Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 427 2 Conquering Goguryeo, You Must Kill Luo Cheng First

Chapter 427 The Second Conquest of Goguryeo, You Must Kill Luo Cheng First
Wang Bodang asked Li Mi, "Do you have to seize Qi County?"

Li Mi was noncommittal, smiled slightly, and stretched out his finger to his mouth to signal silence.The float in the water flickered for a while, Li Mi quickly raised the pole, but what he caught was a white stripe.This white strip is no more than the size of a finger, and it is the most annoying thing for fishermen. They like to swim in the upper layer of the water and are most greedy.

Disappointed, Li Mi took off the white strip and threw it back into the water, "I thought I caught a big fish."

Re-baiting and throwing the pole again, Li Mi stared at the water, "This time the Eastern Expedition failed, and the imperial court lost 40 soldiers, which can be said to have lost nearly [-]% of its combat power, but Yang Guang, a foolish king, still doesn't know how to stop. According to the news I got, the emperor is already preparing for the second conquest of Liao, and now he has all the officials discussing the conquest of Goguryeo, and no one dares to speak out for several days."

"How about Hunjun, even so, he is still stubborn. The latest news is that Hunjun has ordered Yang Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Wei Xuan to guard Daxing in Xijing, Yang Yu, King of Yue, and Fan Zigai, Minister of Civil Affairs, to guard Luoyang, the eastern capital. Make a strategy to arrive at Huaiyuan in early March and cross the Liaoshui River in early April."

"Still fighting Goguryeo?" Wang Bodang was shocked. In his opinion, the Sui Dynasty didn't take advantage of Goguryeo this time. The loss of 40 troops is out-and-out false.

But now that wars are raging all over the Central Plains, the emperor can't wait to conquer Goguryeo twice at this time. Isn't his head full of shit?
"Let me tell you another piece of good news. The emperor has ordered Yang Xuangan, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, to be the grain and grass transportation officer for the expedition to Liao. He will be responsible for supervising the transportation of grain and grass in Liyang, Hebei. This is a great opportunity. Wait for Yang Guangyu to pass by After entering the Liaohe River, hundreds of thousands of troops gathered in Liaodong. At that time, Yang Gong raised troops in Liyang and directly cut off the food and grass of the Emperor Gou. The dog emperor was directly killed outside the pass, and it was done."

"But why did the Goguryeo people listen to Yang Gong?"

Li Mi smiled slightly.

"Because Emperor Dog's newly appointed Minister of War, Hu Sizheng, belongs to Duke Yang. He has already secretly contacted Gao Jianwu, the new king of Goguryeo, and is waiting for Yang Guang to go to Liaodong to die."

"How many soldiers and horses will the emperor conscript to conquer Liao this time?"

"It's a little less than last time, but it won't be much less. It is said that it will send millions of troops. This time, Emperor Dog plans to lead 20 Xiaoguo himself. Yu Wenshu and Yang Yichen will lead six armies with [-] troops to the inner city. , and Luo Yi, Li Jing, and Li Yuan led [-] troops to open a passage from Xincheng to the Yalu River. Then Luo Cheng was in command, and Lai Huer and Zhou Fashang were deputy commanders. Arrive at the domestic city in the middle and upper reaches of the Yalu River, join the Sixth Army, break through the country, and capture Gao Jianwu."

The total strength is 50, which is indeed much less than the 110 million last time.Wang Bodang felt that this plan was similar to the previous one, the difference being that the strategic goal last time was Pyongyang, but this time it was changed to a domestic city.

The city of Pyongyang was razed to the ground after being attacked by Luo Cheng last time, and now the Goguryeo people were forced to move their capital back to the inner city of the capital.The domestic city is in the middle reaches of the Yalu River, so the difficulty of the Sui army's goal this time is indeed much less difficult. After all, the new city is still in the hands of the Sui army. From the new city to the domestic city, marching along the Xiaoliao River, there is nothing ahead The big mountain city blocked it, and there were only some small mountain cities. The real hard bones were domestic and Duwan. As for the strong cities like Wugu and Liaodong, you can ignore them this time, just keep an eye on them to prevent them from coming out to support The domestic city will do.

From Xincheng to China, it is only a few hundred miles. Even the Navy, from Donglai to the mouth of the Yalu River, has reduced the distance by almost half.

If there are no other accidents, Wang Bodang thinks that this time's Zhengliao may really have a good chance. After all, the difficulty is much less than last time, and the last battle of Goguryeo was also seriously injured. It was captured back to the Sui Dynasty, and the capital of the country was ruined. The loss of soldiers and civilians in World War I was no less than 30. This was even more serious for Goguryeo, which had a total population of only 600 million.

However, Li Mi said, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Now that wars are raging all over the country, it has become a prairie fire. At this time, Yang Guang doesn't want to settle down first, but wants to fight outside. This is his own death."

Wang Bodang suddenly felt that Yang Guang was quite pitiful. He had hoped to conquer Liao again, but with Li Mi and Yang Xuangan secretly plotting chaos, this second Eastern Expedition would definitely be difficult to succeed.

He also understands why Li Mi is so eager to kill Luo Cheng, because when Yang Xuangan raises troops in Liyang after the Eastern Expedition, he can open the Liyang warehouse to release grain at that time, and he can quickly summon countless troops.Regardless of whether Yang Xuan felt that he wanted to go north to block Linyu Pass, or go south to seize Luoyang, the eastern capital, Henan couldn't ignore it.

But Luo Cheng was so conspicuous in Zhengliao, so capable of fighting, Yang Xuan felt how they could rest assured that there was such a person behind him.Even if Luo Cheng was selected by the emperor as the head of the navy, just in case, if there is a chance, he must be killed.

In Liaodong, Luo Chengneng, with the strength of a single army, forcibly killed seven in and seven out, who would not be afraid.But now he is the consolation and arresting ambassador of Henan, and has the privilege of entrusting the appointment. Both Yang Xuangan and Li Mi feel that Luo Cheng is a big threat, and they want to get rid of him quickly, so that he will not become that accident at that time.

"It's still too short a time. I originally thought that Luo Cheng would enter the court as the commander of the imperial guards, but who would have expected that he would be imprisoned in Henan."

"Teacher, didn't the imperial edict just issued grant Luo the title of General Zuo Xiaowei?"

"The left and right Xiaowei generals and generals are nothing more than false titles. The real commanders of the emperor's one hundred thousand Xiaoguo army are the twelve Zhechong Zhonglang generals and Guoyi Zhonglang generals. Although Luo Cheng was promoted from the third rank General Zuo Xiaowei, but if he doesn’t leave Henan, he’s just a general.”

Li Mi chuckled, "Yu Zhongwen's death is unjust, he was also a general and general, but unfortunately he was killed by Yang Guang. Now the only people in the court who are truly feared are Luo Yi, Luo Cheng and his son, Li Jing and Xue Shixiong. Yes, but these people will follow Liao to conquer Liao, so if Luo Cheng can be killed this time, not only will there be no commander in the Liao navy for the second conquest, but also when Yang Gong and Li Yang raise troops, they will no longer have to worry about their backs."

You know, Li Mi has been planning for Yang Xuangan for many years, and he has been persuading Yang Xuangan to be patient, just to wait for an excellent opportunity.Last time when he conquered Liao, Yang Xuangan couldn't help thinking of soldiers, but it was Li Mi who persuaded him.

Now this opportunity has finally come. As long as Yang Guang once again drives to conquer Goguryeo in person, he can raise his flag and raise his troops.

"Hey, it's time for this country to change its owner!"

(End of this chapter)

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