Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 405 A Knife in the Back

Chapter 405 A Knife in the Back
"General, the two armies on the west bank of Beijiang Estuary are fighting."

"Where did the two armies fight?"

"It was my Sui Fifth Left Army that was fighting Goguryeo. At least [-] Goguryeo soldiers were besieging more than ten thousand brothers from the Left Fifth Army. They built a wall of earth against the sea and swore to fight to the death."

"The Fifth Army of the Left? How come more than ten thousand members of the Fifth Left Army came here? Didn't the Ninth Army have already been defeated from the city of Pyongyang?"

"This matter is absolutely true. We saw the red battle flag of the Sui Dynasty, the general flag of Xiangyang Hou Luocheng, the general of the Fifth Left Army, and the bloodshed of my Paoze brothers in the Sui Dynasty."

"Damn it, what are you waiting for? Blow the horn and summon the whole army. Let's land across the sea and kill the fucking Goguryeo."

"But General, we have no ships."

"There is nothing to be afraid of without a boat. Didn't we cut down a lot of trees and set up wooden rafts. This place is only a dozen or twenty miles away from the land on the other side, and we can row across it even if we paddle."

"Yes, I obey the order!"

"Xiao Yizhi still has some fighting skills, but if he wants to take down my Tucheng, he wants to pull out his teeth, and he's still young!"

Luo Cheng sat on the top of the north gate of the Tucheng and watched the battlefield. Countless soldiers were rushing to kill each other.

The gate of the city was opened with a bang, brothers Siye and Cunxiao led a light cavalry to charge out. This light cavalry that came out suddenly exceeded the Goguryeo people's expectations. To the west, two light cavalry rushed in like two sharp knives, and mercilessly harvested the Goguryeo infantry who had finally rushed to the city wall under the Sui army's arrow rain and were about to set up ladders.

Siyemo swung his knife repeatedly, the light of the knife was shining, every time the knife crossed, an enemy soldier would definitely be cut down.And Cunxiao's Changluo is even more sharp, hooking left and right, piercing all directions.

A round of shocks, the little hope of victory that the Goguryeo people had accumulated with great difficulty, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Countless Goguryeo soldiers under the city were cut down, and the siege ladders that had just been erected were knocked down, and those chariots and battering rams that were pushed to the city gate were doused with kerosene and burned.

After ruthlessly crushing the attack of the Goguryeo people, Cunxiao and Siye returned to the city triumphantly.

On the spears of every Qingqi of the Sui Army, the head of a Goguryeo soldier is held high.

In this scene, Ulchi Ieyasu, who watched the battle from behind, looked livid and gritted his teeth.

"Beat the drum, keep attacking!"

At the end of the day's fierce battle, the corpses of Goguryeo people were piled up under the city, at least thousands of them.

The smell of blood soared into the sky.

As night fell, the Goguryeo people finally ended today's offensive with a bit of reluctance, and they withdrew their troops and set up camp ten miles away from the city.

All night.

Luo Cheng also didn't arrange for anyone to attack the camp. After such a long time, the Goguryeo people must have been prepared, so Luo Cheng didn't bother to go, and he didn't even have the idea of ​​disturbing the camp.

Early the next morning, the Goguryeo people came out to attack again.

When Luo Cheng waited for them to come to the city, he ordered Gao Yuan and other Goguryeo monarchs and officials to be pushed to the gate tower, and as usual came to persuade them to surrender.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Cheng asked many Goguryeo captives to be taken to the top of the city.

Behind the rows of Goguryeo people are their compatriots, but at this moment, these people are extremely terrified.

Following the order of the Sui army, those Goguryeo people standing at the front were cut off by their comrades behind them with knives and pushed out of the city. Then, the row of Goguryeo people who had just killed their comrades, They were driven to the edge of the city, and then their knives were handed over to the comrades behind them, and they were killed.

Repeat, repeat.

This morning, the Sui army slaughtered [-] Goguryeo youths on the city.

Ten thousand corpses were piled high under the city, and the blood even soaked the ground below the city red.

The Goguryeo army was shocked by such ruthless methods of the Sui army.

But the Sui army in the city was numb.

Either you die or I die. At this time, no one has the slightest sympathy.

Ulchi Ieyasu was silent, soundless silence.

The Koguryo army did not launch an offensive this morning.

The Sui army opened the city gate and sent a cavalry force to escort thousands of Goguryeo people out of the city to clean up the battlefield below the city. Casually piled countless corpses into corpses of blood.

When the corpses under the city were cleaned up, the thousands of Goguryeo soldiers were driven to the side of the corpse mountain by Qingqi of the Sui army, and were shot and killed mercilessly by random arrows.

"It's too cruel." Wei Zheng couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, it's too cruel." Luo Cheng also nodded slowly.

"But kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Of the nearly 30 brothers in the Eighth Army, only tens of thousands escaped. The remaining nearly 20 people either fell on the road hundreds of miles from Pyongyang to the Yalu River, or were captured. .

These people, they will certainly not have any good treatment.

"After this battle is over, Goguryeo will become scorched earth." Wei Zheng said.

"The blood has watered these lands, and better flowers will grow next year."

There was no movement in Goguryeo for a whole day.

It wasn't until the next day that they continued to attack again, only this time, they were more desperate and fearless.Although Tucheng was guarded by countless catapults, crossbow beds, bows and arrows, it still couldn't stand the desperate efforts of the Goguryeo people. The enemy army attacked the city several times and was driven down several times.

In one day of fierce fighting, the Fifth Left Army suffered nearly [-] casualties. This was Luo Cheng's heaviest casualty day since he led the troops across the Liaohe River.

In order to retaliate, at dusk that day, the Sui army executed another [-] Goguryeo prisoners by the Beijiang River.

On the third day, Goguryeo attacked again.

On the fourth day, both armies were red-eyed. They fought from morning to noon, and from noon to dusk. It was almost dark, but the Goguryeo army had no intention of retreating this time, and continued to attack.

A section of the north wall of Tucheng was smashed down by a Goguryeo man's catapult, exposing a gap several feet wide. The Goguryeo people desperately came to snatch the gap, and Luo Cheng personally led Baima Yicong to block the gap.

"Looks like we're going to die here today." Wei Zheng stabbed a Goguryeo soldier who rushed up with a sword, panting to Luo Chengdao.

"Don't worry, I won't die yet." Luo Cheng still said.

"Listen, what's the sound over there?" Wei Zheng suddenly pricked up his ears.

"It seems to be the sound of fighting. It seems to be coming from behind the Goguryeo people?"

Luo Cheng listened, and indeed seemed to hear a faint voice coming from there, "Could it be the navy?"

"Marine, where did they come from?"

At this time, when Goguryeo stormed Tucheng, the 4 navy auxiliary troops on Bailing Island relied on logs as platoons, cut wood into pulp, and landed on the other side of the island with wooden rafts. It took three days to transport [-] people across the shore, and rushed all the way to the back of the Koguryo army.

When twilight came, they rushed out, killing everyone by surprise.

Although they are auxiliary soldiers, they are still auxiliary soldiers of the Navy, but there are 4 horses, even if there are no horses, each of them has a bow and a spear, and they still kill the Goguryeo people.

Luo Cheng turned around and got on his horse, leaped out of the city with a spear in hand.

"Follow me, kill!"

The soldiers of the Left Fifth Army, who had been suppressed by the Goguryeo people for several days, had already been suppressed to the extreme. At this moment, they all roared, shouted the battle cry, and attacked the Goguryeo army together.

"Victory, long live!"



One after another, the Sui army jumped out, and thousands of troops rushed to the Goguryeo army.

(End of this chapter)

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