Chapter 42 The Qin Family
Following Mr. Wang into the city, Luo Feng chatted with him curiously.

"Boss Wang also knows my second brother?"

Wang Huo is a little short in stature, but he is extremely thick, like a big meat mound, especially his limbs are extremely thick, like the dwarf king in the Lord of the Rings.

As soon as Qin Qiong was mentioned, he became excited.

"Of course I do. You should ask that. Is there anyone in Licheng who doesn't know Brother Qin?"

"Is my cousin so famous?" Luo Si approached.

"No, when it comes to the second brother Qin, everyone should give a thumbs up. Who doesn't know that the second brother Qin is loyal, enthusiastic and forthright. Let me tell you this, I, the second brother, is 21 years old this year. I have also stayed in Licheng for 21 years, but I have only served one person in the past 21 years, and that is Second Brother Qin."

Luo Feng looked at the boss Wang who was spitting and was a little shocked. He thought that this guy must be 33 or 21 years old, but they said he was only [-], and he looked too old It's done.

However, although Mr. Wang looks a little old, he is very enthusiastic.

After his explanation, Luo Feng finally understood the deeds of Second Brother Qin in Licheng.It turned out that although the Qin family was a century-old family in Licheng, Qin's father died early.

When Qin's father died, Qin Qiong was still young, and he and his mother depended on each other for life.

But fortunately, the Qin family is a big family after all, and they used to be officials for generations, and the family has a lot of money and land.

It's just that he has no patience in studying literature, but learning martial arts is very hard. By the time he was a teenager, he was already tall and heroic.槊, a pair of golden maces in his hand, is praised by everyone.

Not only is Qin Qiong highly skilled in martial arts, but he is also upright, loves fighting against injustice, and is especially filial to his mother, respecting the old and loving the young.

Before becoming a government soldier, Qin Qiong was already well-known in Licheng, and everyone admired him.In particular, he is good at fighting against injustices, and after he has dealt with several groups of vicious bandits, people in the nearby rivers and lakes are afraid of him.

And Qin Qiong is easy to make friends, so under the praise of everyone, no one in Licheng knows that there is such a good man Qin Qiong.

"Not long ago, our Qi County came to the new Juncheng. This is a real warrior who has fought on the battlefield. He is amazing. It is said that on the way Zhang Juncheng came to take office, he happened to meet the second brother of Qin in Zhangqiu. The blue-faced ghost won the praise of Zhang Juncheng. After returning, Zhang Juncheng originally wanted Qin Erge to serve as the guard under his command, but the second elder brother said that Zuo Yiwei came to the general guard and waited for him to go back. It's a pity to refuse. It would be great if Second Brother Qin stayed in our Licheng, and we brothers who work under the governor's errands will have a head in the future."

When Chief Wang had almost publicized Qin Qiong's heroic deeds in the past, Luo Feng and the others finally came to the Qin residence.

The Qin Mansion is on the east side of Li City. This place has always been a gathering place for high-ranking families, rich or noble.

Although the Qin family is now in decline, the tall lintels and high courtyard walls are still silently telling the glory of the Qin family in the past.

"This is the Qin family's mansion. On weekdays, Mrs. Qin usually recuperates in the mountain villa on the outskirts of the city. Not long ago, the old lady suffered from the wind and cold, and it was postponed for a while, but it was not good to be dragged on, so the family panicked. Send the old lady back to the city to take care of her, and call the second brother back."

"Oh, is my aunt feeling better?"

"Don't worry, the old lady misses her son. As soon as the second brother came back, the old lady recovered from his illness immediately. Now she is rambling around, and she wants to tell the second brother a good lady to be his wife."

Mr. Wang was already familiar with the way, and he led them to the side door. He shouted loudly, and immediately the gatekeeper came out. They all knew each other. After saying a few words, the servant came over to salute, and then led them enter.

Qin Qiong heard that the servants reported that Brother Zhangqiu and Luofeng had brought their friends, and immediately came to greet him.

He was still so heroic, he laughed and stepped forward, hugging Luo Feng.

"Seeing your soapy clothes, it seems that you have already officially worked in the yamen."

"Yeah, I'm already on errand. Not long after I reported for duty, I was sent by the county magistrate to come to the county town to deliver official documents to the county magistrate."

"Come on, I'll take you to see my mother. I'm very happy to hear that my aunt's child is here."

Qin's mother and Luo's mother are actually about the same age, they are only two or three years older, but they are well maintained and look very young, especially very temperamental.

Luo Feng went up to see him.

"My nephew Luo Wu, my fourth brother and my sixth brother visited my aunt together, and my aunt is well."

Qin's mother was covered in black silk, wearing a skirt with large sleeves, and a golden hairpin on her head. She was clean and neat, and she was very kind.

"I heard from Shubao earlier that I met Zhangqiu's aunt's cousin on the way back, and praised you for being young but stable. I saw you today, and it is true."

Luo Si kept looking left and right, but Xiao Liu was ignorant. Qin's mother saw the performance of the three of them, and Luo Feng, who had praised her son, was also secretly praising her.

After paying his respects, Luo Feng took out a few gifts from home.

It's not something precious, there is a piece of cloth woven by Luo's mother, some dried bamboo shoots at home, etc. These are not valuable things, but they are all produced by the family, which can be regarded as a little affection.

Qin's mother looked at Bu, her eyes were moist, and she said that when her cousin married Zhangqiu, she lost contact with her, and she was always thinking about her.

"Auntie, my mother has always been thinking about the Qin family in Licheng. It's just that my grandfather and grandmother passed away early, and my grandfather had no heirs. Although there are clan heirs, but my mother is born far away after all. No more contacts. Next time, I will accompany my mother back to her natal home in Licheng."

"Okay, well, it should be. In fact, I also understand that it's not easy. Life is not easy. A big family is far away. It's not easy to walk away."

People say that if parents are present, there is still a place for life, but if parents are not, life will only return home.

And a daughter married out is more like water thrown out, especially when she is also a mother, she will be bound by housework children, and when her parents pass away, then her natal home will become a distant and strange place, which is rare. I can go back once.

Qin's mother was born as a lady, and she was very polite.

Luo Feng brought presents, and she returned them one by one.

She gave Luo Feng a jade pendant, some bolts of fine silk for Luo Mu, and prepared thoughtful gifts for Luo Si and Xiao Liu.

"Xiao Wu, it's fate that you can meet Shubao halfway, let the Qin Luo family get in touch with each other. From now on, you should come home more often if you want to get closer to Shubao. No matter what happens in the future, just Come to us, although the Qin family is in trouble now, if you can help, you will definitely help, we are all a family, so don't be polite."

"Thank you, aunt." Luo Feng thanked him.

"Get up, this is my family, you don't have to be so polite, I treat you like a son, Shubao has a hard life, and there are no brothers, you should take care of each other more in the future."

Qin's mother looked at Luo Feng, and she was really happy. What she liked most was that this child was polite, stable and mature. Of course, she liked such a young nephew very much.

After being lively for a while, Luo Feng resigned.He knows that when people are old, they can't bear to be noisy.

Qin Qiong took them to a side courtyard to resettle.

"Xiao Wu, you must be here because of the robbery of the grain and grass farmer in Zhangqiu County, right?"

"Well, it's all because of Tomoshiro."

"Unexpectedly, a blue-faced ghost just went, and Zhishiro came again. The world is getting more and more uneasy. Juncheng is also very angry about this matter, and sent people around to inquire, but he hasn't inquired yet. With the slightest bit of news, a heavy reward has already been awarded."

"Second brother, I actually have some clues. If what I found is correct, you must know this Chishiro!"

"Oh? Who?" Qin Qiong asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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