Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 437 Rebuilding the 5th Left Army

Chapter 437 Rebuilding the Left Fifth Army

When Luo Cheng sat down, the hall suddenly fell silent.

Although many of these people who came here today are also his friends, they also have a common identity, that is, Luo Cheng's subordinates.

"Everyone, Chinese New Year is only a few days away. I called everyone here at this time. I guess many people are scolding their mothers. However, there is no way. Now Henan is in turmoil and bandits are everywhere, which seriously affects the local order. , as a local official, if we don’t think of a way to deal with it, then more people will have a bad year, and we will all be scolded by jumping feet.”

Everyone put away their relaxed expressions. They thought they came to celebrate Luo Cheng's promotion, but now it seems that this young boss is obviously not here to show off his status.

"According to the current situation in Henan, I have two plans. The first is to let the twelve counties open warehouses to distribute grain, not only to provide relief to the victims of the disaster, but also to stabilize the high grain prices. In order to prevent profiteers from taking the opportunity For hoarding, the official warehouses will take out grains to stabilize grain prices, implement a unified distribution system, and limit the supply according to the registered population.

The purpose of opening warehouses to release grain is to provide disaster relief and to curb grain prices, all for the purpose of stabilizing the region.Only when the people can fill their stomachs, then everyone will not rebel and rob regardless of everything. After all, as long as most people can have a stutter, they will not rebel desperately.

"The first plan is to appease, and the second plan is to suppress. Guangfu is not enough, there are always some arrogant and bold people who dare to do any evil thing. So I have issued a call-up order, and I will be in the twelve counties of Henan. Conscript [-] government soldiers to form a standing army for hunting thieves and catching thieves.

In addition, next, I will work with Deputy Envoy Zhang to reorganize the county soldiers and township braves in each county. Each county must mobilize elites to form a standing county barracks of 500 people, which can be on standby at any time. A unit that can fight tough battles. "

Luo Cheng took out the plan of the joint defense of the counties that he had made when he was just the Sima of the Changbai Mansion. The counties integrated intelligence resources, shared intelligence, and joined forces for defense.

There is a police in a county, and it can support from all directions.

In order to ensure combat effectiveness, Luo Cheng asked the captains of the counties to pull out a military force of about 1000 to [-] people, keep it in the battalion, and be ready to go out at any time.

And the county magistrates of each county will also set up a county battalion of 500 people, so that they can send troops at any time.

As for the counties and townships, they are also required to be able to patrol the joint defense at any time.

In short, he wants to set up a big network in the twelve counties of Henan, set up checkpoints on every road, and set up inspections on every mountain pass. Everyone who enters or leaves the county must be checked by the local village chief. Zhenghe and the guide issued by the county government, without these, you can't leave home for hundreds of miles.

First crucify people in the counties and townships so that they cannot move. As for the lack of food due to disasters, then pull out the food first.Henan is not short of food. After all, there are several large warehouses of the imperial court in Henan, and there are also transshipment warehouses and righteous warehouses in various counties and counties. There is no shortage of food, but the officials did not dare to open warehouses before they were ordered.

As long as you are willing to open a position, the victims of the disaster can be appeased.

"Qi Gong, it is no problem for the county to pull up a standing battalion of 500 soldiers, but our county soldiers generally lack equipment and equipment, and the equipment is old and damaged, and most of the county soldiers are conscripted by the common people. In case of spring plowing and autumn harvest or when the imperial court calls for service, they have to leave again, which makes it difficult for the county soldiers to form a combat force." Zhai Rang raised a practical problem, and if these problems are not solved, the county barracks will be useless even if they pull up troops.Today, 500 people are recruited, but those who are short of soldiers and weapons may be called to transport grain and build rivers and cities tomorrow.

"In this regard, I will issue an official document. All the people who are selected to enter the standing battalion of the county soldiers can be exempted from the miscellaneous labor, and the government will not send them any more. In addition, I will unplug the required weapons and equipment for you, Including armor and horses, and will also arrange for you to train the county soldiers with instructors."

Luo Cheng dared to say this because although the Donglai Navy was disbanded, there are still eight naval camps in Donglai County. There are still a large number of ships and equipment there, which were prepared for the Eastern Expedition before. Still stored there.

Anyway, it was left on, but Luo Cheng was unceremonious and ready to pull it out for the people below.

In the twelve counties of Henan, one county, one government barracks plus one county barracks, even if each battalion has five to 800 people, the total number can reach about 5000.

And Luo Cheng, as the arresting ambassador, will recruit five thousand government soldiers to form his direct battalion.

Calculated in this way, Luo Chengcheng can have 2 horses. As long as they are fully equipped and trained, the combat effectiveness of such a standing soldier is not ordinary.

Wei Zheng was thinking in his heart, if Luo Cheng only wanted to deal with bandits and bandits from all over Henan, there was actually no need to bring out so many soldiers, especially these soldiers would be standing soldiers, and apart from these standing soldiers, the counties still had There are many government soldiers and county soldiers who can be recruited at any time, and there are more in number.

He always felt that Luo Cheng's actions became more and more bold since he came back from Liaodong.

A standing army of 2 people, isn't this just like the Xiaoguo army that the emperor is forming?

Why did Luo Cheng think the same as the emperor and dislike the government soldiers and county soldiers who are both farmers and soldiers?

What are they planning?
Even Wei Zheng, who has always been smart, couldn't figure out Luo Cheng's thoughts for a while.

Luo Cheng also knew that he was a little urgent, but he didn't have so much time to wait.

Now he happens to be sitting in this favorable position. Donglai has ships, ordnance, and food, and Henan has a lot of food and soldiers. As long as he is bolder, he can build a fighting force before Yang Xuangan. The army is coming.

It's a pity that there may be another eastward expedition next year, otherwise Luo Cheng would not need to be so urgent. If he is given two years, he is confident that he can manage slowly. Come with your own stable power.

It's a pity that time waits for no one.

In fact, if possible, Luo Cheng would like to call up all the old troops of the [-] left and five armies, but he knew that even with his special status as the God of War in Liaodong, the court and the emperor would not easily allow him to do so .

Being able to recruit [-] old troops in the twelve counties of Henan is already very remarkable.

This is already testing the court's bottom line crazily, and may even lead to joint suppression from those in the court who have always looked down on him, but Luo Cheng can't care.

Given the opportunity, it would be a pity not to fight hard.

(End of this chapter)

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