Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 470 The Wolf's Ambition

Chapter 470 The Wolf's Ambition
Before leaving Luoyang for the expedition, Yang Guang asked a well-known master in the world to confront him and asked the master to divination about the situation of the second Eastern Expedition.The emperor was very dissatisfied with Yuzhi's answer, and Yuzhi replied, "I am indeed stupid, but I still stick to my previous opinion. If Your Majesty is going to march in person, it will take too much hard work."

When Yang Guang heard this, he was furious, "My Royal Conqueror will go on a personal expedition, and I cannot win with a million troops. How can I succeed if I send only one general?"

At that time, Yu Zhi recommended several generals to the emperor, saying, "Li Jing, Luo Yi, Xue Shixiong, Yang Yichen, and Luo Cheng, five people, choose one to be the commander, and lead an army of 30 to [-]. With a year's worth of effort, Goguryeo can be wiped out."

But the emperor believed that although the five generals could fight, they were not qualified enough to lead such a war of annihilating the country.

The emperor believed that he was the one who could really control those generals well.

Later, when he drank with Yu Shiji Pei Yun and other close officials in the palace of Zhuojun County, he even said bluntly, "Everyone in the world thinks that I inherit the legacy of the late emperor to own the world. Son of Heaven."

The emperor is very conceited, but he does have arrogance.

Yang Guang can also be regarded as a person who was born with a golden key in his mouth. He can be called the top second generation, but unlike many second generations, Yang Guang worked hard when he was young, practicing martial arts and studying diligently.

In terms of martial arts, even the emperor in his 40s can still gallop and shoot, and he can swing a horse well.And if the thesis is good, in fact, this emperor can be called a great writer of contemporary literature. His poems and songs are not flattering, and he is also the top of the contemporary generation.

He even swept away the gorgeous rhetoric of palace-style poems that have been popular since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and created a new genre, that is, frontier poetry.His spring river flowers and moonlit night, water tune songs, etc. are also very good.

Later, Li Shimin, who has been scolding Yang Guang, also wrote Yinma Great Wall Cave Tour and Spring River Moonlight Night, but his theoretical level is far worse than Yang Guang.

Yang Guang is indeed capable of literary and martial arts, which is very good, but he is not omnipotent.

He destroyed Tuyuhun, pacified Yiwu, defeated Turks, conquered Linyi, attacked Liuqiu, etc., but it did not make him an omnipotent emperor all at once.

When he was immersed in the fantasy of his great cause, he didn't realize that he was out of touch with reality, and he was getting further and further away.

Yang Xuangan, who is also the top second generation, has been resenting Yang Guang for forcing his father to death for several years. On the surface, he is very loyal to Yang Guang, but in fact he wants to kill Yang Guang more than once.

It was his uncle who had been persuading him to forbear, and it was his friend Li Mi who had been planning for him all the time, which made him forbear till now.

But hard work pays off to those who are willing, and Yang Xuangan finally waited for a suitable opportunity.

After his and Li Mi's unremitting planning efforts, he finally earned enough trust from the emperor. The Second Eastern Expedition began, and he was appointed as the Governor of Grain and Grass, and he was stationed in Liyang.

Staying in Liyang, Yang Xuangan has been moving quietly.

He first conspired with Li Mi to lure more than a dozen bandit troops from Henan and Hebei to Douzigang, and then broke through Pingyuan County City. In the county town, many anti-armies were surrendered, and these peripheral forces were successfully accepted under the command. They could also take the opportunity to place people to occupy Pingyuan County, etc., or arrange the uncontrolled soldiers and horses of Ji County to Pingyuan and separate them.

By the way, you can also get weapons, money and food from Pingyuan County.

Unfortunately, this plan was only half successful. Luo Cheng's sudden appearance made Yang Xuan feel that Li Mi's plan had failed.Dozens of thieves, their nests in Douzigang were raided, and countless money and livestock gathered were taken away. These originally belonged to Yang Xuangan.

Then captured nearly 20 thieves in Pingyuan County, and 3000 of them were killed by Luo Cheng. Thousands were beheaded and tens of thousands were captured. Eight kings and thirteen princes died in the capital of all the thieves.

Luo Cheng entered Pingyuan county first.

Although Yang Xuangan heard Li Mi's plot, he rushed to report Luo Cheng's black case to the emperor on a flying horse.

In the end, Luo Cheng had no success, and was stripped of his post of consolation and arrest ambassador, and went south in desperation, but when this bastard left, he still took away the thieves who had captured them, as well as the countless weapons, money and food .

Pingyuan County is just a ghost city.

What made him most angry was that even though Luo Cheng had left, he had previously promoted Yang Yuanhong and Yang Shanhui to be Pingyuan prefect and county magistrate without authorization, and the emperor actually agreed to this promotion.

So even though Luo Cheng left, Yang Xuangan didn't get any benefit from Pingyuan County.

Fortunately, Yang Xuangan waited for Luo Cheng to leave, and immediately sent troops to Gaojibo in Qinghe County, where he fought several "big victories", surrendered Wang Run and other dozen bandits, and recruited tens of thousands.

He also took advantage of the opportunity to deploy troops in Qinghe County, and left many soldiers from Ji County there.

Since this war.

The canal resumed navigation, and the front line urged Li Yang to transfer grain and grass to the front line.

On the one hand, Yang Xuangan agreed and distributed grain and grass, but on the other hand, he asked Li Mi to lead a large group of thieves to block the canal and rob the grain boats at Gaojipo in the river.

Therefore, from March onwards, the canal has been blocked. Ten shipments of grain were dispatched from Liyang, but often only three or five shipments of grain entered Zhuojun in the end.This seriously affected the supply of food and grass, and the frontline troops were very dissatisfied.

Then at this time, Yang Xuangan secretly sent someone to summon his brothers Yang Xuanzong and Yang Xuanzhu who were far away to Liyang.

Father and son are soldiers in battle, and you have to be brothers to fight a tiger.

Everything is going on quietly.

The original plan was that Yang Xuangan would start the incident later.

A little later, when the Eastern Expeditionary Army is completely trapped in Liaodong, especially after Yu Wenshu, Yang Yichen and other soldiers arrive at the domestic city, Luo Yi and others go deep into the hinterland of Liaodong, and Luo Chenglai Huer also leads the navy to the Yalu River. It's hard for the armies to go back.

But it was Luo Cheng who disrupted Yang Xuangan's plan.

Damn Luo Cheng didn't go directly to the Yalu River, but first tossed in southern Liaoning, defeated Anshi soldiers, destroyed Ancheng, and even destroyed Beisha City.

Seeing that the situation did not go as expected, Yang Xuangan was also worried that Luo Cheng would have some accidents.

In order to avoid having many nights and dreams, Yang Xuangan had to act in advance.

There are already a lot of rebels in this world, even the Central Plains is full of wars, and ants and thieves are rampant everywhere.

But many people are just forced to helpless, natural disasters, slave labor, famine, and finally starve to death if they don't rebel, so they can only rebel in anger.

And some people rebelled, not because they were about to starve to death. They had no worries about food and clothing, and even had a high status. They were local tyrants, such as Wang Bo, but they also rebelled.

As for Yang Xuangan and Li Mi, the rebellion between the two of them was entirely due to wolf ambition, or they called themselves ambitious. Both of them were the top nobles of the Sui Dynasty, but they were still secretly planning and always ready. Once there was a chance, they would never He raised the banner without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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