Chapter 379 Crazy
The fifth update is here, ask for a monthly ticket!

Gao Jianwu, who was scolded by Eulji Wendeok, was a little embarrassed at this moment, and a little bit angry.He is leading an army to chase Luo Cheng, that damned guy.

Just two days ago.

He had already completed the plan to block the river and store water as planned, and waited for the Sui army to pass through Sashui after the defeat of the Sui army. The two armies of Zhi Wende joined forces and strangled 30 Sui troops on Sashuiyuan.

However, he never expected that one of the Sui troops who should have been under the city of Pyongyang suddenly came out.

A full 3 people are still so capable.

I don't know how to get the information about Ulji Wendeok, and I have missed such an important point.

As for the wrong information, the result was that Gao Jianwu was killed and caught off guard.

Although he had [-] troops and tens of thousands of civilians, he was defeated by [-] Sui troops.After a day of fierce fighting, there were more than ten thousand casualties. In the end, the Sui army drove tens of thousands of people into the Sashui, and then the Sui army decided to open the Sashui.

Gao Jianwu fled while fighting, but the Sui army still clung to him.

When he was in danger, the Sui army rushed to his commander's flag several times, but fortunately his personal soldiers desperately protected him.

Gao Jianwu originally wanted to flee to the south, but the Sui army came from the southwest. In the end, they had to escape Sashui and head north all the way.

The Sui army held on tightly, seeing that he thought his tens of thousands of troops were about to be completely disbanded, but fortunately Gao Jian'an, a son of the royal family, brought [-] Mohe tribe troops south to reinforce Pyongyang.

Gao Jianwu escaped with a sudden new force.

It's just that Sui Jun couldn't help being embarrassed.

It took a lot of hard work to defeat the Goguryeo army, which was twice as large as his own. He wanted to kill them completely in one go, and then went to Pyongyang to join the Eighth Army.

But who would have expected that at this critical moment, another Mohe army of 2 people would come.

Although Goguryeo's soldiers are at the end of their ropes, in fact, the Fifth Left Army is also at the end of its strength.

Gao Jianwu led the army to counterattack, and Luo Cheng led the army to charge for a long time, but the result gradually became difficult.

The 3 horses had already been exhausted by this time, and the original 3 horses had also lost more than [-]%.After being rushed by the ferocious Mohe soldiers, the Fifth Left Army could no longer hold on.

Offensive and defensive.

Luo Cheng had no choice but to turn around and run with his brothers.

Then it became Gao Jianwu with tens of thousands of Goguryeo remnants and [-] Mohe troops, chasing after him.

Fight and flee.

It was only when Luo Cheng and the others ran back to Sashui that they learned a nightmare-like information.

The Eighth Army under the city of Pyongyang was defeated, had escaped Sashui, and went all the way north, and they had crossed the river for three days, and they could not catch up. Behind them was the [-] Pyongyang Army led by Ulji Mundeok.

"There is also bad news. The navy that came to protect children was defeated earlier than Yu Wenshu. When Yu Wenshu just crossed Sashui and headed for Pyongyang, they had already invaded Pyongyang City, but they were hit by the Goguryeo people. The trick to lure the enemy by feigning defeat, although they entered the outer city, they failed to hold it for a day. Moreover, only [-] of the [-] elite main force of Lai Huer fled back. After the defeat, Lai Huer and Zhou Fashang led The sailors have retreated to the seaside."

Two days of bad news in a row made all the soldiers of the Fifth Left Army look ugly.

"Come to protect your children and rush in!"

Wei Zheng scolded.

Hou Mo and Chen Yi also said, "It would be great if Yuwen Shu would wait for us."

"What should we do now?" Cun Xiao didn't care about those people. What he was thinking about now was only the more than 2 brothers in the Fifth Left Army.

Behind them were [-] to [-] Gao Jianwu's pursuers, sticking like dog skin plaster.

"We can only retreat to the north. Fortunately, we saved a hand before and captured Dahang City. There are still 1 people from General Song Ya there. As long as we can retreat to the mouth of the Yalu River, we will enter Dahang City. Someone With food and grass, we are not afraid of the Goguryeo people besieging the city, and we will not be afraid of Lai Huer leading the navy to help." Siye said.

"Dahang City is not easy to go to. There is an army of Ulji in front, and an army of Gao Jianwu in the back, 10,000+ Goguryeo people, and don't forget, when we came before, the soldiers were strong and strong, and the Goguryeo city fortress defenders along the way, Of course, Yingcheng can only defend itself and dare not have any ideas, but now that we are retreating, I am afraid that any cat or dog will want to hit me with a stick." Luo Cheng shook his head and said.

"But we can't go back the same way, and the domestic city will definitely not let us retreat."

Luo Cheng thought for a while, "If we can get rid of Gao Jianwu behind, I think we can go south."


"Yes, Xiangnan, let's go to Pyongyang." Luo Cheng gritted his teeth and said with a crazy look in his eyes.The more he talked, the more excited he became, "Now we can basically figure it out. Before that, there were 7 soldiers in Pyongyang, led by Ulji Moon-deok. They first defeated Laihuer, and now they are chasing the Eighth Army all the way. It turned out that there were still [-] people in Sashui, led by Gao Jianwu. Except for these two armies, Pyongyang and the surrounding hundreds of miles away, there were no other military forces. Especially in Pyongyang City, B In order to annihilate the Eighth Army, Zhi Wende went all out. He originally thought that he could wipe out the Eighth Army in Sashui, but now something happened. The Eighth Army passed Sashui. water."

Wei Zheng's eyes widened.

"Pyongyang is indeed a ghost city."

"My God, even if Pyongyang is an empty city, it is the capital of the country after all. I'm afraid it may not be easy to fight. Don't forget, this place is only two hundred miles away from Pyongyang. Ulji Mundeok and Gao Jianmu may come back at any time. By then we Do we want to repeat the mistakes of Yu Wenshu?"

"I think we can give it a try. Even if we don't have a chance, we can continue to go south. Isn't Lai Huer still at the seaside? Instead of venturing north, we might as well withdraw from the sea."

"But what if Lai Huer has already evacuated? In that case, we will never even think about returning to the Central Plains."

"If you don't take a gamble, how will you know the result?"

Luo Cheng went crazy.

Wei Zheng smiled, at this time, he could still laugh, "I think the general is right, we flee north, it is very difficult to escape, it is also difficult to go to Dahang City, it is even more difficult to return the same way, and Although we are not short of food now, we can't hold on for long, especially when September arrives, and the weather in Liaodong will become colder. At that time, we were only wearing summer clothes, and the cold would freeze us to death."

Wei Zheng felt that although Luo Cheng's plan was crazy, it was not crazy for no reason. It seemed crazy, but it was actually the best plan after deduction from various conditions.

But the only problem with this plan is that there are tens of thousands of Gao Jianwu behind.

If you can't get rid of them, don't even mention attacking Pyongyang, let alone flee all the way to the Laihuer seaside camp four hundred miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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