Chapter 392
Eight thousand Goguryeo Qingqi are nothing like mourning a concubine.

Facing the ruins, I really didn't know what to do, not to mention, when they appeared, the hundreds of thousands of hungry people scattered nearby had been hungry for another day, so they all gathered here with their eyes shining brighter.

Those hungry people looked at them, their eyes were shining, and they even regarded them as food.

"Master, what should we do?"

After Ulchi Wende took a sip of Changbai Mountain old ginseng soup, he finally regained some energy.He shook his head, looked at the hungry people who were getting more and more surrounded, and sighed, "Distribute some dry food and cook some porridge for the hungry people."

"But we go south on Qingqi, and we don't bring much dry food."

"Then put more water, boil it thinly, let everyone drink hot water first, the infantry and luggage will arrive later, and then there will be food."

Although Ulchi became more and more annoyed at these hungry people, they were all old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children, but they were all Goguryeo people after all.Pyongyang has been hit so hard that it may not be able to recover in a hundred years, and the loss of [-] young and strong is a fatal blow. If these hungry women and children are not rescued, it will be even worse.

"It's all because of Gao Jianwu's incompetence. If he hadn't foolishly followed the wrong target and let Luo Cheng go, there wouldn't be such a big defeat."

A general said, "But Luocheng's Left Five Army only had more than 8000 people. He first captured Dahang City on the Yalu River, losing thousands of people, and then divided tens of thousands of troops to stay in Dahang City, and then captured Dahang City in Sashui. After defeating Gao Jianwu, he lost thousands of people, and when he returned to Sashui, the troops were divided into two groups, and [-] people were sent away to lead Gao Jianwu to Dahang City. When he came to Pyongyang, he should have only [-] people around him. yes."

"Yes, Luo Cheng led more than [-] people to Pyongyang right under our noses. It's a big deal, but how did he capture Pyongyang with only [-] people?"

These generals felt incredible.

Even if they were replaced by Goguryeo generals who knew everything about Pyongyang, with only 1 people, they would not dare to say that they could capture Pyongyang.

After all, even if the city of Pyongyang was empty, there were still thousands of guards defending it.

Not to mention that Pyongyang City is so tall and strong, and it has several layers of internal and external.

Eulji Wende also frowned.

Indeed, in any case, the city of Pyongyang should not have lost.

"It's probably the same as Xuantu City. There are Sui people's secret agents in Pyongyang City. They must have cooperated with the outside world to help the Sui army open the gate of Pyongyang and let them in."

It's just the news that Ulji Wendeok has initially grasped, but it's not like this.

When Luo Cheng came to the city of Pyongyang, it was not ten thousand people, but at least 2 thousand people, and all of these 2 thousand people had horses, even if they were not all light cavalry, they were at least a cavalry infantry.They are well-equipped, well-trained, and very brave.

The outer city gate of Pyongyang was not opened by the inside, but was seized by them pretending to be the Goguryeo army.

As for the inner city gate and Miyagi, they were forcibly knocked down.

In the first moment when the Sui army entered the outer city, the king did not immediately lead troops out to fight back. Instead, he closed the inner city gates and sent guards to cleanse the Yuan party in the inner city.

All the new cronies of Yuan Tae-joo's party in Pyongyang were wiped out by the king before the Sui army invaded the inner city.

It is said that the king thought it was Yeon Tae-jo's army from the north and east that invaded Pyongyang.

Today, the city of Pyongyang has been razed, and the king has been captured alive, but the trouble is that all the henchmen and family members of Yuan Taejo's party in Beijing have been cleaned and beheaded.

And Yuan Taizuo now sits in the domestic city, his eldest son sits in Liaodong City, the entire Liaohe defense line has an army of 15, and more than [-] mountain cities are basically controlled by Yuan's party. News, I'm afraid it's still a bigger trouble.

In addition, King Gao Yuan was captured alive by the Sui army, which was a fatal blow to the Goguryeo army who had just won three victories in Pyongyang, Sashui and Yalushui.

In case Gao Yuan was forced to surrender to the Sui Dynasty, what would they do then?
"Now I'm not thinking about how the Sui army razed Pyongyang, and I'm not thinking about other things. I thought that with Na Luocheng's cruelty and cunning, he must have killed the king. Our top priority is to immediately send people to Dahang City Welcome Gao Jianwu back and honor him as king. Only in this way can we continue to fight against the Sui army under the leadership of the new king."

Welcome a new king?

This is something that the generals never thought of.

Wait for the generals to retreat.

Ulchi's eldest son came over, "Father, why did you say that the king has been killed just now? The king was just captured, not necessarily killed."

Ulji Wende patted his thigh with a palm, and said bitterly, "I don't know, but if the king is still alive and controlled by the Sui army, it will only harm us and not benefit us. Rather than that, it is better to say that the king has already been killed. , and then we will welcome a new king. Especially our big king did such a big foolish thing before the city was broken. If we continue to respect him as king, if Yuan Taizuo knows the truth here, I'm afraid that our Goguryeo's foreign enemies have not been chased away, and internal strife will arise again. So now we must make a decisive decision and welcome Gao Jianwu as king first."

"But why Gao Jianwu again?"

"Because Gao Jianwu is also very incompetent, but compared to Gao Yuan, he is determined to forge ahead, young and brave. Another thing, although he is not good at fighting, he is still above average. He is a person who understands soldiers and current affairs. Another thing, Gao Jianwu I have never liked Yuan Taizuo or the East, but the relationship with the Yuan family is still good, if he is made king, I believe Yuan Taizuo will accept it."

"Our Goguryeo now, no matter what, can't afford a major civil strife."

Eulji Moondeok seemed to have aged ten years overnight.

Not long ago, he commanded several great victories, and the high-spirited spirit that defeated hundreds of thousands of Sui troops has disappeared.

"I was careless. I was scheming everywhere, but I forgot about Luo Cheng. Back then, I went to Sui Ying to observe in person, but I didn't notice that Luo Cheng was not there. One wrong step, one wrong step, it's all my fault."

"Father, how can you be blamed for this? If you want to blame, you can only blame Gao Jianwu. He lost 7 people to Luo Cheng's 3 in Sashui. Later, he got [-] reinforcements from Mohe to fight back against Luo Cheng, but he was still able to fight against Luo Cheng." Lose the main force. One more thing, even if he reported the information to us in time, he would not have made such a big loophole."

"I am in charge of the Pyongyang armies, and of course I am responsible for such a problem. Let's not talk about this, my father now entrusts you with an important task. When the rear army arrives, I will entrust you with five thousand light cavalry Add [-] infantry, and you will personally lead them down the Beijiang River to pursue Luo Cheng."

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely catch up with Luo Cheng, and then kill him and his Fifth Left Army."

"No, that's not what I meant. If you go south and catch up with Luo Cheng, remember not to go alone. You just need to follow him from a distance and send someone to report the news to me."

"Then what if the Sui army got on a boat by the sea and escaped from the sea?"

"Then let them go." Ulzhi gritted his teeth, "but you have to remember one thing, if the Sui army releases the king, you can't let him come back alive."

"Ah!" Ulji Wende's eldest son widened his eyes in shock.

"Remember, no matter whether Gao Yuan escapes by himself or Luo Cheng releases him, you can't let him come back. Goguryeo doesn't need him anymore, and it will be better without him. Remember, remember!"

(End of this chapter)

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