Chapter 38 Wang Bo
(Thank you Xiaoai who loves to read books for your reward, thank you!)
"Steamed cakes, steamed cakes, freshly baked steamed cakes, steaming fresh steamed cakes."

"Haggis soup, delicious haggis soup."

Jia Zhanku chose the equipment, and then went to the stables to choose the mounts. Luo Feng and his group of seven immediately changed their guns and changed their guns in awe-inspiring manner.

In the market, the voices of vendors hawking are endless.

Luo Feng led the way ahead, each leading a horse, with a horizontal knife on his waist, and wearing a soap robe, he felt like a street tiger.

"Shopkeeper, give us a bowl of mutton soup, and give us ten steamed cakes."

The store selling mutton soup took a deep breath when it saw so many murderous people coming in.

"Guest officer, our store sells mutton soup, not steamed cakes." He smiled cautiously.

"Aren't you going to buy it next door?" Luo Si immediately patted the table.

Luo Feng glared at him, "Please help us go to the next door to buy some, and we will pay the bill together later."

"Ten per person?"

"If you can't finish eating, you will pack it for us and use it as dry food on the road."

"Good class."

The shop is small, and the tables are made of logs, but after a long time, they have lost their true color and look very greasy.Luo Feng frowned. In the past, he would never have eaten in such a shop, but now, he is frowning at most.

"Xiao Wu, I'll wipe it for you." The fourth brother-in-law is a careful person, seeing Luo Feng frowning, he immediately brought a rag from the store to wipe the table, but Luo Feng saw that the rag was not very clean.

"I've been busy for a long time. Let's eat and drink. After we finish eating, we'll set off."

Luo Si was a little displeased with this errand. He originally thought that he would be very prestigious in the future when he came to the county with his brother. Who knew that he would be sent to the county as soon as he entered the city.

"We just came to the county and we were sent on a business trip. Can't we send someone else?"

"You don't have to complain a few words, this job is not so free. It's nothing to go to the county town, just run errands, and you can also go to my cousin's house to visit my aunt and the others."

The third brother-in-law, Scarface, is the oldest among them, and he thinks things further, "Xiao Wu, I don't think this matter will be so simple. If it's just a simple report, there's no need to wait for you to come back." That's why I sent this errand."

Du Da couldn't help but said, "This Zhishilang is so mysterious, no one has heard anything about him before, but now he suddenly popped up, and he has committed such a big case, I'm afraid he is even more ruthless than the blue-faced ghost. You said we went to the county to report the news, would they know?"

"Who knows, but no matter what, we have to go this way. By the way, have you ever heard of a man named Wang Bo?"

Luo Feng asked.

"I've never heard of it." Luo Si shook his head. Although he used to like to hang out with friends and friends, but in fact he was just hanging out in the countryside, and he didn't even know the county town well.

"Wang Bo?"

The fourth brother-in-law, Zhou Xin, suddenly answered, "I've heard of a man named Wang Bo, and actually met him, but I don't know if Fifth Brother is talking about him."

"Who is this Wang Bo you are talking about, and what does he do?"

"Speaking of Wang Bo, it's quite a legend." The fourth brother-in-law spoke of Wang Bo with admiration in his eyes.

It turned out that the Wang Bo he knew was from Zouping County in the north of Changbai Mountain. His family used to be regarded as an official family. So the family was in decline, and he learned how to blacksmith as an apprentice when he was young.

Later, when he grew up, he joined the army by chance and made some contributions, so when he was about 30 years old, he became a foreign official in Qi County, although he was very young and worked hard.

But after all, there is no backer. In the official struggle in Qi County, because he stood on the wrong team, he not only lost his job, but was also imprisoned. In the end, he almost lost his head.After finally breaking down his family, he saved his life. After he came out, he traveled far outside the Great Wall, trading tea and horses with the Turkic people, and soon accumulated some family wealth.

Going back to the hometown to buy fields and land, and becoming a landlord, life is not bad.

"You mean this Wang Bo is now a landlord in his hometown?" Luo Feng asked.

"Well, by calculation, he should be more than 40 years old now. He is old, so he no longer runs caravans outside the Great Wall. Now he buys land and land, and he can enjoy the blessings at home as an owner with peace of mind." full of envy.

My family used to be poor, but I was able to start from scratch, from blacksmith apprentices, to guard soldiers, and later officials, although I almost died and lost my job, but I went to the grassland to do business, and I was still able to make a comeback. Now start such a large family business.

Listening to the fourth brother-in-law's words, Luo Feng fell into deep thought.

Zouping, about 40 years old, was born in a family of officials and eunuchs. When he was young, his family was in decline. Later, he became an apprentice blacksmith, and later he joined the army as a soldier. Being a landlord in his hometown, this is indeed a legend.

However, from this information, Luo Feng is becoming more and more certain that this Zouping Wang Bo is probably the same Wang Bo who later raised the flag of righteousness to rebel against the Sui Dynasty in the seventh year of Daye, the one who robbed Zhangqiu County's grain, grass and people this time. That Tomoshiro.

Because many pieces of information are consistent.

First of all, this Wang Bo does have this strength. He has served as a soldier and an official before, and even ran outside the Great Wall. He must have the ability and courage.

Another one, where is Zouping County?
Just to the north of Zhangqiu, there is only Changbai Mountain between the two counties.

The distance is only eighty miles, and if you ride a horse, you can go back and forth in a day, especially the Changbai Mountain between the two counties, which is very convenient for Wang Bo to rob food and grass before moving and hiding. .

"Xiao Wu, what do you want to know about this Wang Bo?" Luo Si asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I also heard that there is a man named Wang Bo who was also a blacksmith before, and became very good later." He said casually.

"That's right, this Daguan Wang is really amazing, if only I can make a difference like him in the future." Zhou Xin said enviously.

Zouping County is in the northeast of Zhangqiu County, while the county seat of Qi County is in Licheng, but it is in the southwest. These are completely two directions.

Should I go to Zouping to check on Wang Bo first, or should I go to Licheng first?
After thinking about it, Luo Feng felt that although he had grasped some facts now, these facts were all based on his memory through later generations, and he knew that Zhishilang was Wang Bo.But now he has no evidence to support him that Zouping Wang Bo is Zhishilang.

"Shopkeeper, why haven't the mutton soup and steamed cakes come up yet? Do you still want to open this shop? Have you seen the soap coat on my brother? Let me tell you, my brother is Luo Wu from Changbai Township who captured and killed the blue-faced ghost. Now Now you are a fast catcher appointed by the county magistrate, you have neglected us, and you will not be able to see this shop in the future." Luo Wu patted the table impatiently and shouted.

The shopkeeper hurriedly nodded and apologized.

After hearing this, other diners in the store also cast their eyes on this side, and a strong man with a scar on his brow bone behind one table looked even more carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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