Chapter 440
"The commander-in-chief patrols the camp!"

Daye nine years, the ninth day of the first month.

The new year is not over yet, but Luo Cheng has recruited [-] Henan-born leftists from the Fifth Army to return to the barracks.Outside Zhangqiu City, under Changbai Mountain, the camp was very hot.

A group of old brothers once again put on their armored robes and returned to the barracks. When they met, they greeted each other and shared the food they brought from home. This kind of joyful atmosphere was still strong, but Luo Chengchu came early in the morning Patrol.

"The commander-in-chief patrols the camp!"

A group of teenagers held up Luo Cheng's flag and guard of honor, and the drum band played drums and horns. Although the rhythm was slow, once the battle was set up, the soldiers in the camp became serious.

When Luo Cheng governed the army, he first emphasized military discipline.

Today's Luo Cheng is wearing Shang Fang Yujia, riding a Qinghai dragon horse, accompanied by a group of senior generals behind him.And the guards around are all young people.

These teenagers have a lot of background, they are Changbai orphans who have been very famous in Qi County for the past two years.At first they were orphans collected by Luo Chengzhangqiu's fallen young soldiers, to be adopted sons of those fallen young soldiers and inherit the incense.Later, more and more were collected, and over the past few years, there are now about a thousand teenagers in the Changbai Orphan Camp.

The youngest is only eight or nine years old, and the oldest is thirteen or fourteen.

For example, Luo Cheng's adopted sons Kan Leng, Wang Xiongdan, and Ximen Junyi were among the earliest adopted sons.This time when Luo Cheng came back, he specially went to the orphanage camp, and was very satisfied with the current situation of the orphanage.

Then he also put forward some new plans of his own for the development of the orphanage camp, such as continuing to adopt orphans, and for those young orphans, in addition to raising them, he also taught them to read and write, learn martial arts, and train battle formations.

After receiving a few years of basic studies, Luo Cheng will assign these adopted children who have reached the age of ten to the army.These adoptive sons are not soldiers, but attendants of mid-level and high-level officers. While serving as guards for the officers, they follow them to learn about the military.

After three years as a servant, Luo Cheng planned to arrange for these teenagers to go down to the team and serve as deputy positions for the Huochang team members.

After they experience the real tempering below, these teenagers who are already seventeen or eighteen years old will almost be able to grow up, and they can also serve as grassroots officers. After further polishing, those who can survive will be They will all become the backbone of the army.

This is actually similar to the age of great voyages, the young trainee officers in the navies of those European countries, or the servant knights of the lord knights in Europe in the Middle Ages.

This can also be regarded as a non-commissioned officer who has been trained as a professional since childhood, prepared from an early age, and studied and grown in the army all his life.

It is foreseeable that as long as a certain amount of time is given, Luo Chengcheng will have a team of loyal subordinates who are professional in military literacy and have high loyalty in six years, nine years, and ten years.

Today, Luo Cheng has selected the first batch of 1000 people during the 300 years in the righteous camp, and assigned them to the mid-level and senior officers of the regiment, lieutenants, battalion captains, and lieutenants.

Even Luo Cheng himself specially chose eight teenagers by his side. These eight teenagers were the older and most valiant ones in the orphan camp. He chose them to be trainees by his side, which was considered a kindness to them. A positive reward.

Cunxiao, Siye and other generals felt a little unaccustomed to Luo Cheng giving them a batch of small radish heads at first. After all, the conditions on the battlefield were harsh, and these teenagers who were only ten, eleven or twelve years old were really too If it is weaker, it will only become a drag on the battlefield.

But Luo Cheng didn't care whether they were happy or not, he solemnly declared that they must accept these teenagers, and told them that they must take good care of them.

The big camp outside Zhangqiu City is not small.

Now here are not only the 800 troops directly under Luo Cheng, but also the [-] standing soldiers of the Weifu of Qi County, and the [-] standing soldiers of the county. In addition, although Zhangqiu is only a county, because this county has been prominent in the past few years, It is Luo Cheng's hometown, so there are also a standing battalion of [-] government soldiers, a standing battalion of [-] county soldiers, and even a standing battalion of [-] township soldiers. In addition, Shan Binbin also pulled a standing battalion of [-] soldiers. Female soldiers make this company very lively.

The battalions add up to more than [-] people.

However, although there are many people and horses, each battalion is also separated by number.

Luo Cheng started from the direct battalion.

Luo Cheng only recruited 5000 people from the old Department of the Fifth Army around [-].

Now the five thousand brothers who have returned have been reorganized.

A vanguard scout light cavalry regiment was established, with five hundred light cavalry.

The Wooden Niu Liuma Heavy Cavalry Regiment consists of five hundred cavalry.

Pioneer broke the army's light cavalry regiment and compiled a thousand light cavalry.

The Shenwei Modao Chongbu Group has 500 members.

Dancing Daopai light step regiment, 500 members.

First ascend the spear and light step regiment, and make up 1000 people.

The Brave Bow and Crossbow Light Infantry Regiment has 500 members, and the Fearless Supplies Carriage Regiment has 500 members.

A total of five thousand, two thousand cavalry, three thousand infantry.

A total of 5000 people were divided into eight regiments, divided into three compartments.

The purple-faced heavenly king Zhao Gui commanded the front chamber, Mo Dao general Luo Siye commanded the middle chamber, and the fierce tiger Luo Cunxiao commanded the rear chamber.

The rest of the generals are divided into lieutenant generals, Dubian generals, lieutenant generals, battalion captains, etc. When they were in Liaodong, they all commanded more than ten thousand troops, but now they only command one or two thousand troops, but everyone did not. Why do you care.

After all, in addition to their control of the regiment of the headquarters, Luo Cheng also awarded the [-] soldiers and horses in the Henan counties together with designations, and then assigned them to Siye and other brothers.

As the elite of the elite, Luo Cheng's 5000 officers are equipped with extremely luxurious equipment, and the equipment of the [-] brothers is also luxurious.

The cavalry is equipped with two horses, and even the infantry is equipped with mounts. In addition, almost every soldier is equipped with a pack horse.Not to mention that everyone wears armor and everyone wears a bow.

Luo Cheng patrolled over by battalion, and every time he passed a battalion, these old brothers were all neatly dressed and lined up in a neat formation to accept the patrol.

After leaving the old camp, and then arriving at the county camp, the county government barracks and the county barracks are much different. Although the morale is not bad, they are all young and strong, but the equipment is far worse. It is similar to the county barracks Luo Cheng used to be in Zhangqiu. Even if the government soldiers, only the cavalry has horses, and the infantry is a group of ten people and six pack mules.

"Wang Canjun, bring the weapons from Donglai as soon as possible. I hope these brothers can complete the change as soon as possible."

Wang Ziming quickly nodded in response, "The first batch of weapons is already on the way, and they are being transported along the Jishui River."

"Just in case, General Zhao, you take 2000 people in the front compartment and move to Bohai County. Make sure to ensure the safety along the way from Donglai to Qi County, and never let the thieves loot ordnance."

Scar-faced Zhao Gui patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Commander, there will be no accidents with two thousand old brothers."

"I will assign the [-] standing government soldiers and [-] county soldiers of Beihai County to your jurisdiction." Luo Cheng arranged.

Zhang Xutuo has already returned to Xingyang. He will sit in Hulaoguan, where he will form his [-] troops directly under him, and will be in charge of the counties in western Henan.

(End of this chapter)

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