Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 357: Meat Eaters Contempt

Chapter 357: Meat Eaters Contempt

Luo Cheng let the pigs and sheep be slaughtered to welcome the new envoy Yan Pi and the sub-general Song Laosheng, and the soldiers of each regiment were also given some meat.

Yan Pi ate dry food for several days along the way, but now he was eating hot meat rice, but he still made trouble.

"This is obviously beef. On the marching road, cattle can also carry food and grass. Why do you want to kill cattle?"

"Because there are too many cows." Luo Cheng choked Lao Yan with one sentence.


Luo Cheng had no choice but to put down his knives and forks, "It's really a lot. Too many have already affected our marching speed. When we set off from Xuantu City that day, our army brought a lot of food, grass and luggage, as well as a lot of horses and mules. , In addition, I also drove a lot of live cattle and sheep to accompany the army. I thought it would be difficult to replenish food and grass on the way, so I brought as many as I could."

As a result, in the new city, Luo Cheng just cheated, and he couldn't stand Yang Wanchun's cheating. He also sent money, livestock and beauties, and a lot of food.

Not to mention, Siye Zhao Gui and the others raided the surrounding area and got a lot of livestock food.

Ever since, the Fifth Left Army was overloaded, not to mention too much food, but too much livestock.

On the marching road, these groups of livestock are actually quite troublesome. How can there be so much forage to feed them? There is grass to eat on the road this season, but with so many people and horses, they can rush to eat at night, but they can't. It's too late, after all, we have to hurry the next day.

So the animals are getting thinner and thinner.

So, Luo Cheng ordered that it was practical to slaughter livestock every day along the way. Instead, all the floss fried noodles prepared before were kept for use, and the wheat grains that were easy to store were also kept first.

"Do you eat meat every day?" Yan Pi thought they only ate meat when they came.

"Well, it is true that we eat meat every day. There is no way. We don't want to eat meat every day. We will get tired of eating too much meat, but there is no way. We can't drive such a large herd of cattle and sheep every day, and there is not so much fodder to feed. It hurts to lose weight every day."

This is annoying.

Song Laosheng held back very hard, so he didn't say a word of holding the grass.

Thinking about when they were stationed on the west bank of the Liao River before, they earned some extra money by cooperating with Luo Cheng to sell wine. The idols could also kill pigs and sheep to improve their food, but they still had more soldiers and less meat.Looking at Luo Cheng again, during the march, he actually ate meat every day, saying that he thought meat was too greasy.

Murong Changsheng on the side said, "We are eating and marinating every day now, half of the food is marinating and the other half, but it's still a bit too slow, and the livestock that we carry are not much less."

Yan Pi didn't speak, just lowered his head, and ate the meat fiercely.

Originally, I wanted to use this to criticize Luo Cheng a few words, but I didn't expect that people would not be able to finish it.

Song Laosheng could only cough twice, "This is a good thing, our Left Five Army is not short of food, not short of food."

"We are indeed not short of food now, but we still need to raid the surrounding area by the way. Even if we get too much livestock food from the raid, we can't use it, but it's not all useless. At the very least, it's better than leaving it to the Goguryeo people. In addition, I have a plan, I plan to save some marinated meat."



"Where to store it?" This is on the way to the army, so it can't be stored with the Goguryeo people.

"Store along the road, store the pickled and dried meat and some unhulled grain captured on the spot in batches in some hidden places along the way, such as in the caves in the valley, or simply dig a hole and bury them. "

Carrying these things still slows down the marching speed.

It would be a pity to throw it away.

Besides, Luo Cheng knew that this attack had failed in history, and if he had to withdraw at that time, if there was food storage on the way, it would be a rescue.

As the saying goes, the cunning rabbit also has three holes.

Song Laosheng has been a soldier for so many years, but he has never encountered such a situation. On the way to the army, he has moved thousands of miles, and there is no supply of food and grass, and there is still more than can be used up.

"It's a good thing to save." That's all he could say, and he couldn't find anything else to say.

The weather was getting hotter, and he was still wearing spring clothes when he came out. Now it was very hot when he was marching during the day, so Luo Cheng sent the seized cloth and silk to the military camp to make summer clothes for the soldiers.

Although there was a lot of cloth seized and seized, it would be directly digested if one person made a few clothes.

The beef is delicious, and the mutton soup is also delicious. After you are full, you can drink a pot of tea.

While drinking tea, Yan Pi couldn't help secretly sighing that this Luo Cheng is really a genius, and that he lived such a happy life during the march and battle.

Then he listened to Luo Cheng and Song Laosheng muttering there, put his ears up to eavesdrop, and heard that Luo Cheng used grain to make wine during the march.

He couldn't help but get angry.

"You actually use precious military rations to make wine for the sake of satisfying your hunger, Luo Cheng, you are too bold and reckless."

Luo Cheng pouted.

"Ambassador Yan, you can eat things indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Why is my wine making a waste of military rations? You heard it just now. We have a surplus of military rations. We are seriously overloaded with what we carry. A lot, but still a lot, so I use some to make wine, but not all of it is made to satisfy the appetite."

Over there Song Laosheng also said, "Maybe Yan Langzhong doesn't know, this baijiu is a good thing. Not only can you drink it, but it's also a good thing for treating wounds. Cleaning the wound with baijiu can greatly reduce the possibility of wound swelling. Another Sometimes, if it's cold, drink a sip of white wine to warm up your body. Even though it's summer, it's still very cold in the morning and evening. If you meet an army and need to cross the river, then drink a sip of wine and you won't be afraid of getting wet."

Yan Pi was dubious.

"It is estimated that there will be one or two fierce battles in the future." Luo Cheng said.

Song Laosheng also nodded. The defenders in the Xincheng area were indeed disabled by Luo Cheng, but it did not mean that the big cities such as Heshenggu City and Domestic City were also empty. "

The two chatted very speculatively.

Although Song Laosheng is very old, he has his own thinking on strategy, and it is very clear.He told Luo Cheng bluntly that there was no need to mobilize millions of troops to conquer Goguryeo.

In his opinion, the best strategy is to have no more than 30 horses on land and water.

Don't think about one success, but prepare for a long war.

So it's best to have 5 to [-] people on the sea, and don't directly attack Pyongyang. It's best to loot and sweep along the coast to cause damage.Just like when the Great Sui conquered the Chen Dynasty, it had been prepared for many years before. The army was stationed on the north bank, often carrying out raids, burning granaries, destroying crops and attacking villages, etc., which made them exhausted.

On the land route, in the direction of the Liaohe River, a dozen to 20 people is enough, and the troops are divided into several groups to attack, one place is attacked, and one place is stabilized. If this is done for a few years, the Goguryeo people will be dragged to death if they are not defeated.

"It's too hasty."

Luo Cheng also nodded. The plan formulated by the emperor, Duan Wenzhen and other generals was very bold, and it was not without possibility of success, but the key problem was that the plan was too advanced, and it was difficult to achieve actual execution.

And this plan is intertwined, and if one part is not implemented in place, it may cause a series of collapses.

Just like Luo Cheng and the others, this journey has penetrated thousands of miles into the enemy's territory, and behind them are all uncaptured mountain cities. This is not an attack on the Saibei grassland. What will happen after that.

"General, let me tell you something. In fact, there is no need for us to hurry to Yalushui. We should probably walk slowly before the cities behind us arrive."

 Happy New Year's Eve, I wish you all New Year's greetings, Muzi wishes you all success, good health, and happy family!

(End of this chapter)

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