Chapter 361
Three thousand Goguryeo captives were taken to the Liaohe River and beheaded.

The corpses were pushed into the Liao River to feed the fish, and the heads were taken and built with earth to form a Jingguan.

"In this battle, our army killed more than [-] people and injured countless people. General Mai Tiezhang of the Seventh Left Army died in battle, second general Qian Shixiong died in battle, and Meng Jincha died in the front... "..."

More than [-] people died in one battle, not counting the thousands who were disabled.

It can be said that half of the army was lost in this battle.

Yang Guang's face was as heavy as water. Before, he was at the rear, and he always heard Luo Cheng playing triumphant songs all the way. Everyone thought that the Goguryeo people were very weak.

But today's battle, the battle he watched with his own eyes, made him deeply realize that he still underestimated the Goguryeo people too much.

Goguryeo, which has been able to establish a country for 700 years and stand proudly in Liaodong, does have some skills. Not all of them have survived to this day by shrinking from the mountain city.

Today, although the Sui army won, it was a miserable victory.

One hundred thousand to fifty thousand, two to one troops, the final battle loss ratio was about the same, and he lost a general.

The Left Seventh Army was almost disabled.

Not to mention the chief and deputy generals died in battle, even the corpses were taken away.

"If Luo became the vanguard of crossing the river today, I will definitely not suffer this loss." Yang Guang thought of Luo Cheng at this time, thinking about Luo Cheng's attacking the city and breaking the pond, and defeating Goguryeo repeatedly. Although he played a little clever before, but This did not affect the emperor's goodwill towards him.

It was also crossing the river. Luo Cheng crossed the river without incident at all, and even disabled Xincheng. However, he personally led an army of one hundred thousand to cross the river, and the first battle ended like this.

The Sui army cleaned the battlefield, treated the wounded, and buried the dead.

Then take advantage of the victorious soldiers to encircle Liaodong City.

The envoys of the Sui Dynasty negotiated several times with Yuan Gaisuwen, the lord of the Liaodong city of Goguryeo, and finally Yuan Gaisuwen proposed the condition of returning the body of Mai Tiezhang and exchanging it with his younger brother Yuan Jiantu.


Under the city of Liaodong.

Yang Guang replied sullenly.

Luo Cheng worked so hard to capture Yuan Jiantu, so he was able to return to Liaodong.

From the front of the Sui army to the city of Liaodong, Yuan Jiantu looked back, feeling a sense of escape and ascension to heaven.

into the city.

Yuan Gai Su Wen personally came to meet his brother.

"Brother, you've lost weight."

"I thought I would never come back in this life." Yuan Jiantu wanted to cry, his nose was sore.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, brother has prepared a dozen young beauties for you, go back and wash up and enjoy."

Yuan Jiantu hesitated to speak.

"What do you want to say?"

"Brother, the strength of the Sui army is beyond our previous expectations. I think we will lose this time."

Yuan Gai Su Wen was silent.

"Don't talk about this, you go back and take a good bath first. I will hold a welcome banquet for you at night, and wash you off."

outside the city.

Mai Tiezhang's body was sent back.

Yang Guang stood in front of the iron staff's body and wept loudly.

The emperor's cry aroused the solemnity of the whole army.

"Tie Zhang is courageous and courageous. He is known for his meritorious service. This time he accompanied me in the crusade against thieves. He took the lead and charged into the battle. He was righteous and righteous. Although he died, his meritorious service survived. His oath was loyal and sincere. Looking back on his life, it is very sad. He should be given a special honor in recognition of his merits, and he can be posthumously given the post of Doctor Guanglu, posthumously named Su Guogong, and given the posthumous title of Wulie."

Yang Guang also issued an edict to let Mai Mengcai, the eldest son of Tiezhang, descend to the rank of Marquis of Liaodong, and confer the rank of Doctor Yinqing Guanglu. The post of General Yang Lang.He also gave a huge amount of money to carry out the funeral for the iron stick, a funeral car, and a drummer, so that all the officials below the princes and nobles would see the iron stick off.

For several days.

Under the Liaodong city, the Sui army did not attack, and the Goguryeo army did not come out.

The emperor discussed matters with Pei Shiju, Su Wei and others.

"I attacked Goguryeo to punish the people, not for fame." He continued, "This battle across the river shows that although the Goguryeo people are far away, they are brutal and ferocious. The battle is to compete for fame and rewards, so I think that each army should be divided into three parties, but whenever there is a military action, the three parties need to inform each other, each for support, and no light army is allowed to advance alone. I will wait for a reply before I can act."

Yang Guang was afraid that all the armies would see Luo Cheng's repeated achievements and think that the Goguryeo people were really weak.And this time he personally supervised the battle, and he won such a tragic victory against [-] against [-], knowing that the Goguryeo people are not weak.Therefore, I came up with such an order specially.

Su Wei, Pei Shiju, Yu Shiji, and Pei Yun had a discussion in front of the imperial court, but none of them knew anything about military affairs.Although Pei Shiju is currently the General of the Fifth Right Army, Su Wei is also a General of the Twelve Guards, but he doesn't understand these things at all.

They think about it and think it makes sense.

Anyway, the seven armies responsible for mopping up Liaodong were originally divided into three groups, and then these three groups of soldiers and horses were divided into three groups each, so it would be good to support each other.

As for the emperor's statement that each army's actions should be reported first, they didn't think it was a big problem, after all, the emperor's driving was under the city of Liaodong.

"If the Goguryeo people want to surrender, they should be appeased and accepted, and they should not attack again."

The emperor added another sentence.

He believes that if you are willing to surrender, then accept it, and don't sacrifice casualties needlessly.

One after another, the will was passed on to the armies in this way.

He rested for ten days under Liaodong city.

Yang Guang sent people to persuade the city to surrender.

Yuan Gai Su Wen said that he had to think about it, and hoped that Yang Guang would give him ten days.

So Yang Guang really gave him ten days. Ten days later, after Yuan Gai Su Wen replied without thinking about it, Yang Guang gave him another three days.

Three days later, Yuan Gai Suwen was still unwilling to surrender.

So Yang Guang ordered the Fifth Right, Seventh Left, and Seventh Right armies to attack the city.

Nearly 8 people from the three armies stormed for a day, causing heavy casualties on both sides.

Yuan Gai Suwen set up a white flag, saying that he would surrender, and then asked the Sui army to stop attacking, saying that he would send someone to discuss the matter of surrender.

So Yang Guang ordered to stop the attack.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Gai Suwen is just a feigned surrender. Today, our army stormed for a day and caused great damage to the defenders. It seems that we can't defend in several places. If we suspend the attack now, the previous day's fierce attack will be in vain. "Yang Yichen, general of the Seventh Right Army, spoke bluntly.

"Your Majesty, the Goguryeo people cannot be given a chance to breathe. The key to attacking the city is to go all out, then decline again, and exhaust three times!" Zheng Guo, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, also remonstrated loudly.

But Yang Guang couldn't listen.

During the daytime siege today, the Goguryeo people suffered heavy casualties, as did the Sui army. After the siege took place in one day, two or three thousand casualties had already been incurred, and people fell every moment.

If the Goguryeo people really surrendered, there would be fewer casualties.

"Perhaps Yuan Gai Suwen feigned surrender, but I have to believe it. I will give him a chance. Send an order to stop the siege and retreat for ten miles to rest!"

The faces of Yang Yichen, Zheng Guo and others turned green, but in the end they had no choice but to obey the order.

As a result, Yuan Gai Suwen sent people to discuss surrender with the emperor for three days, but turned his back on three days later and refused to surrender.

So the embarrassing emperor ordered another siege.

(End of this chapter)

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