Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 352 Luo Family Iron Army

Chapter 352 Luo Family Iron Army
Zhang Xutuo charged repeatedly, entering seven times and exiting seven times, but the situation became more and more unfavorable.

Wang Bodang had a high prestige among the thieves. At this time, he personally took the lead in the charge, fighting to the death without retreating, so the thieves also came to fight fiercely.In particular, Wang Bodang was not afraid of casualties, and all four thousand light cavalry bandits from the fourth battalion of inner hussars that he had trained so hard were thrown into the battlefield. With them taking the lead, the bandits were at an advantage, and they were always fighting against the county soldiers.

Fortunately, the county soldiers rely on Zhang Xutuo's Bafeng Battalion, which can attack and defend.

Although the Hussar Battalion's offensive was extremely fierce, beating continuously like a violent storm, but they were like rocks in the waves and storms, no matter how hard the wind blows, they would not break.

It's just that Zhang Xutuo also knows that the Eight Wind Camp is not invincible.

When the casualties of the Bafeng Battalion exceed a certain percentage, it will be difficult to maintain.

Qin Qiong rode his horse to charge, Jia Wuben was still on his horse, Zhang Xutuo's old brother and partner, was shot by Wang Bo in the back, blood gushed from his abdominal wound, and he was unconscious.If Qin Qiong hadn't killed him in time to save him, I'm afraid this warrior on the battlefield would have gone to hell.


Wang Bodang was also having a hard time.

Every charge was blocked by the county soldiers.

Every time he charged, hundreds of people from his hussar battalion fell, not counting the infantry of other rebels.

It was only half a day's fierce battle, but he estimated that the hussar battalion had lost one-third, and the other armies had also lost a lot.

There were at least ten thousand rebels chasing out of the battalion just now, but it is estimated that less than half of them are still fighting on the field.Many of them were killed by the county soldiers, and many others escaped because of bad luck.

Wang Bo rushed to him covered in blood.

"Sanlang, we can't keep fighting like this. If we go any further, we brothers will be gone. Brothers can't move anymore. You see, their pace has slowed down and they are powerless."

How can Wang Bodang not see it.

"Faji, Zhang Xutuo can't stand it anymore. They are about to collapse. If they charge for a while, they will lose, and we will win a big victory."

"But you also said the same thing just now, and you still said the same thing before, but was Zhang Xutuo defeated? No, they were not defeated, let alone defeated. They are still as impenetrable as a rock, but we have already The attack is powerless. The brothers are all holding on with one breath, but now the breath is about to be exhausted, and you are also leading the troops. You must know that once the breath is exhausted, we will collapse."

"But can we stop now? If we don't win, we lose."

Uncle Wang blushed, he was unwilling to growl.

Wang Bo backed away silently, and rode his horse to the front of his small team, "San Lang said, we have to go."

One person said, "But big brother, our old brothers are almost beaten to death. If we fight again, it won't work."

Wang Bo gritted his teeth, "No matter what, we have to charge for a while, just for a while."

"But what if you can't make it down?"

"If we can't break through again, let's go." Wang Bo turned his head and glanced at Wang Yong who was still yelling and directing, "I owe him Wang Sanlang my life. If I charge again today, I will repay his kindness. In the future, We are all in the world, and we owe each other nothing.”

Although Wang Bo also admired Wang Yong's courage, but after today's World War I, he was already dissatisfied with Wang Bodang's behavior of following his teacher Li Mi's plan.

Obviously developing well in Beihai, there is no need to rush to fight Qi County. As a result, it is better now. After this battle, even if they can win, it will be a miserable victory. There is no room left to fight Qi County.

He believed it would be better if he stayed in Beihai and continued to grow.

Wang Bo reorganized his team. Uncle Wang had four thousand light cavalry in the inner battalion of hussars, and Wang Bo also had his own direct line team, which was three thousand Liang soldiers.These [-] soldiers were the troops he had recruited locally after he retreated to Liangjun after his defeat by Luo Cheng in Onozawa.After several battles with him, he can be regarded as elite and loyal.But in this battle, it has already lost nearly half.


Wang Bo rode his horse galloping, followed closely by more than a thousand Liang soldiers.

Wang Yong and Wang Bo's desperate blows were so fierce that the Eight Wind Camp collapsed.


Zhang Xutuo shouted.

The blown torn apart Eight Winds quickly regrouped following the shout.

Only this time, no matter how difficult it was to restore the large formation, it turned into small formations one by one.

Dozens of people, more than a hundred people for a while.

The county soldiers formed a formation to protect themselves, and they did not flee, they were still holding on.

They are still fighting.

Some people fell beside them, and they waved their weapons numbly, not knowing why they were fighting.

"Kill thieves, protect the country and defend the people, protect the country! Protect your wife and children!"

Someone sang on the battlefield.

This is a military song.

"Don't you see that at the end of the Han Dynasty, the weak crowned captives invite Changying!"

This is the battle song of the Changbai Army Mansion.

rear of the battlefield.

Father Luo Gui came with the victory, and they came galloping with the momentum of a big victory.

The soldiers of Changbai Mansion sang military songs while running, and the Changbai orphans and teenagers also sang military songs loudly.

The military song is so loud.

Hearing this song, Zhang Xutuo and the county soldiers were all refreshed, as if they had seen the dawn in the dark night.

On the contrary, those thieves turned their heads, and what they saw happened to be nearly [-] new troops who sang battle songs and killed them.

It's a pity that the soldiers and horses coming from behind are not their reinforcements, but instead belong to the official army.

What shocked them even more was that there was actually a group of people in front of this army, the people they stayed in the camp, but at this moment these people were running for their lives in a panic.

Driven by the soldiers and horses behind, there is no way to enter the sky.

"Our camp?"

Wang Bo was in a daze.

One of his old brothers shouted, "Brother, it's the Changbai Army Mansion. I saw their military flag. It's the soldiers of the Changbai Army Mansion. It seems to be Zhangqiu Xiangyong!"

The government soldiers are stronger than the county soldiers.

What's more, it was the Changbai Army Mansion that defeated them several times. When this name was mentioned, many people, including Wang Bo, felt a lingering sense of fear.

"I saw Luo Gui."

"I saw Zhou Dewei."

"I saw Zhou Xin."

"I saw Luo Jizu, I saw Luo Chengzong, I saw Mrs. Black and White, I saw Shan Binbin..."

"The Luo Family Army is here!"

A voice of fear sounded.

Wang Bo gritted his teeth, and he took a last look in Wang Bodang's direction, but he couldn't find this brother at this time, "Let's withdraw!"

Wang Bo didn't rush for the last time.

He started to flee the battlefield with his troops, but there were already people who fled the battlefield earlier than him.

As soon as they heard the Changbai army song and saw the Changbai soldiers for the first time, they started to flee.

The thieves who were about to wipe out the soldiers of Qi County fell short, and they fled in all directions.

Father Luo Gui smashed all the way with a hammer, and the head of the hammer that had already been smashed was bloody and bloody.

His hammer also smashed the last bit of morale and fighting spirit of the bandit army.

Wang Bodang only felt his heart was cold. In the end, he was forced to leave the battlefield by his subordinates. Looking at the brothers of the rebel army who were being chased and killed by the officers and soldiers on the battlefield, Wang Bodang raised his head to the sky and screamed. He spat out the last mouthful of blood and passed out. past.

(End of this chapter)

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