry soil and stones to the new city. Under the city, fill towards the deep moat.


Yang Wanchun laughed and turned into fury, he never expected Luo Cheng to have such a sinister move.

"What should I do?" A building owner asked, looking at the densely populated Goguryeo people under the city.

(End of this chapter)

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