Chapter 472

Soldiers are very fast.

Yang Xuangan once told Li Mi that he is not as good as Li Mi in terms of planning, but Li Mi is not as good as him in terms of two battles, commanding and fighting. This is the truth.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, after Yang Xuangan went through a simple selection and training of the more than [-] troops gathered, he began to dispatch troops.

Li Mi led an army of [-] to the left, and went north along the canal to attack Zhuojun and block Linyu Pass.

Wang Bodang and Wang Bo led an army of [-] to the right, crossed the Yellow River south and went down to attack Qi County, occupy this strategic highland in the east of Henan, and block Luocheng to the west.

Then Yang Xuangan personally led [-] soldiers as the central army, with his brother Yang Xuanting as the vanguard.

The three soldiers and horses left Liyang respectively.

Although Yang Xuangan's subordinates are claimed to be 3000, they are actually just mobs. Among them are about 5000 soldiers from the government, [-] soldiers from various counties and counties, and about [-] soldiers who were incorporated into the rebel army. It is composed of Jianghuai sailors who were coerced and deceived, and local folks.

In addition to the Fubingjunbing and some equipment, most of the other subordinates are wearing cloth armor made from temporary sails, and their hands are mainly spears.

Even quite a few, even spears are just sharpened sticks.

There is no bow, no armor, most soldiers hold a single knife, or only a sharpened spear, and a wooden shield made of willow, or even a pot cover as a shield.

However, the morale of this army was good, they all thought that they were not a single rebellion, and that there were so many brothers from Luo Cheng, Luo Yi, and Zhang Xutuo who rebelled.

Besides, they are not short of food.

The Liyang warehouse had several million shi of grain, which they could use. Many people who had not had enough to eat before, after a few days of dry food, their confidence increased greatly, and they felt that they had a great future with the Overlord of Chu.

Before setting off, Yang Xuangan did not forget to mobilize to boost morale.

"I, Yang Xuangan, belong to the Kingdom of Shangzhu, and my family is rich in gold. As for wealth and honor, I am already a minister. But now I don't care about destroying my family and family, and raising troops is to save the world from the danger and save Li Yuan's life! "

The vast majority of the people don't understand that much, but they just think it makes sense. After all, Yang Xuangan is the Duke of Chu, Minister of Rites, and a first-rank official rank. He is still the patriarch of Hongnong Yang, and Yang No one in the world knows the wealth of the family, and now the family is raising troops, it is really not for those fame and wealth.

The morale of the rebels is high.

Yang Xuangan left the Liyang Warehouse and headed east all the way, the local people along the way joined in one after another, and even many powerful gentry followed suit.It's not that these powerful families don't understand, but they have other ideas.

The world of the Yang family was not granted by the gods back then, it was also taken from the Yuwen family in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and the Yuwen family was taken from the Yuan family in the Wei Dynasty. So, they are more aware of the insider nature of this power. king.

Now Yang Guang's second expedition to Liaodong is full of anger and grievances, and Yang Xuangan, Duke of Chu, is amazing no matter his personal prestige, reputation, or the strength and influence of his family. Who can say that Yang Xuangan will not be the next Yuwentai, Isn't he the next Yang Jian?

Conglong Zhigong is still very attractive, many people are not optimistic about Yang Guang, especially at this time, under all kinds of wrong news, once they heard that even Luo Cheng, the god of war, turned against him, then Yang Guang must be cold up.

Kanto is boiling.

People from all over the country, like going to the big market, left their home work and ran to vote for Yang Xuangan. Anyway, if they stayed, they had to transport food for Dongzheng.

It costs several stones to transport one stone on the road. This is not transporting grain, it is bankruptcy.

However, some people think that Yang Xuangan can't accomplish anything, and think that the world will still be in the Sui Dynasty.

For example, Tang Yi, the head of Hanoi County, who was awarded the governor of Huaizhou by Yang Xuangan, had originally taken the people of his county to transport grain to Liyang, but was unlucky when Yang Xuangan made trouble, and then he was detained.

Yang Xuangan named him the governor of Huaizhou and asked him to go back and spread the fire of revolution.

Tang Yi agreed face to face, but as soon as he returned to Hanoi County, he immediately sent someone to inform Fan Zigai, who was staying behind in Dongdu.At the same time, he also advised the prefect of the county to follow the wartime mechanism to prepare the army and mobilize the township.

Fan Zigai in Luoyang City over there was shocked when he heard it. At this time, various rumors were spreading, some were brought back by businessmen, and some were rumors deliberately sent by Yang Xuangan to spread.

Today Luo Cheng rebelled in Donglai, tomorrow Luo Yi rebelled in Liaodong, and the day after tomorrow there was even news that Yu Wenshu killed the king and led Xiaoguo to go south.

All kinds of news came pouring in, and people in Dongdu were panicked.

Fortunately, Tang Yi sent someone over at this time with more reliable news.

Dongdu, Luoyang.

Dongdu stays in the mansion, Fan Zigai has just entered the palace and met the Yue king Yang Yu who stayed behind, and he comforted the flustered grandson of the emperor.

Back home, Fan Zigai began to study countermeasures.

Fan Zigai, who is more than 60 years old this year, is a veteran official. His ancestral home is Huainan. His grandfather was the governor of Yuezhou in Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. His father defected to the Northern Qi Dynasty during the Hou Jing Rebellion.

Therefore, although Fan Zigai grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, he served as an official in the Northern Qi Dynasty when he was young. He first joined the army under King Wuxing of the Northern Qi Dynasty, then became a county magistrate, and later became the prefect of Dongru and Beichen counties. Members outside scattered riding regular servants, named Fuyanghou.

After entering the Sui Dynasty, he successively served as the prefect of Zongyang, the governor of Chenzhou, and other eight prefectures and counties. In addition, he served as the prefect of two counties in the Northern Qi Dynasty. Pretty impressive.

At this time, he was Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Ren Dongdu stayed behind.

Because although he has served in the local area for many years, he can be a clean and honest official, and he also knows how to run the army and fight wars.

The emperor's comments on Fan Zigai were very good, so during the last Eastern Expedition, he was specially allowed to sit in Zhuojun, and this time he was asked to stay in Luoyang.

Yang Xuan felt that Li Yang rebelled, and everyone in Dongdu was panicked, but Fan Zigai was neither panic nor confused.

After thinking about it for a long time, Fan Zigai made the first decision, which was to immediately praise Tang Yi, promote him to the county magistrate, and then let him lead Hanoi county soldiers and horses to block Linqingguan.

Linqingguan is a pass city on the canal from Ji County to Hanoi County.

After blocking this pass city, Yang Xuan felt that it would be more difficult to enter Hanoi. In this way, he had to cross the Yellow River first, and then he had to go through Xingyang Hulao pass to reach the eastern capital Luoyang.

Hulao Pass is even more sad than the Hejin bridges from Hanoi to Luoyang.

Immediately afterwards, he issued the second order, ordering Zhang Xutuo, the Henan arrest ambassador and Xingyang prefect, to strictly guard the Hulao Pass in Xingyang and guard the east gate of Luoyang.

At the same time, he hurriedly reported the situation here to the emperor and asked the emperor to send troops.

On the other hand, Fan Zigai did not forget to borrow troops from Chang'an in Guanzhong, and asked Wei Wensheng, who was guarding Chang'an, to lead his troops to aid the Eastern Capital.

After finishing these, Fan Zigai urgently formed two troops and horses, ready to go to the Xingyang line of Dongjun to stop Yang Xuangan.

It's just that there are not many soldiers left behind in the eastern capital, so there are only 8000 soldiers in each of the two routes.

After finishing all these, Fan Zigai could only wait quietly for the result.

(End of this chapter)

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