Chapter 417

The sixth one is here!

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Luo Cheng sealed Suoya and returned home early for the New Year.

At this time, there were more than 600 troops from the original Left Fifth Army, and only a few hundred people from Zhangqiu with Luo Cheng remained.At the beginning, Luo Cheng led 600 people to leave Zhangqiu to conquer Liao in the north. Two years later, there are still more than [-] of the [-] people left.

In two years, almost half of the old brothers were killed.

Fortunately, Siye, Cunxiao, Zhao Gui, Du Fuwei, Shixin, Fugong Er and other iron brothers basically did not lose their jobs because of their higher positions.

Hearing that they are finally going back to their hometown, everyone is very excited.

The fourth child bought a lot of children's toys in Donglai during this period, such as rattle drums and puppets, and even bought a dagger and a pony for his son who has never met.

Even Luo Cheng took time out of his busy schedule to buy a lot of things for his parents, younger sister, and wife. He bought some high-quality medicinal materials for his father, mink skins for his mother, and gold hairpins for his wife. My sister bought a pearl necklace.

Hundreds of people set off in a mighty way, and every Zhangqiu veteran has a lot of things.Fortunately, they also had a lot of slaves. Each slave carried a lot of things on his shoulders, and each of his horses was also fully loaded.

Although Donglai is still far away from Zhangqiu's hometown, Saobao's fourth child and Du Fuwei have changed into brocade robes early on.Brocade robes are made of the finest brocade and silk, with embroidery on them.

In Du Fuwei's words, since you go home, you have to return home in good clothes, and you have to be decent.

Du Fuwei, who is only a little over 16 years old, is now the same as Shi Xin. He has been promoted to the rank of General Ying Yanglang of the fifth rank. Ying Yang, that's amazing.His father, Du Fuwei, was just an ordinary soldier before, and later he disappeared and was taken as a deserter. When he was a child, Du Fuwei's brother and sister followed their mother and suffered so much. Now that they are officials, of course they have to go back and be dignified. prestige.

Only Siye is relatively silent. For some reason, after returning from Liaodong, Siye is often silent. Although he has now been promoted to the rank of Huya Lang from the fourth rank, he doesn't seem to be very happy. It was the fourth child. After knowing that he was promoted to Huya, he was so excited that he almost jumped up, and got very drunk that night.

Even Zhao Gui was cheerful all day long.

"The third child just misses a woman. Go back and tell him a daughter-in-law and you'll be fine. Don't worry, fourth brother, I've been there, so I know it very well." The fourth child said to Luo Cheng with a smile.

"Well, I want to help the third brother to make a kiss. With the third brother's current official position and ability, he has to find a general or a daughter of a famous gentry family."

A group of people rode horses on the way back home, feeling that their steps were extraordinarily easy.

There is no need to worry about being surrounded by enemies anymore, enemies may come out at any time, and there is no need to worry about food and grass, and no need to think about setting up camp.Walk lightly and leisurely, and go to the city early to rest every time you pass a city.

Although Luo Cheng wanted to keep a low profile and go back to his hometown for the new year, but with his current status, how could he be low key.

He came all the way, and the officials along the way had been waiting eagerly for a long time. Some officials even sent many riders to Donglai to follow Luo Cheng and the others all the way. The Shangguan passed by quietly.

After all, Luo Cheng is not only a war hero, but an emperor upstart. This person still has the privilege of entrusting orders and worshiping, and has the power to promote and demote local civil and military officials in Henan.

Many people only know that Luo Cheng is young and capable of fighting, but they don't know about this upstart's temper.

Every time he arrived in a city, there were local officials who had prepared houses for rest, prepared banquets for receptions, and greeted them when they came and saw them off when they left.

But even though he reiterated time and time again not to do this kind of thing, but when he got to the next place, he was still the same.

Even Zhang Xutuo persuaded Luo Cheng, everyone is like this, if you are too exceptional, everyone will be at a loss, thinking that they did something wrong, and then they will be panicked, which is not good.

Ever since, in the end, Luo Cheng had no choice but to let it go.

He could cope with eating and drinking, but what made Luo Cheng most unhappy was that everywhere he went, apart from the officials to greet and send off, there were also many nobles and powerful merchants who came to flatter him.The most annoying thing is that some guys are very shameless. Seeing that Luo Cheng and the others are very young, they try to find a way to get married.

Some people just proposed to get married in a tactful manner. For example, knowing that the third child did not marry a wife, many people pushed out their daughters of the right age and wanted to marry the third child.But some people use more direct methods. For example, some people will directly sneak their daughter into their collapsed room, hoping to have raw rice and cooked rice.

There are also some who are even more shameless, and even directly take out the beautiful concubines at home to entertain Luo Cheng and the others, and some want to directly give the concubines to Luo Cheng and the others.

For these people, Luo Cheng basically rejected them. It's not that he is not close to women, but these people are too direct, and the power and sex transactions they engage in are also unappetizing.

Besides, Luo Ben himself still has some things to do, and he still doesn't know how to explain the matter of Lady Yan and Li Sanniang to Shan Binbin, so how dare he mess up again on the way.

The fourth child likes it quite a bit, but with Luo Cheng in front, he can't be too messy. The daughters of noble families don't dare to give indiscriminately, but he will secretly enjoy the concubines sent by some people , but did not dare to take it away.

There are also many people trying to please Zhang Xutuo, sending him concubines and beautiful prostitutes, but it is a pity that Zhang Xutuo is really not close to women.

"I see you old brothers are in awe of you." On the way, Zhang Xutuo smiled at Luo Chengdao.

"People have emotions and desires, and I can't stop them all. I can only manage myself. As for their awe of me, it's just that they still have some prestige."

"Actually, I heard some news that the emperor originally wanted to call you to the Linshuo Palace in Zhuo County, and planned to make you a general in the family of Zuo Yiwei, and even more important. However, there are many people around the emperor who are not I don’t want you to go to the emperor’s side, they are trying their best to stop you.”

Zhang Xutuo said to Luo Chengdao casually, "Do you know why?"

"It's not surprising. I'm too different, so I'm not accepted by them. They even think that I'm climbing too fast and have threatened them, so they squeeze me out and suppress me. It doesn't matter. After all, I'm not their eight-pillar country ten. The Second Great General’s family, even those veteran Guanlong nobles, don’t they fight with each other all day long?”

"You are so young, but you can see through these things. You are indeed mature. Let me tell you another news. Yu Wenshu will come back soon, and Lai Huer will soon resume his official title, but Yu Zhongwen may be used as a scapegoat , bear the main responsibility for the defeat of Liaodong."

This was beyond Luo Cheng's expectations.

"Yu Zhongwen should have merit. Why did Yu Wenshu come back without guilt in the end, but why should Yu Zhongwen be convicted?"

"Because Yu Wenshu and Lai Hu'er are the emperor's confidantes, but Yu Zhongwen is not. Yu Zhongwen is still in the eight-pillar country. The emperor has always been very vigilant against these powerful people. Now he has the opportunity to suppress Yu's family. Why not the emperor?" for?"

Luo Cheng was very upset when he heard this, Yu Wenshu was very negligent in protecting the children this time, and Yu Zhongwen should have only made meritorious deeds, but in the end the blame only fell on Yu Zhongwen.The behavior of the emperor is really chilling.

 Thanks to the primary school principal Brother Chuan, riding a sheep to prevent wolves, smoke cage Hanshui, my dear, book friend 2018, the ancestor of electricity, Ding Ding, Yu Ye 8023, autumn wind hurting people, meteor three loves, etc. for your support ,thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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