Chapter 434 Close the door

The fifth update is here, and the [-]th chapter monthly pass plus more is here!

East County.

Facao Zhai Rang is taking several subordinate officials to seal the case files. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and the Yamen will also be sealed and locked for the New Year holiday.

"Facao, happy event."

"Why do you like it?" Zhai Rang asked. His life has not been easy recently. As a county judge, he is in charge of criminal and prison proceedings to catch thieves and thieves, but now bandits are everywhere and swarming everywhere. of.The boss repeatedly asked him to hold him accountable, and he felt that he had not been a lawyer for long.

"The newly-appointed consolation ambassador has just issued an official document, saying that he has declared to the court that you are the governor of Dongjun County, and that you will be in charge of the soldiers and bravery of Dongjun County, the power of soldiers and horses, and assist the prefect. He also asked you to go to Qi County see."

"Are you kidding?" Zhai Rang didn't quite believe it. After all, he was only one of the six Cao Caos in the county, and his rank was far from the county's prime minister.

"I'm not joking. The eunuch has already taken over the official documents for you, so you should hurry over there."

Another official immediately said, "Our new consolation ambassador is your brother-in-law, Facao, and now he is the consolation ambassador, and he is entrusted with the honorary title. Naturally, he will not forget you."

Everyone's eyes are full of envy. Zhai Rang, who was almost unable to keep Facao a moment ago, is now promoted to Juncheng in a blink of an eye. Even if it is just to appease the ambassador, he has not yet been officially approved by the court. That is enough to make people envious. With an emperor's celebrity like Luo Cheng protecting him, the position of the county magistrate is naturally stable.

"Congratulations to Chancellor Zhai!"

"Congratulations on being promoted to the county magistrate!"

Zhai Rang came to Qianya, and sure enough the prefect was talking to a messenger. The prefect, who was very disgusted and dissatisfied with him, was very enthusiastic now.

After receiving the official document, Zhai Rang finally showed a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'm going to Qi County to meet the ambassador today."

The prefect said on the side, "I will go with you too."

Jibei County.

Cheng Yaojin left Chengjiazhuang with a few entourages, and rode on the official road. At the end of the twelfth lunar month, Henan was extremely cold, the breath turned into frost, and the water turned into ice, and the horse's hoof beat on the frozen road, making a crisp sound.

He just received an official document from Luo Chengyi, the new consolation ambassador. He was originally only a captain of the township regiment of Dong'e County in Jibei, but he was promoted to a captain of the army of Jibei County at once, responsible for commanding the soldiers of Jibei County and assisting the governor.

"Damn it, you have to have someone on your head these days."

Thinking about it, he was originally a school lieutenant in the county barracks, but because there was no one there, he had to leave the county barracks and return to the village to continue working on his own village regiment.

Now, the old brother Luo Cheng has suddenly become a conciliatory ambassador, and he has risen to the sky, and the tide has risen all boats, and he has been directly promoted to the county soldier's school lieutenant.

"Speaking of which, our little brother Luo Cheng is really interesting. He will give you some promotions as soon as he comes back."

"That is, one hero and three gangs. Qi Guogong was promoted to the Henan comfort and arrest ambassador. The first thing is to quell the bandit chaos. In this respect, you still have to rely on old brothers like you, Mr. Lang."

Cheng Yaojin laughed loudly, and galloped fast.

After running for a while, I came across a village and saw a small stall at the entrance of the village, so I got off my horse and asked for tea and snacks.The thing is very simple. The tea cake made by steaming coarse tea leaves is crushed into foam, then boiled with ginger and garlic, salt, and chopped green onion.Then it is served with a few fragrant fried flax cakes, which is not bad on this cold road.

"Shopkeeper, you are not afraid of encountering thieves when you come out to set up a stall?"

"You don't know about this guest officer. Ever since Qi Guogong became the ambassador of Henan comfort and arrest, and Zhang Taishou became the deputy envoy, the thieves and bandits on the ground in Henan have almost run away. We all know that these two can fight, who will fight?" Dare to act wildly. No, it’s rare for me to stop here for a few days before I dare to come out and set up a stall to earn some scattered subsidies for the family.”

The rough Cheng Yaojin sat in front of the stall, stroking his beard with his hands, looking at the businessmen and travelers on the official road, as well as these people sitting in front of the stall, he chuckled.

After eating a bowl of hot tea and a few flax cakes, I felt much warmer and less stiff.


"Chenghui, ten coins per person."

A bowl of tea plus four flax cakes costs only ten Wen, and both tea and cakes cost two Wen.

Cheng Yaojin didn't think the price was expensive, but felt it was a bit cheap. After all, since the Eastern Expedition began, food prices in various places have risen, especially this summer's floods, which have caused many places to fail autumn harvests, and the price of food has risen even more.

"Your price is too cheap, can you make money?"

"I don't want to make any money by setting up a stall. Besides, if the price is too high, others will not come here. Fortunately, the new comfort ambassador has ordered the counties and counties to open warehouses to release grain, rescue the victims, and stabilize the price of grain. Now the price of food has dropped a lot. Here, I can earn three melons and two dates every day, and I am satisfied."

Cheng Yaojin and others gave the money and moved on.

"Our Luo Shuai has a good reputation in the hearts of the people."

"You can make the people live a stable life, and you can also be praised by the people." Cheng Yaojin said.

On the official road, there are still several teams rushing towards Qi County.

Facao Zhairang of Dongjun was promoted to Chengcheng of Dongjun, and Huang Junhan of Junbing Xiaowei of Dongjun was promoted to Duwei of Dongjun.

Xu Shiji, Lieutenant of the Township Tuan, was promoted to Lieutenant of Bing Xiao of Dongping County.

Shan Xiongxin, Lieutenant of the Xiangtuan School of Jiyin County, was promoted to Lieutenant of the Military School of Jiyin County.

After receiving the order, they all rushed to Qi County.

Qi County.


Luo Cheng took off his armor, put on a purple robe and jade belt, and wore a gold medal and purple ribbon.

The old Zhangqiu brothers behind him all changed into official robes one by one at this time.

The scarlet robes of the fourth and fifth ranks, the green robes of the sixth and seventh ranks, and the green robes of the eighth and ninth ranks, almost everyone wears official robes.

The brand-new official robes looked a bit awkward on these Jiujiu warriors, but they already showed an incomparably domineering arrogance from a distance.

Especially these guys, all of them are riding tall horses, with Goguryeo's servants behind them, driving carts of money and property.

The fourth child is wearing a fifth-grade light scarlet official robe, which is very frightening.

"Why didn't anyone come out to greet him? Why, no one knows about our return today?" the fourth child asked suspiciously.

Luo Cheng said helplessly, "Do you still want your father to go out of the city twenty miles to meet you?"

"Don't dare, but my mother-in-law should always bring the child to greet her."

Being close to the hometown and being timid, Luo Cheng didn't know how to face Shan Binbin in a while.

Zhangqiu City was just ahead, and after two years, the city seemed to be much taller.

"In the past two years, bandits and bandits have besieged Zhangqiu City five times. Countless people died in the battle. The addition of a few fortresses has really changed a lot." Zhang Xutuo said to Luo Cheng with a smile.

"Well, it's a big change."

The team came to the city gate, but the gate was still closed.

The fourth child was a little unhappy and shouted to the city, "Presumptuous, who dares to stop us!"

A green-robed official appeared on the top of the city, but it was Luo Gui, the magistrate of Zhangqiu County. He stood on the top of the city gate and said coldly, "I ordered the gate to be closed."

Seeing that it was Dad, the fourth child had no choice but to smile bitterly at the top of the wall, "Father, what did you do?"

Luo Cheng jumped off his horse and bowed his hands to the city, "Father, my son is back."

But the old man in the city just kept a dark face, "You still have the face to come back, let me ask you, did you bring the daughters of the Li family, Cui family, and Yan family?"

Li Xiuning dismounted, came to Luo Cheng's side, and bowed to the city, "My concubine, Li Sanniang, pays my respects to Uncle."

Seeing this, Cui Qiniang had no choice but to get off her horse and come over to pay her respects.

In the end, the old man just snorted coldly, "It's fine to enter the city if you want, but you are not allowed to bring those two women in, or else, don't come in."

This made Luo Cheng very embarrassed.

 Thanks to Xintian 1 and Le's Fusheng for their support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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