Chapter 453
The emperor dismissed Luo Cheng from the post of ambassador of comfort and arrest in Henan, but Luo Cheng still brought his 8000 troops with him.The generals didn't think there was any problem with this, and the new comfort ambassador Pei Renji didn't stop him, even if he did, it might not be useful.

The soldiers and horses crossed the Yellow River and returned to Qi County.

When passing through Lujiao Pass, Luo Cheng handed Lujiao Pass back to General Liu Zhen. At the same time, he also left a lot of money, silk, food and some captives for General Liu Zhen, which can be regarded as borrowing travel expenses.

Liu Zhenjiang didn't want it, but he couldn't accept it, so he had no choice but to accept it.

Luo Cheng patted his butt and returned to Henan. He reckoned that his Lujiaoguan town would not have a good time when he turned back.

Back in Qi County, Zhang Xutuo had already arrived.

"The general has meritorious service in pacifying the bandits, but His Majesty has done so. It really chills the hero."

Luo Cheng smiled, "It's nothing. It's not that there is no lesson from the past. Yu Zhongwen died unjustly last time. Forget it, it's not a big loss anyway. It's just the dismissal of two official posts, and it's not because of expulsion. People. At least we didn’t take this trip in vain this time, the captives, livestock and other trophies brought back are real.”

Removal of official posts will remove them, but the seizure will not be turned over.

As soon as he returned to Zhangqiu, Luo Chengcheng was personally responsible for dividing the spoils. According to the old method, everyone got a share, those who did more meritorious deeds got more points, and those who made less meritorious deeds also got a share.

Because too many people were captured, the brothers who went north this time basically distributed a few slaves to each of them, and the barracks of each standing prefecture barracks and county barracks also allocated one or two hundred captives as farm slaves.

Not to mention, everyone also shared a lot of money.

It can be said that everyone is happy. After all, it was only a trip, and there was not much damage in the battle. Only about two hundred brothers were lost. Luo Chengcheng comforted each brother who died in battle. The family gave ten prisoners as slaves, and He also gave cows, horses, money and silk. This treatment was astonishing enough.

After the things are divided, Luo Cheng can be regarded as relieved of the duty of arresting ambassador.

"Don't worry about going to Donglai, I will continue here. We will continue to use the ones we set before." Zhang Xutuo is also a real person, and he has no intention of changing the strategies that Luo Cheng set before.

"Pei Renji will take office later, and you shouldn't have any problems partnering with him then."

Zhang Xutuo said with a smile, "I fought side by side with General Pei before. We are old acquaintances. He is easy to get along with."

"Teacher, when I go back to Donglai, I will take five thousand old brothers away."

"It's okay, just take it with you."

Back to Zhangqiu's hometown.

The old man had nothing to do with Luo Cheng being dismissed from two official positions, but Li Xiuning said something to Luo Cheng.

"The big tree attracts the wind, and the citrons in their early years rot first. Now you have offended not only Yu Wenshu, but also Yang Xuangan. Why do you do things so out of line?"

"Yang Xuangan is a scourge. I'm leaving Dongzheng soon. If I mess with him a few times, I won't let this guy endanger our Zhangqiu."

"But your method is too outrageous."

"Never mind him, sometimes you just have to mess around like this a few times."

"Why?" Li Xiuning was puzzled.

"If you ask your father, you will know. As far as I know, your father is a bit ridiculous in Liucheng County recently. He drinks and has fun every day. He is also a beautiful woman and a singer. He is very addicted to wine and sex."

Li Xiuning frowned, "My father was not like this before, maybe because he was coldly received by the emperor during the last Eastern Expedition, and he was a little disheartened."

Luo Cheng hehe.

"Actually, you are wrong. Your father is not really addicted to sex, but because the emperor is dissatisfied with your father, so your father deliberately pollutes himself now, just to avoid the same fate as Yu Zhongwen. People, sometimes Just follow your father, you are too powerful, otherwise the emperor will be worried, and if you make some mistakes, the emperor will feel relieved."

Li Xiuning thought about it, and felt that what Luo Cheng said seemed to make some sense.

He, Luo Cheng, was young and high-skilled. If he behaved too well, wouldn't it worry the emperor? Now that Luo Cheng acted recklessly and made some minor mistakes, he could let the emperor know that, in fact, Luo Cheng is just an immature young general.

"I'm going to Donglai soon, and I'm going to sea in March. I plan to take you all to Donglai, where it will be safer. The heartland of the Central Plains will eventually be chaotic."

Although Luo Cheng beheaded eight kings and thirteen princes this time, there are too many grass-headed kings these days, and if Zhang San is killed, Wang Si will replace him immediately, and the killings are endless.

As long as the emperor continues to die, the rebels will not stop.

But who can persuade the emperor? The first Eastern Expedition has just ended, and this is the second time in half a year. Not to mention Yang Xuan's rebellion, but Luo Cheng's rebellion.

It's just that he also knew that with his qualifications and prestige, if he really wanted to do anything against him, he would be dead.

It's better to let Yang Xuangan die first, and he will just watch from behind.

"But my father is now the county magistrate of Zhangqiu, so I can't do without him."

"It doesn't matter. I have already arranged it. My father will take up the post of the head of Donglai County. Our whole family will move to Donglai." Donglai County is the easternmost part of Henan Province, where there is a naval camp. It's much safer. No matter how much trouble the Central Plains makes, it won't be affected easily.

When the strength is not enough, some thoughts can only be kept in the heart and cannot be expressed.Although Luo Cheng didn't want to go to the east again, the emperor ordered him to accept it.

Since it is inevitable to leave, the family is the most worrying.

The last time he walked for two years, Zhangqiu was besieged by bandits several times. Although he survived, it was still very dangerous.

At dinner, Luo Cheng told his father about his decision.

"Do you think there will be more chaos, this situation?" Dad asked.

"It will definitely be more chaotic. You all know that this time I went north to Pingyuan County and killed eight kings and thirteen princes in one battle. You can see how chaotic it has become now. There are people who call themselves kings and dukes everywhere. , There are more and more thieves and bandits, and their power is getting stronger and stronger. Moreover, now that there are undercurrents surging in all parties, soon it will not only be these small people who rebelled."

"Could there be more rebellions?"

"Well, the rebellion of the common people is just an introduction. The world is getting more and more chaotic, and soon there will be landlords and powerful people rebelling, and even nobles and high-ranking officials will rebel. This world will only become more and more chaotic."

Father Luo has always believed in his son's judgment. After thinking about it, he sighed, "If that's the case, then let's go, so as to save you from worrying all the time outside."

"Well, then I will prepare in the next few days, pack up what needs to be packed, and bring everything I can bring with me. I don't know when I can come back after I leave."

Shan Binbin and the others just sighed and didn't say much.

If it is absolutely necessary, who would like to leave their hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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